摘要: 一个使用微软Azure blob实现文件下载功能的实例-附带源文件 Please follow the steps below. Step 1: Open the CSAzureServeFilesFromBlobStorage.sln as Administrator. Expand the CSAzureServeFilesFromBlobStorage application and set CSAzureServeFilesFromBlobStorage azure application as the startup project, press F5 to display Default.aspx page. Step 2: Please add your Windows Azure Storage Account and Key in the Windows Azure settings, "StorageConnections". If you do not have one, please use Windows Azure Storage Emulator. 阅读全文
posted @ 2015-01-07 09:32 sennly 阅读(2859) 评论(3) 推荐(0) 编辑