

  • AC actual cost 实际成本
  • ACWP actual cost of work performed 已完工作实际成本
  • BAC budget at completion 完工预算
  • BCWP budgeted cost of work performed 已完工作预算成本
  • BCWS budgeted cost of work scheduled 计划工作预算成本
  • CCB change control board 变更控制委员会
  • COQ cost of quality 质量成本
  • CPAF cost plus award fee 成本加奖励费用
  • CPF cost plus fee 成本加费用
  • CPFF cost plus fixed fee 成本加固定费用
  • CPI cost performance index 成本绩效指数
  • CPIF cost plus incentive fee 成本加激励费用
  • CPM critical path methodology 关键路径法
  • CV cost variance 成本偏差
  • EAC estimate at completion 完工估算
  • EF early finish date 最早完成日期
  • EMV expected monetary value 预期货币价值
  • ES early start date 最早开始日期
  • ETC estimate to complete 完工尚需估算
  • EV earned value 挣值
  • EVM earned value management 挣值管理
  • FF finish-to-finish 完成到完成
  • FFP firm fixed price 固定总价
  • FMEA failure mode and effect analysis 失效模式与影响分析
  • FP-EPA fixed price with economic price adjustment 总价加经济价格调整
  • FPIF fixed price incentive fee 总价加激励费用
  • FS finish to start 完成到开始
  • IFB invitation for bid 投标邀请
  • LF late finish date 最晚完成日期
  • LOE level of effort 人力投入量
  • LS late start date 最晚开始日期
  • OBS organizational breakdown structure 组织分解结构
  • PDM precedence diagramming method 紧前关系绘图法
  • PMBOK® Project Management Body of Knowledge 项目管理知识体系
  • PMIS project management information system 项目管理信息系统
  • PMP® Project Management Professional 项目管理专业人士
  • PV planned value 计划价值
  • QA quality assurance 质量保证
  • QC quality control 质量控制
  • RACI responsible, accountable, consult, and inform 执行、负责、咨询和知情
  • RAM responsibility assignment matrix 责任分配矩阵
  • RBS risk breakdown structure 风险分解结构
  • RFI request for information 信息邀请书
  • RFP request for proposal 建议邀请书
  • RFQ request for quotation 报价邀请书
  • SF start-to-finish 开始到完成
  • SOW statement of work 工作说明书
  • SPI schedule performance index 进度绩效指数
  • SS start-to-start 开始到开始
  • SV schedule variance 进度偏差
  • SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats 优势、劣势、机会与威胁
  • T&M time and material 工料
  • TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理
  • WBS work breakdown structure 工作分解结构


  • 验收标准 Acceptance Criteria 受入基準


Those criteria, including performance requirements and essential conditions, which must be met before project Deliverables are accepted.


  • 组建项目团队 Acquire Project Team プロジェクト・チーム編成


The process of confirming human resource availability and obtaining the team necessary to complete project assignments.


  • 活动 Activity アクティビティ


A component of work performed during the course of a project.


  • 活动属性 Activity Attributes アクティビティ属性

可列入活动清单的每一项进度活动所具有的多种属性。活动属性包括:活动编码紧前活动紧后活动逻辑关系时间提前量时间滞后量、资源要求、强制日期制约因素和 假设条件。

Multiple attributes associated with each schedule activity that can be included within the Activity List. Activity Attributes include Activity Codes, predecessor activities, successor activities,Logical Relationships, Leads and Lags, resource requirements, Imposed Dates, Constraints, and assumptions.


  • 活动编码 Activity Code アクティビティ・コード


One or more numerical or text values that identify characteristics of the work or in some way categorize the schedule activity that allows filtering and ordering of activities within reports.


  • 活动持续时间 Activity Duration アクティビティ所要期間


The time in Calendar Units between the start and finish of a schedule activity. See also duration.


  • 活动标志 Activity Identifier アクティビティ識別子


A short unique numeric or text identification assigned to each schedule activity to differentiate that project activity from other activities. Typically unique within any one Project Schedule Network Diagram.


  • 活动清单 Activity List アクティビティ・リスト


A documented tabulation of schedule activities that shows the activity description,Activity Identifier, and a sufficiently detailed scope of work description so project Team Members understand what work is to be performed.


  • 实际成本 Actual Cost (AC) 実コスト


Total costs actually incurred and recorded in accomplishing work performed during a given time period for a schedule activity or Work Breakdown Structure Component. Actual cost can sometimes be direct labor hours alone, direct costs alone, or all costs including indirect costs. Also referred to as the Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP). See also Earned Value Management and Earned Value Technique.

