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  创建 simple_html_dom.php 代码如下:


   1 <?php
   2 /**
   3  * Website:
   4  * Acknowledge: Jose Solorzano (
   5  * Contributions by:
   6  *     Yousuke Kumakura (Attribute filters)
   7  *     Vadim Voituk (Negative indexes supports of "find" method)
   8  *     Antcs (Constructor with automatically load contents either text or file/url)
   9  *
  10  * all affected sections have comments starting with "PaperG"
  11  *
  12  * Paperg - Added case insensitive testing of the value of the selector.
  13  * Paperg - Added tag_start for the starting index of tags - NOTE: This works but not accurately.
  14  *  This tag_start gets counted AFTER \r\n have been crushed out, and after the remove_noice calls so it will not reflect the REAL position of the tag in the source,
  15  *  it will almost always be smaller by some amount.
  16  *  We use this to determine how far into the file the tag in question is.  This "percentage will never be accurate as the $dom->size is the "real" number of bytes the dom was created from.
  17  *  but for most purposes, it's a really good estimation.
  18  * Paperg - Added the forceTagsClosed to the dom constructor.  Forcing tags closed is great for malformed html, but it CAN lead to parsing errors.
  19  * Allow the user to tell us how much they trust the html.
  20  * Paperg add the text and plaintext to the selectors for the find syntax.  plaintext implies text in the innertext of a node.  text implies that the tag is a text node.
  21  * This allows for us to find tags based on the text they contain.
  22  * Create find_ancestor_tag to see if a tag is - at any level - inside of another specific tag.
  23  * Paperg: added parse_charset so that we know about the character set of the source document.
  24  *  NOTE:  If the user's system has a routine called get_last_retrieve_url_contents_content_type availalbe, we will assume it's returning the content-type header from the
  25  *  last transfer or curl_exec, and we will parse that and use it in preference to any other method of charset detection.
  26  *
  27  * Found infinite loop in the case of broken html in restore_noise.  Rewrote to protect from that.
  28  * PaperG (John Schlick) Added get_display_size for "IMG" tags.
  29  *
  30  * Licensed under The MIT License
  31  * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
  32  *
  33  * @author S.C. Chen <>
  34  * @author John Schlick
  35  * @author Rus Carroll
  36  * @version 1.5 ($Rev: 196 $)
  37  * @package PlaceLocalInclude
  38  * @subpackage simple_html_dom
  39  */
  41 /**
  42  * All of the Defines for the classes below.
  43  * @author S.C. Chen <>
  44  */
  45 define('HDOM_TYPE_ELEMENT', 1);
  46 define('HDOM_TYPE_COMMENT', 2);
  47 define('HDOM_TYPE_TEXT',    3);
  48 define('HDOM_TYPE_ENDTAG',  4);
  49 define('HDOM_TYPE_ROOT',    5);
  50 define('HDOM_TYPE_UNKNOWN', 6);
  51 define('HDOM_QUOTE_DOUBLE', 0);
  52 define('HDOM_QUOTE_SINGLE', 1);
  53 define('HDOM_QUOTE_NO',     3);
  54 define('HDOM_INFO_BEGIN',   0);
  55 define('HDOM_INFO_END',     1);
  56 define('HDOM_INFO_QUOTE',   2);
  57 define('HDOM_INFO_SPACE',   3);
  58 define('HDOM_INFO_TEXT',    4);
  59 define('HDOM_INFO_INNER',   5);
  60 define('HDOM_INFO_OUTER',   6);
  61 define('HDOM_INFO_ENDSPACE',7);
  62 define('DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET', 'UTF-8');
  63 define('DEFAULT_BR_TEXT', "\r\n");
  64 define('DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT', " ");
  65 define('MAX_FILE_SIZE', 600000);
  66 // helper functions
  67 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68 // get html dom from file
  69 // $maxlen is defined in the code as PHP_STREAM_COPY_ALL which is defined as -1.
  70 function file_get_html($url, $use_include_path = false, $context=null, $offset = -1, $maxLen=-1, $lowercase = true, $forceTagsClosed=true, $target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET, $stripRN=true, $defaultBRText=DEFAULT_BR_TEXT, $defaultSpanText=DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT)
  71 {
  72     // We DO force the tags to be terminated.
  73     $dom = new simple_html_dom(null, $lowercase, $forceTagsClosed, $target_charset, $stripRN, $defaultBRText, $defaultSpanText);
  74     // For sourceforge users: uncomment the next line and comment the retreive_url_contents line 2 lines down if it is not already done.
  75     $contents = file_get_contents($url, $use_include_path, $context, $offset);
  76     // Paperg - use our own mechanism for getting the contents as we want to control the timeout.
  77     //$contents = retrieve_url_contents($url);
  78     if (empty($contents) || strlen($contents) > MAX_FILE_SIZE)
  79     {
  80         return false;
  81     }
  82     // The second parameter can force the selectors to all be lowercase.
  83     $dom->load($contents, $lowercase, $stripRN);
  84     return $dom;
  85 }
  87 // get html dom from string
  88 function str_get_html($str, $lowercase=true, $forceTagsClosed=true, $target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET, $stripRN=true, $defaultBRText=DEFAULT_BR_TEXT, $defaultSpanText=DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT)
  89 {
  90     $dom = new simple_html_dom(null, $lowercase, $forceTagsClosed, $target_charset, $stripRN, $defaultBRText, $defaultSpanText);
  91     if (empty($str) || strlen($str) > MAX_FILE_SIZE)
  92     {
  93         $dom->clear();
  94         return false;
  95     }
  96     $dom->load($str, $lowercase, $stripRN);
  97     return $dom;
  98 }
 100 // dump html dom tree
 101 function dump_html_tree($node, $show_attr=true, $deep=0)
 102 {
 103     $node->dump($node);
 104 }
 107 /**
 108  * simple html dom node
 109  * PaperG - added ability for "find" routine to lowercase the value of the selector.
 110  * PaperG - added $tag_start to track the start position of the tag in the total byte index
 111  *
 112  * @package PlaceLocalInclude
 113  */
 114 class simple_html_dom_node
 115 {
 116     public $nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_TEXT;
 117     public $tag = 'text';
 118     public $attr = array();
 119     public $children = array();
 120     public $nodes = array();
 121     public $parent = null;
 122     // The "info" array - see HDOM_INFO_... for what each element contains.
 123     public $_ = array();
 124     public $tag_start = 0;
 125     private $dom = null;
 127     function __construct($dom)
 128     {
 129         $this->dom = $dom;
 130         $dom->nodes[] = $this;
 131     }
 133     function __destruct()
 134     {
 135         $this->clear();
 136     }
 138     function __toString()
 139     {
 140         return $this->outertext();
 141     }
 143     // clean up memory due to php5 circular references memory leak...
 144     function clear()
 145     {
 146         $this->dom = null;
 147         $this->nodes = null;
 148         $this->parent = null;
 149         $this->children = null;
 150     }
 152     // dump node's tree
 153     function dump($show_attr=true, $deep=0)
 154     {
 155         $lead = str_repeat('    ', $deep);
 157         echo $lead.$this->tag;
 158         if ($show_attr && count($this->attr)>0)
 159         {
 160             echo '(';
 161             foreach ($this->attr as $k=>$v)
 162                 echo "[$k]=>\"".$this->$k.'", ';
 163             echo ')';
 164         }
 165         echo "\n";
 167         if ($this->nodes)
 168         {
 169             foreach ($this->nodes as $c)
 170             {
 171                 $c->dump($show_attr, $deep+1);
 172             }
 173         }
 174     }
 177     // Debugging function to dump a single dom node with a bunch of information about it.
