
hadoop中用该类来控制对于数据的处理速度 ,主要思想如下:


2、每个周期内处理的bytes固定 。

3、定义每次处理周期的开始时间 。

4、每次处处理完后调用BlockTransferThrottler.throttle(long numOfBytes)方法,若是还未到周期的结束时间,已经将处理了相应的bytes,则该线程wait 。



package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode;

* a class to throttle the block transfers.
* This class is thread safe. It can be shared by multiple threads.
* The parameter bandwidthPerSec specifies the total bandwidth shared by
* threads.
* 该类用于控制数据传输的速率
* 主要是对于每次处理(读/写)分成周期(period),若是该线程的处理速度太快(在这个周期时间还未结束,已经处理了所有的bytes)
* 则wait该线程一会时间,详见93行
class BlockTransferThrottler {
private long period; // period over which bw is imposed 处理周期
private long periodExtension; // Max period over which bw accumulates. 处理的最大周期(一般周期的3倍)
private long bytesPerPeriod; // total number of bytes can be sent in each period 每个时间周期发送的字节数
private long curPeriodStart; // current period starting time 当前周期开始的时间
private long curReserve; // remaining bytes can be sent in the period 剩余可发送的字节数
private long bytesAlreadyUsed; //已经发送的字节数

/** Constructor
@param bandwidthPerSec bandwidth allowed in bytes per second.
BlockTransferThrottler(long bandwidthPerSec) {
this(500, bandwidthPerSec); // by default throttling period is 500ms

* Constructor
@param period in milliseconds. Bandwidth is enforced over this
* period.
@param bandwidthPerSec bandwidth allowed in bytes per second.
BlockTransferThrottler(long period, long bandwidthPerSec) {
this.curPeriodStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.period = period;
this.curReserve = this.bytesPerPeriod = bandwidthPerSec*period/1000;
this.periodExtension = period*3;

@return current throttle bandwidth in bytes per second.
* 返回处理数据的带宽 bytes per second
synchronized long getBandwidth() {
return bytesPerPeriod*1000/period;

* Sets throttle bandwidth. This takes affect latest by the end of current
* period.
@param bytesPerSecond
synchronized void setBandwidth(long bytesPerSecond) {
if ( bytesPerSecond <= 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("" + bytesPerSecond);
bytesPerPeriod = bytesPerSecond*period/1000;

/** Given the numOfBytes sent/received since last time throttle was called,
* make the current thread sleep if I/O rate is too fast
* compared to the given bandwidth.
@param numOfBytes
* number of bytes sent/received since last time throttle was called
synchronized void throttle(long numOfBytes) {
if ( numOfBytes <= 0 ) {

curReserve -= numOfBytes;
bytesAlreadyUsed += numOfBytes;
while (curReserve <= 0) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long curPeriodEnd = curPeriodStart + period;
if ( now < curPeriodEnd ) {
// Wait for next period so that curReserve can be increased.
try {
wait( curPeriodEnd - now );
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}
} else if ( now < (curPeriodStart + periodExtension)) {
curPeriodStart = curPeriodEnd;
curReserve += bytesPerPeriod;
} else {
// discard the prev period. Throttler might not have
// been used for a long time.
curPeriodStart = now;
curReserve = bytesPerPeriod - bytesAlreadyUsed;

bytesAlreadyUsed -= numOfBytes;


posted @ 2012-03-03 20:27  xiao晓  阅读(708)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报