実コストは、1つのスケジュール・アクティビティまたは1つのWBS要素に 対して所定期間内に作業を完了するために実際に発生し、かつ記録されたコストの総額である。実 コストは、場合によって、直接作業時問のみ、直接費のみ、あるいは間接費を含む全費用を対象とす る。完了作業実コスト(ACWP)とも呼ばれる。アーンド・バリュー・マネジメントおよびアーンド・バリュ 技法も参照。

  • 已完工作实际成本 Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) 完了作業実コスト


See actual cost (AC).


  • 实际持续时间 Actual Duration 実所要期間


The time in Calendar Units between the actual start date of the schedule activity and either the Data Date of the project schedule if the schedule activity is in progress or the actual finish date if the schedule activity is complete.

スケジュール・アクティビティの実開始日から、プロジェクト・スケジュ ルのデータ日付まで(スケジュール・アクティビティが進行中の場合)または実終了日まで(スケジュ ル・アクティビティが完了している場合)の時間をカレンダー単位で示したもの。

  • 管理采购 Administer Procurements 調達管理


The process of managing procurement relationships, monitoring contract performance, and making changes and corrections as needed.


  • 类比估算 Analogous Estimating 類推見積り

以过去类似活动的参数值(如 范围、成本、预算和持续时间等)或规模指标(如尺寸、重量和复杂性等)为基础,来估算未来活动的同类参数或指标的估算技术。

An estimating technique that uses the values of parameters, such as scope, cost, budget, and duration or measures of scale such as size, weight, and complexity from a previous,similar activity as the basis for estimating the same parameter or measure for a future activity.

過去の類似アクティビティのスコープ、コスト、予 算、所要期間などのパラメーター値、またはサイズ、重量、複雑さなどの尺度を用いる見積り技法の1 つ。それらのパラメーターや尺度の見積りを将来行うアクティビティの見積りの基準に使用するもの。

  • 应用领域 Application Area 適用分野

具有显著共性的一类项目,而这些共性并非所有项目所必需或具备的。应用领域通常根据产品(如采用相似技术或生产方式)、 客户类型(如内部或外部客户,政府或商业客户)或产业部门(如公用事业、 汽车、航空航天、信息技术等)来定义。应用领域的划分可能出现交叉。

A category of projects that have common components significant in such projects, but are not needed or present in all projects. Application Areas are usually defined in terms of either the product (i.e., by similar technologies or production methods) or the type of customer (i.e., internal versus external, government versus commercial) or industry sector (i.e., utilities, automotive, aerospace, information technologies, etc.).Application Areas can overlap.


  • 批准的变更请求 Approved Change Request 承認済み変更要求


A change request that has been processed through the integrated change control process and approved.


  • 假设 Assumptions 前提条件


Assumptions are factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration.


  • 假设分析 Assumptions Analysis 前提条件分析

探讨假设的准确性,并识别 因其中的错误、矛盾或片面性所致的项目风险的一种技术。

A technique that explores the accuracy of assumptions and identifies risks to the project from inaccuracy, inconsistency, or incompleteness of assumptions.


  • 职权 Authority 権限


The right to apply project resources, expend funds, make decisions, or give approvals.


  • 逆推计算 Backward Pass 復路時間計算(バックワード・パス)


The calculation of Late Finish Dates and Late Start Dates for the uncompleted portions of all schedule activities. Determined by working backwards through the schedule Network Logic from the project's end date. See also Schedule Network Analysis.


  • 基准 Baseline ベースライン


An approved plan for a project, plus or minus approved changes. It is compared to actual performance to determine if performance is within acceptable variance Thresholds. Generally refers to the current baseline,but may refer to the original or some other baseline. Usually used with a modifier (e.g., Cost Performance Baseline, Schedule Baseline, Performance Measurement Baseline, technical baseline).