 178     function dump_node($echo=true)
 179     {
 181         $string = $this->tag;
 182         if (count($this->attr)>0)
 183         {
 184             $string .= '(';
 185             foreach ($this->attr as $k=>$v)
 186             {
 187                 $string .= "[$k]=>\"".$this->$k.'", ';
 188             }
 189             $string .= ')';
 190         }
 191         if (count($this->_)>0)
 192         {
 193             $string .= ' $_ (';
 194             foreach ($this->_ as $k=>$v)
 195             {
 196                 if (is_array($v))
 197                 {
 198                     $string .= "[$k]=>(";
 199                     foreach ($v as $k2=>$v2)
 200                     {
 201                         $string .= "[$k2]=>\"".$v2.'", ';
 202                     }
 203                     $string .= ")";
 204                 } else {
 205                     $string .= "[$k]=>\"".$v.'", ';
 206                 }
 207             }
 208             $string .= ")";
 209         }
 211         if (isset($this->text))
 212         {
 213             $string .= " text: (" . $this->text . ")";
 214         }
 216         $string .= " HDOM_INNER_INFO: '";
 217         if (isset($node->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER]))
 218         {
 219             $string .= $node->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER] . "'";
 220         }
 221         else
 222         {
 223             $string .= ' NULL ';
 224         }
 226         $string .= " children: " . count($this->children);
 227         $string .= " nodes: " . count($this->nodes);
 228         $string .= " tag_start: " . $this->tag_start;
 229         $string .= "\n";
 231         if ($echo)
 232         {
 233             echo $string;
 234             return;
 235         }
 236         else
 237         {
 238             return $string;
 239         }
 240     }
 242     // returns the parent of node
 243     // If a node is passed in, it will reset the parent of the current node to that one.
 244     function parent($parent=null)
 245     {
 246         // I am SURE that this doesn't work properly.
 247         // It fails to unset the current node from it's current parents nodes or children list first.
 248         if ($parent !== null)
 249         {
 250             $this->parent = $parent;
 251             $this->parent->nodes[] = $this;
 252             $this->parent->children[] = $this;
 253         }
 255         return $this->parent;
 256     }
 258     // verify that node has children
 259     function has_child()
 260     {
 261         return !empty($this->children);
 262     }
 264     // returns children of node
 265     function children($idx=-1)
 266     {
 267         if ($idx===-1)
 268         {
 269             return $this->children;
 270         }
 271         if (isset($this->children[$idx])) return $this->children[$idx];
 272         return null;
 273     }
 275     // returns the first child of node
 276     function first_child()
 277     {
 278         if (count($this->children)>0)
 279         {
 280             return $this->children[0];
 281         }
 282         return null;
 283     }
 285     // returns the last child of node
 286     function last_child()
 287     {
 288         if (($count=count($this->children))>0)
 289         {
 290             return $this->children[$count-1];
 291         }
 292         return null;
 293     }
 295     // returns the next sibling of node
 296     function next_sibling()
 297     {
 298         if ($this->parent===null)
 299         {
 300             return null;
 301         }
 303         $idx = 0;
 304         $count = count($this->parent->children);
 305         while ($idx<$count && $this!==$this->parent->children[$idx])
 306         {
 307             ++$idx;
 308         }
 309         if (++$idx>=$count)
 310         {
 311             return null;
 312         }
 313         return $this->parent->children[$idx];
 314     }
 316     // returns the previous sibling of node
 317     function prev_sibling()
 318     {
 319         if ($this->parent===null) return null;
 320         $idx = 0;
 321         $count = count($this->parent->children);
 322         while ($idx<$count && $this!==$this->parent->children[$idx])
 323             ++$idx;
 324         if (--$idx<0) return null;
 325         return $this->parent->children[$idx];
 326     }
 328     // function to locate a specific ancestor tag in the path to the root.
 329     function find_ancestor_tag($tag)
 330     {
 331         global $debugObject;
 332         if (is_object($debugObject)) { $debugObject->debugLogEntry(1); }
 334         // Start by including ourselves in the comparison.
 335         $returnDom = $this;
 337         while (!is_null($returnDom))
 338         {
 339             if (is_object($debugObject)) { $debugObject->debugLog(2, "Current tag is: " . $returnDom->tag); }
 341             if ($returnDom->tag == $tag)
 342             {
 343                 break;
 344             }
 345             $returnDom = $returnDom->parent;
 346         }
 347         return $returnDom;
 348     }
 350     // get dom node's inner html
 351     function innertext()
 352     {
 353         if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER])) return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER];
 354         if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);
 356         $ret = '';
 357         foreach ($this->nodes as $n)
 358             $ret .= $n->outertext();
 359         return $ret;
 360     }
 362     // get dom node's outer text (with tag)
 363     function outertext()
 364     {
 365         global $debugObject;
 366         if (is_object($debugObject))
 367         {
 368             $text = '';
 369             if ($this->tag == 'text')
 370             {
 371                 if (!empty($this->text))
 372                 {
 373                     $text = " with text: " . $this->text;
 374                 }
 375             }
 376             $debugObject->debugLog(1, 'Innertext of tag: ' . $this->tag . $text);
 377         }
 379         if ($this->tag==='root') return $this->innertext();
 381         // trigger callback
 382         if ($this->dom && $this->dom->callback!==null)
 383         {
 384             call_user_func_array($this->dom->callback, array($this));
 385         }
 387         if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_OUTER])) return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_OUTER];
 388         if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);
 390         // render begin tag
 391         if ($this->dom && $this->dom->nodes[$this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]])
 392         {
 393             $ret = $this->dom->nodes[$this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]]->makeup();
 394         } else {
 395             $ret = "";
 396         }
 398         // render inner text
 399         if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER]))
 400         {
 401             // If it's a br tag...  don't return the HDOM_INNER_INFO that we may or may not have added.
 402             if ($this->tag != "br")
 403             {
 404                 $ret .= $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER];
 405             }
 406         } else {
 407             if ($this->nodes)
 408             {
 409                 foreach ($this->nodes as $n)
 410                 {
 411                     $ret .= $this->convert_text($n->outertext());
 412                 }
 413             }
 414         }
 416         // render end tag
 417         if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_END]) && $this->_[HDOM_INFO_END]!=0)
 418             $ret .= '</'.$this->tag.'>';
 419         return $ret;
 420     }
 422     // get dom node's plain text
 423     function text()
 424     {
 425         if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER])) return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER];
 426         switch ($this->nodetype)
 427         {
 428             case HDOM_TYPE_TEXT: return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);
 429             case HDOM_TYPE_COMMENT: return '';
 430             case HDOM_TYPE_UNKNOWN: return '';
 431         }
 432         if (strcasecmp($this->tag, 'script')===0) return '';
 433         if (strcasecmp($this->tag, 'style')===0) return '';
 435         $ret = '';
 436         // In rare cases, (always node type 1 or HDOM_TYPE_ELEMENT - observed for some span tags, and some p tags) $this->nodes is set to NULL.
 437         // NOTE: This indicates that there is a problem where it's set to NULL without a clear happening.
 438         // WHY is this happening?
 439         if (!is_null($this->nodes))
 440         {
 441             foreach ($this->nodes as $n)
 442             {
 443                 $ret .= $this->convert_text($n->text());
 444             }
 446             // If this node is a span... add a space at the end of it so multiple spans don't run into each other.  This is plaintext after all.
 447             if ($this->tag == "span")
 448             {
 449                 $ret .= $this->dom->default_span_text;
 450             }
 453         }
 454         return $ret;
 455     }
 457     function xmltext()
 458     {
 459         $ret = $this->innertext();
 460         $ret = str_ireplace('<![CDATA[', '', $ret);
 461         $ret = str_replace(']]>', '', $ret);
 462         return $ret;
 463     }
 465     // build node's text with tag
 466     function makeup()
 467     {
 468         // text, comment, unknown
 469         if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);
 471         $ret = '<'.$this->tag;
 472         $i = -1;
 474         foreach ($this->attr as $key=>$val)
 475         {
 476             ++$i;
 478             // skip removed attribute
 479             if ($val===null || $val===false)
 480                 continue;
 482             $ret .= $this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][$i][0];
 483             //no value attr: nowrap, checked selected...
 484             if ($val===true)
 485                 $ret .= $key;
 486             else {
 487                 switch ($this->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][$i])
 488                 {
 489                     case HDOM_QUOTE_DOUBLE: $quote = '"'; break;
 490                     case HDOM_QUOTE_SINGLE: $quote = '\''; break;
 491                     default: $quote = '';
 492                 }
 493                 $ret .= $key.$this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][$i][1].'='.$this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][$i][2].$quote.$val.$quote;
 494             }
 495         }
 496         $ret = $this->dom->restore_noise($ret);
 497         return $ret . $this->_[HDOM_INFO_ENDSPACE] . '>';
 498     }
 500     // find elements by css selector
 501     //PaperG - added ability for find to lowercase the value of the selector.
