Eclipse Maven to create Struts2 Project

Follow the guide in this page:


problem met :


  • Description Resource Path Location TypeThe superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path index.jsp /Sample_Struts/src/main/webapp line 1 JSP Problem


Solution: right click the project->Properties->Targeted Runtimes-> Select the TOMCAT and click the Ok Button

  • Missing src/main/java source folder:

 Solution: Right click the project->Properties->Java Build Path-> Source Tab  click the red error mssing entry like  Projectname/src/main/java (missing)

Click the "Add Folder'  Check the "src" checkbox .







  • ClassNotFound error for lib folder not contain the libraries.

Solution: right click the project ->properties->Deployment Assembly-> Add the maven folder for project (Click Add button ->Java Build Path Entries->Next->Maven Dependencies


posted @ 2015-04-27 21:10  高级测试开发网  阅读(483)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报