プロジェクトの承認済み計画および、承認された変更を行ったもの。実績と比 較することにより、パフォーマンスが差異の限界値の範囲内にあるかどうかを決定する。一般的には、現 行ベースラインのことを指すが、最初のベースラインやその後のベースラインを指す場合もある。通常 は、修飾語とともに用いられる(例:コスト・パフォーマンス・ベースラインスケジュール・ベースラインパフォーマンス測定ベースライン、テクニカル・ベースライン)。

  • 自下而上估算 Bottom-up Estimating ボトムアップ見積り

对工作组成部分进行估算的一种方法。先把工作分解为更细节的部分,再对低层次上每个细节部分所需的投入进行估算,最后汇总得到整个工作所需的总投入。该估算方法的准确 性取决于较低层次上的工作的规模和复杂程度。

A method of estimating a component of work. The work is decomposed into more detail. An estimate is prepared of what is needed to meet the requirements of each of the lower, more detailed pieces of work, and these estimates are then aggregated into a total quantity for the component of work. The accuracy of Bottom-up Estimating is driven by the size and complexity of the work identified at the lower levels.

作業の構成要素の見積り手法。作業の構 成要素をさらに細かく要素分解する。これら下位レベルのより詳細な作業の要求事項を満たすために 必要なものを見積もる。それらを集計して作業の構成要素全体の見積りとする。ボトムアップ見積りの 精度は、下位レベルで識別される作業のサイズと複雑ざによって変わる。

  • 头脑风暴 Brainstorming ブレーンストーミング


A general data gathering and creativity technique that can be used to Identify Risks, ideas, or solutions to Issues by using a group of Team Members or subject-matter experts.


  • 预算 Budget 予算


The approved estimate for the project or any Work Breakdown Structure Component or any schedule activity. See also estimate.


  • 完工预算 Budget at Completion (BAC) 完成時総予算


The sum of all the budgets established for the work to be performed on a project or a Work Breakdown Structure Component or a schedule activity. The total Planned Value for the project.


  • 已完工作预算成本 Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) 完了作業予算コスト


See earned value (EV).


  • 计划工作预算成本 Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) 予定作業予算コスト


See Planned Value (PV).


  • 缓冲 Buffer バッファー


See reserve.


  • 买方 Buyer 購入者


The acquirer of products, services, or Results for an organization.


  • 日历单位 Calendar Unit カレンダー単位


The smallest unit of time used in scheduling a project. Calendar Units are generally in hours, days, or weeks, but can also be in quarter years, months, shifts, or even in minutes.


  • 变更控制 Change Control 変更管理


Identifying, documenting, approving or rejecting, and controlling changes to the project baselines.

プロジェクト・ベースラインへの変更を特定し、文書化し、承認あるいは否認 し、かつコントロールすること。

  • 变更控制委员会 Change Control Board (CCB) 変更管理委員会


A formally constituted group of stakeholders responsible for reviewing, evaluating, approving, delaying, or rejecting changes to a project, with all decisions and recommendations being recorded.

ステークホルダーで構成された公式の委員会で、プロジ ェクトに対する変更を調査、評価、承認、保留、あるいは否認する責任を有する。その決定事項と提言は すべて記録される。

  • 变更控制系统 Change Control System 変更管理システム


A collection of formal documented procedures that define how project Deliverables and documentation will be controlled, changed, and approved. In most Application Areas, the Change Control System is a subset of the Configuration Management System.

プロジェクトの要素成果物と文書をコントロ ル、変更、および承認する方法を規定した文書化された公式の手順を集めたもの。ほとんどの適用分 野では、変更管理システムコンフィギュレーション・マネジメント・システムを構成する一部分である。

  • 变更请求 Change Request 変更要求


Requests to expand or reduce the project scope, modify policies, processes, plans, or procedures, modify costs or budgets, or revise schedules.

プロジェクト・スコープの拡大・縮小、方針、プロセス、計画、手順の修正、コ ストや予算の修正、スケジュールの改訂等を要求すること。

  • 章程 Charter 憲章


See project charter.


  • 索赔 Claim クレーム


A request, demand, or assertion of rights by a Seller against a Buyer, or vice versa, for consideration, compensation, or payment under the terms of a legally binding contract, such as for a disputed change.


  • 结束采购 Close Procurements 調達終結


The process of completing each project procurement.


  • 结束项目或阶段 Close Project or Phase プロジェクトやフェ-ズの終結


The process of finalizing all activities across all of the Project Management Process Groups to formally complete the project or phase.

公式にプロジェクトやフェ-ズを終了するために、すべてのプロジェクトマネジメント・プロセス群のすべてのアクティビティを完結 するプロセス。

  • 收尾过程组 Closing Processes 終結プロセス群


Those processes performed to finalize all activities across all Project Management Process Groups to formally close the project or phase.