 502     function find($selector, $idx=null, $lowercase=false)
 503     {
 504         $selectors = $this->parse_selector($selector);
 505         if (($count=count($selectors))===0) return array();
 506         $found_keys = array();
 508         // find each selector
 509         for ($c=0; $c<$count; ++$c)
 510         {
 511             // The change on the below line was documented on the sourceforge code tracker id 2788009
 512             // used to be: if (($levle=count($selectors[0]))===0) return array();
 513             if (($levle=count($selectors[$c]))===0) return array();
 514             if (!isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN])) return array();
 516             $head = array($this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]=>1);
 518             // handle descendant selectors, no recursive!
 519             for ($l=0; $l<$levle; ++$l)
 520             {
 521                 $ret = array();
 522                 foreach ($head as $k=>$v)
 523                 {
 524                     $n = ($k===-1) ? $this->dom->root : $this->dom->nodes[$k];
 525                     //PaperG - Pass this optional parameter on to the seek function.
 526                     $n->seek($selectors[$c][$l], $ret, $lowercase);
 527                 }
 528                 $head = $ret;
 529             }
 531             foreach ($head as $k=>$v)
 532             {
 533                 if (!isset($found_keys[$k]))
 534                     $found_keys[$k] = 1;
 535             }
 536         }
 538         // sort keys
 539         ksort($found_keys);
 541         $found = array();
 542         foreach ($found_keys as $k=>$v)
 543             $found[] = $this->dom->nodes[$k];
 545         // return nth-element or array
 546         if (is_null($idx)) return $found;
 547         else if ($idx<0) $idx = count($found) + $idx;
 548         return (isset($found[$idx])) ? $found[$idx] : null;
 549     }
 551     // seek for given conditions
 552     // PaperG - added parameter to allow for case insensitive testing of the value of a selector.
 553     protected function seek($selector, &$ret, $lowercase=false)
 554     {
 555         global $debugObject;
 556         if (is_object($debugObject)) { $debugObject->debugLogEntry(1); }
 558         list($tag, $key, $val, $exp, $no_key) = $selector;
 560         // xpath index
 561         if ($tag && $key && is_numeric($key))
 562         {
 563             $count = 0;
 564             foreach ($this->children as $c)
 565             {
 566                 if ($tag==='*' || $tag===$c->tag) {
 567                     if (++$count==$key) {
 568                         $ret[$c->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]] = 1;
 569                         return;
 570                     }
 571                 }
 572             }
 573             return;
 574         }
 576         $end = (!empty($this->_[HDOM_INFO_END])) ? $this->_[HDOM_INFO_END] : 0;
 577         if ($end==0) {
 578             $parent = $this->parent;
 579             while (!isset($parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END]) && $parent!==null) {
 580                 $end -= 1;
 581                 $parent = $parent->parent;
 582             }
 583             $end += $parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END];
 584         }
 586         for ($i=$this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]+1; $i<$end; ++$i) {
 587             $node = $this->dom->nodes[$i];
 589             $pass = true;
 591             if ($tag==='*' && !$key) {
 592                 if (in_array($node, $this->children, true))
 593                     $ret[$i] = 1;
 594                 continue;
 595             }
 597             // compare tag
 598             if ($tag && $tag!=$node->tag && $tag!=='*') {$pass=false;}
 599             // compare key
 600             if ($pass && $key) {
 601                 if ($no_key) {
 602                     if (isset($node->attr[$key])) $pass=false;
 603                 } else {
 604                     if (($key != "plaintext") && !isset($node->attr[$key])) $pass=false;
 605                 }
 606             }
 607             // compare value
 608             if ($pass && $key && $val  && $val!=='*') {
 609                 // If they have told us that this is a "plaintext" search then we want the plaintext of the node - right?
 610                 if ($key == "plaintext") {
 611                     // $node->plaintext actually returns $node->text();
 612                     $nodeKeyValue = $node->text();
 613                 } else {
 614                     // this is a normal search, we want the value of that attribute of the tag.
 615                     $nodeKeyValue = $node->attr[$key];
 616                 }
 617                 if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(2, "testing node: " . $node->tag . " for attribute: " . $key . $exp . $val . " where nodes value is: " . $nodeKeyValue);}
 619                 //PaperG - If lowercase is set, do a case insensitive test of the value of the selector.
 620                 if ($lowercase) {
 621                     $check = $this->match($exp, strtolower($val), strtolower($nodeKeyValue));
 622                 } else {
 623                     $check = $this->match($exp, $val, $nodeKeyValue);
 624                 }
 625                 if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(2, "after match: " . ($check ? "true" : "false"));}
 627                 // handle multiple class
 628                 if (!$check && strcasecmp($key, 'class')===0) {
 629                     foreach (explode(' ',$node->attr[$key]) as $k) {
 630                         // Without this, there were cases where leading, trailing, or double spaces lead to our comparing blanks - bad form.
 631                         if (!empty($k)) {
 632                             if ($lowercase) {
 633                                 $check = $this->match($exp, strtolower($val), strtolower($k));
 634                             } else {
 635                                 $check = $this->match($exp, $val, $k);
 636                             }
 637                             if ($check) break;
 638                         }
 639                     }
 640                 }
 641                 if (!$check) $pass = false;
 642             }
 643             if ($pass) $ret[$i] = 1;
 644             unset($node);
 645         }
 646         // It's passed by reference so this is actually what this function returns.
 647         if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(1, "EXIT - ret: ", $ret);}
 648     }
 650     protected function match($exp, $pattern, $value) {
 651         global $debugObject;
 652         if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLogEntry(1);}
 654         switch ($exp) {
 655             case '=':
 656                 return ($value===$pattern);
 657             case '!=':
 658                 return ($value!==$pattern);
 659             case '^=':
 660                 return preg_match("/^".preg_quote($pattern,'/')."/", $value);
 661             case '$=':
 662                 return preg_match("/".preg_quote($pattern,'/')."$/", $value);
 663             case '*=':
 664                 if ($pattern[0]=='/') {
 665                     return preg_match($pattern, $value);
 666                 }
 667                 return preg_match("/".$pattern."/i", $value);
 668         }
 669         return false;
 670     }
 672     protected function parse_selector($selector_string) {
 673         global $debugObject;
 674         if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLogEntry(1);}
 676         // pattern of CSS selectors, modified from mootools
 677         // Paperg: Add the colon to the attrbute, so that it properly finds <tag attr:ibute="something" > like google does.
 678         // Note: if you try to look at this attribute, yo MUST use getAttribute since $dom->x:y will fail the php syntax check.
 679 // Notice the \[ starting the attbute?  and the @? following?  This implies that an attribute can begin with an @ sign that is not captured.
 680 // This implies that an html attribute specifier may start with an @ sign that is NOT captured by the expression.
 681 // farther study is required to determine of this should be documented or removed.
 682 //        $pattern = "/([\w-:\*]*)(?:\#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+))?(?:\[@?(!?[\w-]+)(?:([!*^$]?=)[\"']?(.*?)[\"']?)?\])?([\/, ]+)/is";
 683         $pattern = "/([\w-:\*]*)(?:\#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+))?(?:\[@?(!?[\w-:]+)(?:([!*^$]?=)[\"']?(.*?)[\"']?)?\])?([\/, ]+)/is";
 684         preg_match_all($pattern, trim($selector_string).' ', $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
 685         if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(2, "Matches Array: ", $matches);}
 687         $selectors = array();
 688         $result = array();
 689         //print_r($matches);
 691         foreach ($matches as $m) {
 692             $m[0] = trim($m[0]);
 693             if ($m[0]==='' || $m[0]==='/' || $m[0]==='//') continue;
 694             // for browser generated xpath
 695             if ($m[1]==='tbody') continue;
 697             list($tag, $key, $val, $exp, $no_key) = array($m[1], null, null, '=', false);
 698             if (!empty($m[2])) {$key='id'; $val=$m[2];}
 699             if (!empty($m[3])) {$key='class'; $val=$m[3];}
 700             if (!empty($m[4])) {$key=$m[4];}
 701             if (!empty($m[5])) {$exp=$m[5];}
 702             if (!empty($m[6])) {$val=$m[6];}
 704             // convert to lowercase
 705             if ($this->dom->lowercase) {$tag=strtolower($tag); $key=strtolower($key);}
 706             //elements that do NOT have the specified attribute
 707             if (isset($key[0]) && $key[0]==='!') {$key=substr($key, 1); $no_key=true;}
 709             $result[] = array($tag, $key, $val, $exp, $no_key);
 710             if (trim($m[7])===',') {
 711                 $selectors[] = $result;
 712                 $result = array();
 713             }
 714         }
 715         if (count($result)>0)
 716             $selectors[] = $result;
 717         return $selectors;
 718     }
 720     function __get($name) {
 721         if (isset($this->attr[$name]))
 722         {
 723             return $this->convert_text($this->attr[$name]);
 724         }
 725         switch ($name) {
 726             case 'outertext': return $this->outertext();
 727             case 'innertext': return $this->innertext();
 728             case 'plaintext': return $this->text();
 729             case 'xmltext': return $this->xmltext();
 730             default: return array_key_exists($name, $this->attr);
 731         }
 732     }
 734     function __set($name, $value) {
 735         switch ($name) {
 736             case 'outertext': return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_OUTER] = $value;
 737             case 'innertext':
 738                 if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = $value;
 739                 return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER] = $value;
 740         }
 741         if (!isset($this->attr[$name])) {
 742             $this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][] = array(' ', '', '');
 743             $this->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][] = HDOM_QUOTE_DOUBLE;
 744         }
 745         $this->attr[$name] = $value;
 746     }
 748     function __isset($name) {
 749         switch ($name) {
 750             case 'outertext': return true;
 751             case 'innertext': return true;
 752             case 'plaintext': return true;
 753         }
 754         //no value attr: nowrap, checked selected...
