该类的作用同Bobo中的com.browseengine.bobo.util.BoundedPriorityQueue作用一样 。
1、构造一个存储有序但容量固定的数组,数组中数据按升序排列 。
可以向该PriorityQueue中插入数据,但这个数据比最小的那个数据小时,则不插入这个数据 。当数据大于最小的那个数据(top()得到)时候,提出最小的那个数据,然后有序插入到相应的位置 。
源代码以及注释如下 :
/** A PriorityQueue maintains a partial ordering of its elements such that the
least element can always be found in constant time. Put()'s and pop()'s
require log(size) time. */
public abstract class PriorityQueue {
private int size; //当前已经存入的数据
private int maxSize; //最大容量
protected Object[] heap;//存储的的数组
/** Determines the ordering of objects in this priority queue. Subclasses
must define this one method. */
protected abstract boolean lessThan(Object a, Object b);
/** Subclass constructors must call this. */
protected final void initialize(int maxSize) {
size = 0;
int heapSize;
if (0 == maxSize)
// We allocate 1 extra to avoid if statement in top()
heapSize = 2;
heapSize = maxSize + 1;
heap = new Object[heapSize];
this.maxSize = maxSize;
* Adds an Object to a PriorityQueue in log(size) time.
* If one tries to add more objects than maxSize from initialize
* a RuntimeException (ArrayIndexOutOfBound) is thrown.
public final void put(Object element) {
heap[size] = element;
* Adds element to the PriorityQueue in log(size) time if either
* the PriorityQueue is not full, or not lessThan(element, top()).
* @param element
* @return true if element is added, false otherwise.
public boolean insert(Object element) {
return insertWithOverflow(element) != element;
* insertWithOverflow() is the same as insert() except its
* return value: it returns the object (if any) that was
* dropped off the heap because it was full. This can be
* the given parameter (in case it is smaller than the
* full heap's minimum, and couldn't be added), or another
* object that was previously the smallest value in the
* heap and now has been replaced by a larger one, or null
* if the queue wasn't yet full with maxSize elements.
public Object insertWithOverflow(Object element) {
if (size < maxSize) {
return null;
} else if (size > 0 && !lessThan(element, heap[1])) { //如果数组已经存满,而且这个数比第一个要大,则移除第一个然后插入
Object ret = heap[1];
heap[1] = element;
return ret;
} else {
return element;
/** Returns the least element of the PriorityQueue in constant time. */
public final Object top() {
// We don't need to check size here: if maxSize is 0,
// then heap is length 2 array with both entries null.
// If size is 0 then heap[1] is already null.
return heap[1];
/** Removes and returns the least element of the PriorityQueue in log(size)
time. */
public final Object pop() {
if (size > 0) {
Object result = heap[1]; // save first value
heap[1] = heap[size]; // move last to first
heap[size] = null; // permit GC of objects
downHeap(); // adjust heap
return result;
} else
return null;
/** Should be called when the Object at top changes values. Still log(n)
* worst case, but it's at least twice as fast to <pre>
* {; pq.adjustTop(); }
* </pre> instead of <pre>
* { o = pq.pop(); o.change(); pq.push(o); }
* </pre>
public final void adjustTop() {
/** Returns the number of elements currently stored in the PriorityQueue. */
public final int size() {
return size;
/** Removes all entries from the PriorityQueue. */
public final void clear() {
for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++)
heap[i] = null;
size = 0;
private final void upHeap() {
int i = size;
Object node = heap[i]; // save bottom node
int j = i >>> 1;
while (j > 0 && lessThan(node, heap[j])) {
heap[i] = heap[j]; // shift parents down
i = j;
j = j >>> 1;
heap[i] = node; // install saved node
private final void downHeap() {
int i = 1;
Object node = heap[i]; // save top node
int j = i << 1; // find smaller child
int k = j + 1;
if (k <= size && lessThan(heap[k], heap[j])) {
j = k;
while (j <= size && lessThan(heap[j], node)) {
heap[i] = heap[j]; // shift up child
i = j;
j = i << 1;
k = j + 1;
if (k <= size && lessThan(heap[k], heap[j])) {
j = k;
heap[i] = node; // install saved node