公式にプロジェクトやフェ-ズを 完結するために、すべてのプロジェクトマネジメント・プロセス群のすべてのアクティビティを終了 するプロセス。

  • 账户编码 Code of Accounts WBSコード


Any numbering system used to uniquely identify each component of the work breakdown structure.


  • 收集需求 Collect Requirements 要求事項収集


Collect Requirements is the process of defining and documenting stakeholders’ needs to meet the project Objectives.

要求事項収集は、プロジェクト目標を達成す るためにステークホルダーのニーズを定義し、文書化するプロセス。

  • 集中办公 Co-location コロケーション


An organizational placement strategy where the project Team Members are physically located close to one another in order to improve communication, working relationships, and productivity.


  • 普通原因 Common Cause 一般的要因


A source of variation that is inherent in the system and predictable. On a Control Chart, it appears as part of the random process variation (i.e., variation from a process that would be considered normal or not unusual), and is indicated by a random pattern of points within the Control Limits. Also referred to as random cause. Contrast with Special Cause.


  • 沟通管理计划 Communication Management Plan コミュニケーション・マネジメント計画書


The document that describes: the communications needs and expectations for the project; how and in what format information will be communicated; when and where each communication will be made; and who is responsible for providing each type of communication. The Communication Management Plan is contained in, or is a subsidiary plan of, the project management plan.

プロジェクトに対するコミュニケーションのニーズと期待、情報を交換する方法とその 形式、それぞれのコミュニケーションを行う場所と時、各種コミュニケーションを提供する責任者等 を記述した文書。コミュニケーション・マネジメント計画書は、プロジェクトマネジメント計画書に含 まれるか、あるいはプロジェクトマネジメント計画書の補助の計画書である。

  • 实施采购 Conduct Procurements 調達実行


The process of obtaining Seller responses, selecting a Seller, and awarding a contract.


  • 配置管理系统 Configuration Management System コンフィギュレーション・マネジメント・システム


A subsystem of the overall Project Management System. It is a collection of formal documented procedures used to apply technical and administrative direction and surveillance to: identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a product, Result, service, or component; control any changes to such characteristics; record and report each change and its implementation status; and support the audit of the products, Results, or components to verify conformance to requirements. It includes the documentation, tracking systems, and defined approval levels necessary for authorizing and controlling changes.

包括的プロジェクトマネジメント・システムのサブシステム。正式に文書化された手順を集めたもの。技 術的および管理的な指示と監視を行うために使用される。その対象は、プロダクト、サービス、所産、 構成要素等の機能的および物理的な特性を特定して文書化すること、これらの特性への変更をコン トロールすること、各変更と実施状況の記録と報告をすること、要求事項への適合を検証するためプ ロダクト、所産、あるいは構成要素に対する監査をサポートすること等である。コンフィギュレーショ ン・マネジメント・システムには、変更の認可とコントロールに必要な文書化、追跡システム、明確な 承認レベル等が含まれる。

  • 制约因素 Constraint 制約条件


The state, quality, or sense of being restricted to a given course of action or inaction. An applicable restriction or limitation, either internal or external to a project, which will affect the performance of the project or a process. For example, a schedule Constraint is any limitation or restraint placed on the project schedule that affects when a schedule activity can be scheduled and is usually in the form of fixed Imposed Dates.


  • 应急 Contingency コンティンジェンシー


See reserve.


  • 应急补贴 Contingency Allowance 


See reserve.

  • 应急储备 Contingency Reserve コンティンジェンシー予備


The amount of funds, budget, or time needed above the estimate to reduce the risk of overruns of project Objectives to a level acceptable to the organization.


  • 合同 Contract 


A contract is a mutually binding agreement that obligates the Seller to provide the specified product or service or Result and obligates the Buyer to pay for it.

  • 控制 Control コントロール


Comparing actual performance with planned performance, analyzing variances, assessing trends to effect process improvements, evaluating possible alternatives, and recommending appropriate Corrective Action as needed.


  • 控制账户 Control Account コントロール・アカウント


A management control point where scope, budget (resource plans), actual cost, and schedule are ntegrated and compared to earned value for performance measurement. See also Work Package.


  • 控制图 Control Chart 管理図


A graphic display of process data over time and against established Control Limits, and that has a centerline that assists in detecting a trend of plotted values toward either control limit.


  • 控制成本 Control Costs コスト・コントロール


The process of monitoring the status of the project to update the project budget and managing changes to the cost baseline.


  • 控制界限 Control Limits 管理限界


The area composed of three Standard deviations on either side of the centerline, or mean, of a normal distribution of data plotted on a Control Chart that reflects the expected variation in the data. See also Specification Limits.