 755         return (array_key_exists($name, $this->attr)) ? true : isset($this->attr[$name]);
 756     }
 758     function __unset($name) {
 759         if (isset($this->attr[$name]))
 760             unset($this->attr[$name]);
 761     }
 763     // PaperG - Function to convert the text from one character set to another if the two sets are not the same.
 764     function convert_text($text)
 765     {
 766         global $debugObject;
 767         if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLogEntry(1);}
 769         $converted_text = $text;
 771         $sourceCharset = "";
 772         $targetCharset = "";
 774         if ($this->dom)
 775         {
 776             $sourceCharset = strtoupper($this->dom->_charset);
 777             $targetCharset = strtoupper($this->dom->_target_charset);
 778         }
 779         if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(3, "source charset: " . $sourceCharset . " target charaset: " . $targetCharset);}
 781         if (!empty($sourceCharset) && !empty($targetCharset) && (strcasecmp($sourceCharset, $targetCharset) != 0))
 782         {
 783             // Check if the reported encoding could have been incorrect and the text is actually already UTF-8
 784             if ((strcasecmp($targetCharset, 'UTF-8') == 0) && ($this->is_utf8($text)))
 785             {
 786                 $converted_text = $text;
 787             }
 788             else
 789             {
 790                 $converted_text = iconv($sourceCharset, $targetCharset, $text);
 791             }
 792         }
 794         // Lets make sure that we don't have that silly BOM issue with any of the utf-8 text we output.
 795         if ($targetCharset == 'UTF-8')
 796         {
 797             if (substr($converted_text, 0, 3) == "\xef\xbb\xbf")
 798             {
 799                 $converted_text = substr($converted_text, 3);
 800             }
 801             if (substr($converted_text, -3) == "\xef\xbb\xbf")
 802             {
 803                 $converted_text = substr($converted_text, 0, -3);
 804             }
 805         }
 807         return $converted_text;
 808     }
 810     /**
 811     * Returns true if $string is valid UTF-8 and false otherwise.
 812     *
 813     * @param mixed $str String to be tested
 814     * @return boolean
 815     */
 816     static function is_utf8($str)
 817     {
 818         $c=0; $b=0;
 819         $bits=0;
 820         $len=strlen($str);
 821         for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++)
 822         {
 823             $c=ord($str[$i]);
 824             if($c > 128)
 825             {
 826                 if(($c >= 254)) return false;
 827                 elseif($c >= 252) $bits=6;
 828                 elseif($c >= 248) $bits=5;
 829                 elseif($c >= 240) $bits=4;
 830                 elseif($c >= 224) $bits=3;
 831                 elseif($c >= 192) $bits=2;
 832                 else return false;
 833                 if(($i+$bits) > $len) return false;
 834                 while($bits > 1)
 835                 {
 836                     $i++;
 837                     $b=ord($str[$i]);
 838                     if($b < 128 || $b > 191) return false;
 839                     $bits--;
 840                 }
 841             }
 842         }
 843         return true;
 844     }
 845     /*
 846     function is_utf8($string)
 847     {
 848         //this is buggy
 849         return (utf8_encode(utf8_decode($string)) == $string);
 850     }
 851     */
 853     /**
 854      * Function to try a few tricks to determine the displayed size of an img on the page.
 855      * NOTE: This will ONLY work on an IMG tag. Returns FALSE on all other tag types.
 856      *
 857      * @author John Schlick
 858      * @version April 19 2012
 859      * @return array an array containing the 'height' and 'width' of the image on the page or -1 if we can't figure it out.
 860      */
 861     function get_display_size()
 862     {
 863         global $debugObject;
 865         $width = -1;
 866         $height = -1;
 868         if ($this->tag !== 'img')
 869         {
 870             return false;
 871         }
 873         // See if there is aheight or width attribute in the tag itself.
 874         if (isset($this->attr['width']))
 875         {
 876             $width = $this->attr['width'];
 877         }
 879         if (isset($this->attr['height']))
 880         {
 881             $height = $this->attr['height'];
 882         }
 884         // Now look for an inline style.
 885         if (isset($this->attr['style']))
 886         {
 887             // Thanks to user gnarf from stackoverflow for this regular expression.
 888             $attributes = array();
 889             preg_match_all("/([\w-]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*;?/", $this->attr['style'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
 890             foreach ($matches as $match) {
 891               $attributes[$match[1]] = $match[2];
 892             }
 894             // If there is a width in the style attributes:
 895             if (isset($attributes['width']) && $width == -1)
 896             {
 897                 // check that the last two characters are px (pixels)
 898                 if (strtolower(substr($attributes['width'], -2)) == 'px')
 899                 {
 900                     $proposed_width = substr($attributes['width'], 0, -2);
 901                     // Now make sure that it's an integer and not something stupid.
 902                     if (filter_var($proposed_width, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT))
 903                     {
 904                         $width = $proposed_width;
 905                     }
 906                 }
 907             }
 909             // If there is a width in the style attributes:
 910             if (isset($attributes['height']) && $height == -1)
 911             {
 912                 // check that the last two characters are px (pixels)
 913                 if (strtolower(substr($attributes['height'], -2)) == 'px')
 914                 {
 915                     $proposed_height = substr($attributes['height'], 0, -2);
 916                     // Now make sure that it's an integer and not something stupid.
 917                     if (filter_var($proposed_height, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT))
 918                     {
 919                         $height = $proposed_height;
 920                     }
 921                 }
 922             }
 924         }
 926         // Future enhancement:
 927         // Look in the tag to see if there is a class or id specified that has a height or width attribute to it.
 929         // Far future enhancement
 930         // Look at all the parent tags of this image to see if they specify a class or id that has an img selector that specifies a height or width
 931         // Note that in this case, the class or id will have the img subselector for it to apply to the image.
 933         // ridiculously far future development
 934         // If the class or id is specified in a SEPARATE css file thats not on the page, go get it and do what we were just doing for the ones on the page.
 936         $result = array('height' => $height,
 937                         'width' => $width);
 938         return $result;
 939     }
 941     // camel naming conventions
 942     function getAllAttributes() {return $this->attr;}
 943     function getAttribute($name) {return $this->__get($name);}
 944     function setAttribute($name, $value) {$this->__set($name, $value);}
 945     function hasAttribute($name) {return $this->__isset($name);}
 946     function removeAttribute($name) {$this->__set($name, null);}
 947     function getElementById($id) {return $this->find("#$id", 0);}
 948     function getElementsById($id, $idx=null) {return $this->find("#$id", $idx);}
 949     function getElementByTagName($name) {return $this->find($name, 0);}
 950     function getElementsByTagName($name, $idx=null) {return $this->find($name, $idx);}
 951     function parentNode() {return $this->parent();}
 952     function childNodes($idx=-1) {return $this->children($idx);}
 953     function firstChild() {return $this->first_child();}
 954     function lastChild() {return $this->last_child();}
 955     function nextSibling() {return $this->next_sibling();}
 956     function previousSibling() {return $this->prev_sibling();}
 957     function hasChildNodes() {return $this->has_child();}
 958     function nodeName() {return $this->tag;}
 959     function appendChild($node) {$node->parent($this); return $node;}
 961 }
 963 /**
 964  * simple html dom parser
 965  * Paperg - in the find routine: allow us to specify that we want case insensitive testing of the value of the selector.
