

c# Random 快速生成不连续随机码

2013-01-18 17:14 by 小sa, 304 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
摘要: c# Random Random.Next() 快速生成不连续随机码 seed 阅读全文

Excel Index Match 用法

2013-01-12 20:56 by 小sa, 998 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
摘要: INDEX / MATCH -- Example 4Instead of matching information in column headings, you may need to match information that's stored in the columns, as shown in the table below.ABCD1CodeItemSizePrice2SW001SweaterSmall103JK001JacketSmall304PN001PantsSmall255SW002SweaterMed126JK002JacketMed357PN002PantsM 阅读全文