 966  * Paperg - change $size from protected to public so we can easily access it
 967  * Paperg - added ForceTagsClosed in the constructor which tells us whether we trust the html or not.  Default is to NOT trust it.
 968  *
 969  * @package PlaceLocalInclude
 970  */
 971 class simple_html_dom
 972 {
 973     public $root = null;
 974     public $nodes = array();
 975     public $callback = null;
 976     public $lowercase = false;
 977     // Used to keep track of how large the text was when we started.
 978     public $original_size;
 979     public $size;
 980     protected $pos;
 981     protected $doc;
 982     protected $char;
 983     protected $cursor;
 984     protected $parent;
 985     protected $noise = array();
 986     protected $token_blank = " \t\r\n";
 987     protected $token_equal = ' =/>';
 988     protected $token_slash = " />\r\n\t";
 989     protected $token_attr = ' >';
 990     // Note that this is referenced by a child node, and so it needs to be public for that node to see this information.
 991     public $_charset = '';
 992     public $_target_charset = '';
 993     protected $default_br_text = "";
 994     public $default_span_text = "";
 996     // use isset instead of in_array, performance boost about 30%...
 997     protected $self_closing_tags = array('img'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'meta'=>1, 'link'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'base'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'spacer'=>1);
 998     protected $block_tags = array('root'=>1, 'body'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'table'=>1);
 999     // Known sourceforge issue #2977341
1000     // B tags that are not closed cause us to return everything to the end of the document.
1001     protected $optional_closing_tags = array(
1002         'tr'=>array('tr'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1),
1003         'th'=>array('th'=>1),
1004         'td'=>array('td'=>1),
1005         'li'=>array('li'=>1),
1006         'dt'=>array('dt'=>1, 'dd'=>1),
1007         'dd'=>array('dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1),
1008         'dl'=>array('dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1),
1009         'p'=>array('p'=>1),
1010         'nobr'=>array('nobr'=>1),
1011         'b'=>array('b'=>1),
1012         'option'=>array('option'=>1),
1013     );
1015     function __construct($str=null, $lowercase=true, $forceTagsClosed=true, $target_charset=DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET, $stripRN=true, $defaultBRText=DEFAULT_BR_TEXT, $defaultSpanText=DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT)
1016     {
1017         if ($str)
1018         {
1019             if (preg_match("/^http:\/\//i",$str) || is_file($str))
1020             {
1021                 $this->load_file($str);
1022             }
1023             else
1024             {
1025                 $this->load($str, $lowercase, $stripRN, $defaultBRText, $defaultSpanText);
1026             }
1027         }
1028         // Forcing tags to be closed implies that we don't trust the html, but it can lead to parsing errors if we SHOULD trust the html.
1029         if (!$forceTagsClosed) {
1030             $this->optional_closing_array=array();
1031         }
1032         $this->_target_charset = $target_charset;
1033     }
1035     function __destruct()
1036     {
1037         $this->clear();
1038     }
1040     // load html from string
1041     function load($str, $lowercase=true, $stripRN=true, $defaultBRText=DEFAULT_BR_TEXT, $defaultSpanText=DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT)
1042     {
1043         global $debugObject;
1045         // prepare
1046         $this->prepare($str, $lowercase, $stripRN, $defaultBRText, $defaultSpanText);
1047         // strip out comments
1048         $this->remove_noise("'<!--(.*?)-->'is");
1049         // strip out cdata
1050         $this->remove_noise("'<!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]>'is", true);
1051         // Per sourceforge
1052         // Script tags removal now preceeds style tag removal.
1053         // strip out <script> tags
1054         $this->remove_noise("'<\s*script[^>]*[^/]>(.*?)<\s*/\s*script\s*>'is");
1055         $this->remove_noise("'<\s*script\s*>(.*?)<\s*/\s*script\s*>'is");
1056         // strip out <style> tags
1057         $this->remove_noise("'<\s*style[^>]*[^/]>(.*?)<\s*/\s*style\s*>'is");
1058         $this->remove_noise("'<\s*style\s*>(.*?)<\s*/\s*style\s*>'is");
1059         // strip out preformatted tags
1060         $this->remove_noise("'<\s*(?:code)[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*/\s*(?:code)\s*>'is");
1061         // strip out server side scripts
1062         $this->remove_noise("'(<\?)(.*?)(\?>)'s", true);
1063         // strip smarty scripts
1064         $this->remove_noise("'(\{\w)(.*?)(\})'s", true);
1066         // parsing
1067         while ($this->parse());
1068         // end
1069         $this->root->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;
1070         $this->parse_charset();
1072         // make load function chainable
1073         return $this;
1075     }
1077     // load html from file
1078     function load_file()
1079     {
1080         $args = func_get_args();
1081         $this->load(call_user_func_array('file_get_contents', $args), true);
1082         // Throw an error if we can't properly load the dom.
1083         if (($error=error_get_last())!==null) {
1084             $this->clear();
1085             return false;
1086         }
1087     }
1089     // set callback function
1090     function set_callback($function_name)
1091     {
1092         $this->callback = $function_name;
1093     }
1095     // remove callback function
1096     function remove_callback()
1097     {
1098         $this->callback = null;
1099     }
1101     // save dom as string
1102     function save($filepath='')
1103     {
1104         $ret = $this->root->innertext();
1105         if ($filepath!=='') file_put_contents($filepath, $ret, LOCK_EX);
1106         return $ret;
1107     }
1109     // find dom node by css selector
1110     // Paperg - allow us to specify that we want case insensitive testing of the value of the selector.
1111     function find($selector, $idx=null, $lowercase=false)
1112     {
1113         return $this->root->find($selector, $idx, $lowercase);
1114     }
1116     // clean up memory due to php5 circular references memory leak...
1117     function clear()
1118     {
1119         foreach ($this->nodes as $n) {$n->clear(); $n = null;}
1120         // This add next line is documented in the sourceforge repository. 2977248 as a fix for ongoing memory leaks that occur even with the use of clear.
1121         if (isset($this->children)) foreach ($this->children as $n) {$n->clear(); $n = null;}
1122         if (isset($this->parent)) {$this->parent->clear(); unset($this->parent);}
1123         if (isset($this->root)) {$this->root->clear(); unset($this->root);}
1124         unset($this->doc);
1125         unset($this->noise);
1126     }
1128     function dump($show_attr=true)
1129     {
1130         $this->root->dump($show_attr);
1131     }
1133     // prepare HTML data and init everything
1134     protected function prepare($str, $lowercase=true, $stripRN=true, $defaultBRText=DEFAULT_BR_TEXT, $defaultSpanText=DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT)
1135     {
1136         $this->clear();
1138         // set the length of content before we do anything to it.
1139         $this->size = strlen($str);
1140         // Save the original size of the html that we got in.  It might be useful to someone.
1141         $this->original_size = $this->size;
1143         //before we save the string as the doc...  strip out the \r \n's if we are told to.
1144         if ($stripRN) {
1145             $str = str_replace("\r", " ", $str);
1146             $str = str_replace("\n", " ", $str);
1148             // set the length of content since we have changed it.
1149             $this->size = strlen($str);
1150         }
1152         $this->doc = $str;
1153         $this->pos = 0;
1154         $this->cursor = 1;
1155         $this->noise = array();
1156         $this->nodes = array();
1157         $this->lowercase = $lowercase;
1158         $this->default_br_text = $defaultBRText;
1159         $this->default_span_text = $defaultSpanText;
1160         $this->root = new simple_html_dom_node($this);
1161         $this->root->tag = 'root';
1162         $this->root->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN] = -1;
1163         $this->root->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_ROOT;
1164         $this->parent = $this->root;
1165         if ($this->size>0) $this->char = $this->doc[0];
1166     }
1168     // parse html content
1169     protected function parse()
1170     {
1171         if (($s = $this->copy_until_char('<'))==='')
1172         {
1173             return $this->read_tag();
1174         }
1176         // text
1177         $node = new simple_html_dom_node($this);
1178         ++$this->cursor;
1179         $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = $s;
1180         $this->link_nodes($node, false);
1181         return true;
1182     }
1184     // PAPERG - dkchou - added this to try to identify the character set of the page we have just parsed so we know better how to spit it out later.
1185     // NOTE:  IF you provide a routine called get_last_retrieve_url_contents_content_type which returns the CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE from the last curl_exec
1186     // (or the content_type header from the last transfer), we will parse THAT, and if a charset is specified, we will use it over any other mechanism.
1187     protected function parse_charset()
1188     {
1189         global $debugObject;
1191         $charset = null;
1193         if (function_exists('get_last_retrieve_url_contents_content_type'))
1194         {
1195             $contentTypeHeader = get_last_retrieve_url_contents_content_type();
1196             $success = preg_match('/charset=(.+)/', $contentTypeHeader, $matches);
1197             if ($success)
1198             {
1199                 $charset = $matches[1];
1200                 if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(2, 'header content-type found charset of: ' . $charset);}
1201             }
1203         }
1205         if (empty($charset))
1206         {
1207             $el = $this->root->find('meta[http-equiv=Content-Type]',0);
1208             if (!empty($el))
1209             {
1210                 $fullvalue = $el->content;
1211                 if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(2, 'meta content-type tag found' . $fullvalue);}
1213                 if (!empty($fullvalue))
1214                 {
1215                     $success = preg_match('/charset=(.+)/', $fullvalue, $matches);
1216                     if ($success)
1217                     {
1218                         $charset = $matches[1];
1219                     }
1220                     else
1221                     {
1222                         // If there is a meta tag, and they don't specify the character set, research says that it's typically ISO-8859-1
1223                         if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(2, 'meta content-type tag couldn\'t be parsed. using iso-8859 default.');}
1224                         $charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
1225                     }
1226                 }
1227             }
1228         }
1230         // If we couldn't find a charset above, then lets try to detect one based on the text we got...
1231         if (empty($charset))
1232         {
1233             // Have php try to detect the encoding from the text given to us.
1234             $charset = mb_detect_encoding($this->root->plaintext . "ascii", $encoding_list = array( "UTF-8", "CP1252" ) );
1235             if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(2, 'mb_detect found: ' . $charset);}
1237             // and if this doesn't work...  then we need to just wrongheadedly assume it's UTF-8 so that we can move on - cause this will usually give us most of what we need...
1238             if ($charset === false)
1239             {
1240                 if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(2, 'since mb_detect failed - using default of utf-8');}
1241                 $charset = 'UTF-8';
1242             }
1243         }
1245         // Since CP1252 is a superset, if we get one of it's subsets, we want it instead.
1246         if ((strtolower($charset) == strtolower('ISO-8859-1')) || (strtolower($charset) == strtolower('Latin1')) || (strtolower($charset) == strtolower('Latin-1')))
1247         {
1248             if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(2, 'replacing ' . $charset . ' with CP1252 as its a superset');}
1249             $charset = 'CP1252';
1250         }
1252         if (is_object($debugObject)) {$debugObject->debugLog(1, 'EXIT - ' . $charset);}
1254         return $this->_charset = $charset;
1255     }
1257     // read tag info
1258     protected function read_tag()
1259     {
1260         if ($this->char!=='<')
1261         {
1262             $this->root->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;
1263             return false;
1264         }
1265         $begin_tag_pos = $this->pos;
1266         $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1268         // end tag
1269         if ($this->char==='/')
1270         {
1271             $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1272             // This represents the change in the simple_html_dom trunk from revision 180 to 181.
1273             // $this->skip($this->token_blank_t);
1274             $this->skip($this->token_blank);
1275             $tag = $this->copy_until_char('>');
1277             // skip attributes in end tag
1278             if (($pos = strpos($tag, ' '))!==false)
1279                 $tag = substr($tag, 0, $pos);
1281             $parent_lower = strtolower($this->parent->tag);
1282             $tag_lower = strtolower($tag);
1284             if ($parent_lower!==$tag_lower)
1285             {
1286                 if (isset($this->optional_closing_tags[$parent_lower]) && isset($this->block_tags[$tag_lower]))
1287                 {
1288                     $this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;
1289                     $org_parent = $this->parent;
1291                     while (($this->parent->parent) && strtolower($this->parent->tag)!==$tag_lower)
1292                         $this->parent = $this->parent->parent;
1294                     if (strtolower($this->parent->tag)!==$tag_lower) {
1295                         $this->parent = $org_parent; // restore origonal parent
1296                         if ($this->parent->parent) $this->parent = $this->parent->parent;
1297                         $this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;
1298                         return $this->as_text_node($tag);
1299                     }
1300                 }
1301                 else if (($this->parent->parent) && isset($this->block_tags[$tag_lower]))
1302                 {
1303                     $this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;
1304                     $org_parent = $this->parent;
1306                     while (($this->parent->parent) && strtolower($this->parent->tag)!==$tag_lower)
1307                         $this->parent = $this->parent->parent;
1309                     if (strtolower($this->parent->tag)!==$tag_lower)
1310                     {
1311                         $this->parent = $org_parent; // restore origonal parent
1312                         $this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;
1313                         return $this->as_text_node($tag);
1314                     }
1315                 }
1316                 else if (($this->parent->parent) && strtolower($this->parent->parent->tag)===$tag_lower)
1317                 {
1318                     $this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;
1319                     $this->parent = $this->parent->parent;
1320                 }
1321                 else
1322                     return $this->as_text_node($tag);
1323             }
1325             $this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;
1326             if ($this->parent->parent) $this->parent = $this->parent->parent;
1328             $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1329             return true;
1330         }
1332         $node = new simple_html_dom_node($this);
1333         $node->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN] = $this->cursor;
1334         ++$this->cursor;
1335         $tag = $this->copy_until($this->token_slash);
1336         $node->tag_start = $begin_tag_pos;
1338         // doctype, cdata & comments...
1339         if (isset($tag[0]) && $tag[0]==='!') {
1340             $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '<' . $tag . $this->copy_until_char('>');
1342             if (isset($tag[2]) && $tag[1]==='-' && $tag[2]==='-') {
1343                 $node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_COMMENT;
1344                 $node->tag = 'comment';
1345             } else {
1346                 $node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
1347                 $node->tag = 'unknown';
1348             }
1349             if ($this->char==='>') $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT].='>';
1350             $this->link_nodes($node, true);
1351             $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1352             return true;
1353         }
1355         // text
1356         if ($pos=strpos($tag, '<')!==false) {
1357             $tag = '<' . substr($tag, 0, -1);
1358             $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = $tag;
1359             $this->link_nodes($node, false);
1360             $this->char = $this->doc[--$this->pos]; // prev
1361             return true;
1362         }
1364         if (!preg_match("/^[\w-:]+$/", $tag)) {
1365             $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '<' . $tag . $this->copy_until('<>');
1366             if ($this->char==='<') {
1367                 $this->link_nodes($node, false);
1368                 return true;
1369             }
1371             if ($this->char==='>') $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT].='>';
1372             $this->link_nodes($node, false);
1373             $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1374             return true;
1375         }
1377         // begin tag
1378         $node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_ELEMENT;
1379         $tag_lower = strtolower($tag);
1380         $node->tag = ($this->lowercase) ? $tag_lower : $tag;
1382         // handle optional closing tags
1383         if (isset($this->optional_closing_tags[$tag_lower]) )
1384         {
1385             while (isset($this->optional_closing_tags[$tag_lower][strtolower($this->parent->tag)]))
1386             {
1387                 $this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;
1388                 $this->parent = $this->parent->parent;
1389             }
1390             $node->parent = $this->parent;
1391         }
1393         $guard = 0; // prevent infinity loop
1394         $space = array($this->copy_skip($this->token_blank), '', '');
1396         // attributes
1397         do
1398         {
1399             if ($this->char!==null && $space[0]==='')
1400             {
1401                 break;
1402             }
1403             $name = $this->copy_until($this->token_equal);
1404             if ($guard===$this->pos)
1405             {
1406                 $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1407                 continue;
1408             }
1409             $guard = $this->pos;
1411             // handle endless '<'
1412             if ($this->pos>=$this->size-1 && $this->char!=='>') {
1413                 $node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_TEXT;
1414                 $node->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;
1415                 $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '<'.$tag . $space[0] . $name;
1416                 $node->tag = 'text';
1417                 $this->link_nodes($node, false);
1418                 return true;
1419             }
1421             // handle mismatch '<'
1422             if ($this->doc[$this->pos-1]=='<') {
1423                 $node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_TEXT;
1424                 $node->tag = 'text';
1425                 $node->attr = array();
1426                 $node->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;
1427                 $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = substr($this->doc, $begin_tag_pos, $this->pos-$begin_tag_pos-1);
1428                 $this->pos -= 2;
1429                 $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1430                 $this->link_nodes($node, false);
1431                 return true;
1432             }
1434             if ($name!=='/' && $name!=='') {
1435                 $space[1] = $this->copy_skip($this->token_blank);
1436                 $name = $this->restore_noise($name);
1437                 if ($this->lowercase) $name = strtolower($name);
1438                 if ($this->char==='=') {
1439                     $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1440                     $this->parse_attr($node, $name, $space);
1441                 }
1442                 else {
1443                     //no value attr: nowrap, checked selected...
1444                     $node->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][] = HDOM_QUOTE_NO;
1445                     $node->attr[$name] = true;
1446                     if ($this->char!='>') $this->char = $this->doc[--$this->pos]; // prev
1447                 }
1448                 $node->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][] = $space;
1449                 $space = array($this->copy_skip($this->token_blank), '', '');
1450             }
1451             else
1452                 break;
1453         } while ($this->char!=='>' && $this->char!=='/');
1455         $this->link_nodes($node, true);
1456         $node->_[HDOM_INFO_ENDSPACE] = $space[0];
1458         // check self closing
1459         if ($this->copy_until_char_escape('>')==='/')
1460         {
1461             $node->_[HDOM_INFO_ENDSPACE] .= '/';
1462             $node->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;
1463         }
1464         else
1465         {
1466             // reset parent
1467             if (!isset($this->self_closing_tags[strtolower($node->tag)])) $this->parent = $node;
1468         }
1469         $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1471         // If it's a BR tag, we need to set it's text to the default text.
1472         // This way when we see it in plaintext, we can generate formatting that the user wants.
1473         // since a br tag never has sub nodes, this works well.
1474         if ($node->tag == "br")
1475         {
1476             $node->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER] = $this->default_br_text;
1477         }
1479         return true;
1480     }
1482     // parse attributes
1483     protected function parse_attr($node, $name, &$space)
1484     {
1485         // Per sourceforge:
1486         // If the attribute is already defined inside a tag, only pay atetntion to the first one as opposed to the last one.
1487         if (isset($node->attr[$name]))
1488         {
1489             return;
1490         }
1492         $space[2] = $this->copy_skip($this->token_blank);
1493         switch ($this->char) {
1494             case '"':
1495                 $node->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][] = HDOM_QUOTE_DOUBLE;
1496                 $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1497                 $node->attr[$name] = $this->restore_noise($this->copy_until_char_escape('"'));
1498                 $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1499                 break;
1500             case '\'':
1501                 $node->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][] = HDOM_QUOTE_SINGLE;
1502                 $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1503                 $node->attr[$name] = $this->restore_noise($this->copy_until_char_escape('\''));
1504                 $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1505                 break;
1506             default:
1507                 $node->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][] = HDOM_QUOTE_NO;
1508                 $node->attr[$name] = $this->restore_noise($this->copy_until($this->token_attr));
1509         }
1510         // PaperG: Attributes should not have \r or \n in them, that counts as html whitespace.
1511         $node->attr[$name] = str_replace("\r", "", $node->attr[$name]);
1512         $node->attr[$name] = str_replace("\n", "", $node->attr[$name]);
1513         // PaperG: If this is a "class" selector, lets get rid of the preceeding and trailing space since some people leave it in the multi class case.
1514         if ($name == "class") {
1515             $node->attr[$name] = trim($node->attr[$name]);
1516         }
1517     }
1519     // link node's parent
1520     protected function link_nodes(&$node, $is_child)
1521     {
1522         $node->parent = $this->parent;
1523         $this->parent->nodes[] = $node;
1524         if ($is_child)
1525         {
1526             $this->parent->children[] = $node;
1527         }
1528     }
1530     // as a text node
1531     protected function as_text_node($tag)
1532     {
1533         $node = new simple_html_dom_node($this);
1534         ++$this->cursor;
1535         $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '</' . $tag . '>';
1536         $this->link_nodes($node, false);
1537         $this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1538         return true;
1539     }
1541     protected function skip($chars)
1542     {
1543         $this->pos += strspn($this->doc, $chars, $this->pos);
1544         $this->char = ($this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1545     }
1547     protected function copy_skip($chars)
1548     {
1549         $pos = $this->pos;
1550         $len = strspn($this->doc, $chars, $pos);
1551         $this->pos += $len;
1552         $this->char = ($this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1553         if ($len===0) return '';
1554         return substr($this->doc, $pos, $len);
1555     }
1557     protected function copy_until($chars)
1558     {
1559         $pos = $this->pos;
1560         $len = strcspn($this->doc, $chars, $pos);
1561         $this->pos += $len;
1562         $this->char = ($this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next
1563         return substr($this->doc, $pos, $len);
1564     }
1566     protected function copy_until_char($char)
1567     {
1568         if ($this->char===null) return '';
1570         if (($pos = strpos($this->doc, $char, $this->pos))===false) {
1571             $ret = substr($this->doc, $this->pos, $this->size-$this->pos);
1572             $this->char = null;
1573             $this->pos = $this->size;
1574             return $ret;
1575         }
1577         if ($pos===$this->pos) return '';
1578         $pos_old = $this->pos;
1579         $this->char = $this->doc[$pos];
1580         $this->pos = $pos;
1581         return substr($this->doc, $pos_old, $pos-$pos_old);
1582     }
1584     protected function copy_until_char_escape($char)
1585     {
1586         if ($this->char===null) return '';
1588         $start = $this->pos;
1589         while (1)
1590         {
1591             if (($pos = strpos($this->doc, $char, $start))===false)
1592             {
1593                 $ret = substr($this->doc, $this->pos, $this->size-$this->pos);
1594                 $this->char = null;
1595                 $this->pos = $this->size;
1596                 return $ret;
1597             }
1599             if ($pos===$this->pos) return '';
1601             if ($this->doc[$pos-1]==='\\') {
1602                 $start = $pos+1;
1603                 continue;
1604             }
1606             $pos_old = $this->pos;
1607             $this->char = $this->doc[$pos];
1608             $this->pos = $pos;
1609             return substr($this->doc, $pos_old, $pos-$pos_old);
1610         }
1611     }
1613     // remove noise from html content
1614     // save the noise in the $this->noise array.
1615     protected function remove_noise($pattern, $remove_tag=false)
1616     {
1617         global $debugObject;
1618         if (is_object($debugObject)) { $debugObject->debugLogEntry(1); }
1620         $count = preg_match_all($pattern, $this->doc, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER|PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
1622         for ($i=$count-1; $i>-1; --$i)
1623         {
1624             $key = '___noise___'.sprintf('% 5d', count($this->noise)+1000);
1625             if (is_object($debugObject)) { $debugObject->debugLog(2, 'key is: ' . $key); }
1626             $idx = ($remove_tag) ? 0 : 1;
1627             $this->noise[$key] = $matches[$i][$idx][0];
1628             $this->doc = substr_replace($this->doc, $key, $matches[$i][$idx][1], strlen($matches[$i][$idx][0]));
1629         }
1631         // reset the length of content
1632         $this->size = strlen($this->doc);
1633         if ($this->size>0)
1634         {
1635             $this->char = $this->doc[0];
1636         }
1637     }
1639     // restore noise to html content
1640     function restore_noise($text)
1641     {
1642         global $debugObject;
1643         if (is_object($debugObject)) { $debugObject->debugLogEntry(1); }
1645         while (($pos=strpos($text, '___noise___'))!==false)
1646         {
1647             // Sometimes there is a broken piece of markup, and we don't GET the pos+11 etc... token which indicates a problem outside of us...
1648             if (strlen($text) > $pos+15)
1649             {
1650                 $key = '___noise___'.$text[$pos+11].$text[$pos+12].$text[$pos+13].$text[$pos+14].$text[$pos+15];
1651                 if (is_object($debugObject)) { $debugObject->debugLog(2, 'located key of: ' . $key); }
1653                 if (isset($this->noise[$key]))
1654                 {
1655                     $text = substr($text, 0, $pos).$this->noise[$key].substr($text, $pos+16);
1656                 }
1657                 else
1658                 {
1659                     // do this to prevent an infinite loop.
1660                     $text = substr($text, 0, $pos).'UNDEFINED NOISE FOR KEY: '.$key . substr($text, $pos+16);
1661                 }
1662             }
1663             else
1664             {
1665                 // There is no valid key being given back to us... We must get rid of the ___noise___ or we will have a problem.
1666                 $text = substr($text, 0, $pos).'NO NUMERIC NOISE KEY' . substr($text, $pos+11);
1667             }
1668         }
1669         return $text;
1670     }
1672     // Sometimes we NEED one of the noise elements.
1673     function search_noise($text)
1674     {
1675         global $debugObject;
1676         if (is_object($debugObject)) { $debugObject->debugLogEntry(1); }
1678         foreach($this->noise as $noiseElement)
1679         {
1680             if (strpos($noiseElement, $text)!==false)
1681             {
1682                 return $noiseElement;
1683             }
1684         }
1685     }
1686     function __toString()
1687     {
1688         return $this->root->innertext();
1689     }
1691     function __get($name)
1692     {
1693         switch ($name)
1694         {
1695             case 'outertext':
1696                 return $this->root->innertext();
1697             case 'innertext':
1698                 return $this->root->innertext();
1699             case 'plaintext':
1700                 return $this->root->text();
1701             case 'charset':
1702                 return $this->_charset;
1703             case 'target_charset':
1704                 return $this->_target_charset;
1705         }
1706     }
1708     // camel naming conventions
1709     function childNodes($idx=-1) {return $this->root->childNodes($idx);}
1710     function firstChild() {return $this->root->first_child();}
1711     function lastChild() {return $this->root->last_child();}
1712     function createElement($name, $value=null) {return @str_get_html("<$name>$value</$name>")->first_child();}
1713     function createTextNode($value) {return @end(str_get_html($value)->nodes);}
1714     function getElementById($id) {return $this->find("#$id", 0);}
1715     function getElementsById($id, $idx=null) {return $this->find("#$id", $idx);}
1716     function getElementByTagName($name) {return $this->find($name, 0);}
1717     function getElementsByTagName($name, $idx=-1) {return $this->find($name, $idx);}
1718     function loadFile() {$args = func_get_args();$this->load_file($args);}
1719 }
1721 ?>

3:创建抓包代码 test.php,代码如下:

  1 <?php
  2     //error_reporting(0);
  3     set_time_limit(0);
  4     include_once 'simple_html_dom.php';
  5     echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />';
  6     //$data = '#在抖音,记录美好生活#【库存】抛个硬币 如果摔碎了 今天我就不吃饭了 #校园生活  #大学 复制此链接,打开【抖音短视频】,直接观看视频!';
  7     $data = '#科比 愿你去的地方也有篮球陪伴,也能披着24号紫金战衣! #动态壁纸 复制此链接,打开【抖音短视频】,直接观看视频!';
  8     $data = getData($data);
  9     echo json_encode($data);
 11     function getData($data){
 12         $url = getUrl($data);
 13         $cookie_jar = dirname(__FILE__).'/tmp.txt';//tempnam('./tmp','cookie');
 14         $data = get_content($url, $cookie_jar);
 16         $page = str_get_html($data);
 18         $data = array(
 19                 'base'=>array(
 20                     'headimg'=>false, // 头像
 21                     'name'=>false, // 昵称
 22                     'title'=>false, // 标题(姑且叫标题吧)
 23                     'description'=>false // 描述
 24                 ),
 25                 'video'=>array(
 26                     'cover'=>false, // 封面
 27                     'src'=>false, // 路径
 28                     'width'=>false, // 宽度
 29                     'height'=>false // 高度
 30                 )
 31             );
 32         $user = $page->find('div[class=user-info]');
 33         // 头像、 昵称
 34         if(count($user) > 0){
 35             $img = $user[0]->find('div[class=avatar]');
 36             if(count($img) > 0){
 37                 $img = $img[0]->find('img');
 38                 if(count($img) > 0){
 39                     // 头像
 40                     $data['base']['headimg'] = $img[0]->src;
 41                     // 昵称
 42                     $data['base']['name'] = $img[0]->alt;
 43                 }
 44             }
 45         }
 46         // 标题、描述
 47         $title = $page->find('div[class=challenge-info]');
 48         if(count($title) > 0){
 49             $description = $title[0]->next_sibling();
 50             $title = $title[0]->first_child()->first_child();
 51             $data['base']['title'] = $title->innertext;
 52             $data['base']['description'] = $description->innertext;
 53         }
 54         $video = $page->find('div[id=pageletReflowVideo]');
 55         if(count($video) > 0){
 56             $script = $video[0]->next_sibling();
 57             if(!empty($script)){
 58                 $script = $script->next_sibling();
 59                 if(!empty($script)){
 60                     $script = $script->next_sibling()->innertext;
 61                     $data['video'] = getVideo($script);
 62                 }
 63             }
 66         }
 67         return $data;
 68     }
 70     function getVideo($scripts){
 71         $video = array();
 72         $scripts = preg_replace('/\s+/','',$scripts);
 73         // 宽度
 74         preg_match('/videoWidth:([0-9.]*),/' , $scripts, $matches);
 75         if(empty($matches) || count($matches) < 2){
 76             $video['width'] = false;
 77         }else{
 78             $video['width'] = $matches[1];
 79         }
 80         // 高度
 81         preg_match('/videoHeight:([0-9.]*),/' , $scripts, $matches);
 82         if(empty($matches) || count($matches) < 2){
 83             $video['height'] = false;
 84         }else{
 85             $video['height'] = $matches[1];
 86         }
 87         // 视频路径
 88         preg_match('/playAddr:"(.*)",/' , $scripts, $matches);
 89         if(empty($matches) || count($matches) < 2){
 90             $video['src'] = false;
 91         }else{
 92             $video['src'] = $matches[1];
 93         }
 94         // 封面
 95         preg_match('/cover:"(.*)"}/' , $scripts, $matches);
 96         if(empty($matches) || count($matches) < 2){
 97             $video['cover'] = false;
 98         }else{
 99             $video['cover'] = $matches[1];
100         }
101         return $video;
102     }
103     function get_content($url, $cookie,$referfer='') {
104     //var_dump($post);exit;
105     $useragent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)";
106     /*if ($curl_loops++ >= $curl_max_loops) {
107         $curl_loops = 0;
108         return false;
109     }*/
110     if($referfer == ''){
111         $referfer = '';
112     }
113     $header = array("Referer: ".$referfer); 
114       $curl = curl_init();//初始化curl模块 
115       curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);//登录提交的地址 
116       curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); //不验证证书
117       curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); //不验证证书
118       curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);//是否显示头信息 
119       curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$header); 
120       //curl_setopt ($curl,CURLOPT_REFERER,'');
121       curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);//是否自动显示返回的信息 
122       curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie); //设置Cookie信息保存在指定的文件中 
123       curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie); //设置Cookie信息保存在指定的文件中 
124       //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);//post方式提交 
125       //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post));//要提交的信息 
126       //curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$post);
128       curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
129       //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, '');
130       $data = curl_exec($curl);//执行cURL 
131       $ret = $data;
132       list($header, $data) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $data, 2);
133       $http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
134       $last_url = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
135       //var_dump($last_url);
136       //$httpCode = curl_getinfo($curl,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
137       //var_dump($httpCode);
138       //echo '<hr/>';
139       curl_close($curl);//关闭cURL资源,并且释放系统资源 
140       if ($http_code == 301 || $http_code == 302) {
141             $matches = array();
142             preg_match('/Location:(.*?)\n/', $header, $matches);
143             $url = @parse_url(trim(array_pop($matches)));
144             if (!$url) {
145                   $curl_loops = 0;
146                   return $data;
147             }
148             $new_url = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host'] . $url['path']
149                   . (isset($url['query']) ? '?' . $url['query'] : '');
150             $new_url = stripslashes($new_url);
151             return get_content($new_url,$cookie);
152      } else {
153           $curl_loops = 0;
154           list($header, $data) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $ret, 2);
155           return $data;
156      }
157 } 
158     function getUrl($data){
159         preg_match('/https:\/\/\/.*\//' , $data, $matches);
160         if(empty($matches) || count($matches) != 1){
161             return false;
162         }else{
163             return $matches[0];
164         }
165     }
166 ?>

 将test.php中的$data 换成自己复制出来的链接就可以了。返回的是json格式的内容,可以直接渲染在前台 也可以存到数据库里面。

到此 从抖音上抓包视频内容就完成了,写的不好,请大家勿喷。大家有什么意见,欢迎在评论区留言。我看到了会回复大家 ,谢谢。

posted @ 2020-04-14 10:56  嚣张无极限  阅读(3386)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报