  • 控制进度 Control Schedule スケジュール・コントロール


The process of monitoring the status of the project to update project progress and managing changes to the Schedule Baseline.


  • 控制范围 Control Scope スコープ・コントロール


The process of monitoring the status of the project and product scope and managing changes to the Scope Baseline.


  • 进行控制 Controlling コントロール


See control.


  • 纠正措施 Corrective Action 是正処置


Documented direction for executing the project work to bring expected future performance of the project work in line with the project management plan.


  • 成本管理计划 Cost Management Plan コスト・マネジメント計画書


The document that sets out the format and establishes the activities and criteria for planning, structuring, and controlling the project costs. The Cost Management Plan is contained in, or is a subsidiary plan of, the project management plan.


  • 质量成本 Cost of Quality (COQ) 品質コスト


A method of determining the costs incurred to ensure quality. Prevention and appraisal costs (cost of conformance) include costs for quality planning, quality control (QC), and quality assurance to ensure compliance to requirements (i.e., training, QC systems, etc.). Failure costs (cost of nonconformance) include costs to Rework products, components, or processes that are non-compliant, costs of warranty work and waste, and loss of reputation.


  • 成本绩效基准 Cost Performance Baseline コスト・パフォーマンス・ベースライン


A specific version of the time-phased budget used to compare actual expenditures to planned expenditures to determine if preventive or Corrective Action is needed to meet the project Objectives.


  • 成本绩效指数 Cost Performance Index (CPI) コスト効率指数


A measure of cost efficiency on a project. It is the ratio of earned value (EV) to actual costs (AC). CPI = EV divided by AC.


  • 成本偏差 Cost Variance (CV) コスト差異


A measure of cost performance on a project. It is the difference between earned value (EV) and actual cost (AC). CV = EV minus AC.


  • 成本加固定费用合同 Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) Contract コスト・プラス定額フィー契約


A type of Cost-Reimbursable Contract where the Buyer reimburses the Seller for the Seller's allowable costs (allowable costs are defined by the contract) plus a fixed amount of profit (fee).


  • 成本加激励费用合同 Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (CPIF) Contract コスト・プラス・インセンティブ・フィー契約


A type of Cost-Reimbursable Contract where the Buyer reimburses the Seller for the Seller's allowable costs (allowable costs are defined by the contract), and the Seller earns its profit if it meets defined performance criteria.


  • 成本补偿合同 Cost-Reimbursable Contract 実費償還契約


A type of contract involving payment to the Seller for the Seller's actual costs, plus a fee typically representing Seller's profit Cost-Reimbursable Contracts often include incentive clauses where, if the Seller meets or exceeds selected project Objectives, such as schedule targets or total cost, then the Seller receives from the Buyer an incentive or bonus payment.

購入者納入者の実コストに加えて納入者の利益となる フィーを支払う、支払い契約の一種である。実費償還契約は、インセンティブ条項を伴うことが多い。 その場合、納入者がスケジュール目標や総コストのような設定したプロジェクト目標を達成するか、 または目標を上回った場合、納入者購入者からインセンティブやボーナスの支払いを受け取る。

  • 赶工 Crashing クラッシング


A specific type of project Schedule Compression technique performed by taking action to decrease the total project schedule duration after analyzing a number of alternatives to determine how to get the maximum schedule duration compression for the least additional cost. Typical approaches for Crashing a schedule include reducing schedule activity durations and increasing the assignment of resources on schedule activities. See also Fast Tracking and Schedule Compression.

プロジェクト・スケジュール短縮技法の一種。最小の追加コストで、最大限のスケジュール所要期間を短縮する方法を決めるために、さまざまな代 替案を分析した上で、全体のプロジェクト・スケジュール所要期間を短縮する処置をとる技法。スケジュールをクラッシングする典型的な例として、スケジュール・アクティビティ所要期間の短縮やスケジュール・アクティビティへの資源割当ての増加などがある。スケジュール短縮を参照。

  • 创建工作分解结构 Create WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) WBS作成


The process of subdividing project Deliverables and project work into smaller, more manageable components.


  • 准则 Criteria 基準


Standards, rules, or tests on which a judgment or decision can be based, or by which a product, service, Result, or process can be evaluated.


  • 关键活动 Critical Activity クリティカル・アクティビティ


Any schedule activity on a critical path in a project schedule. Most commonly determined by using the Critical Path Method. Although some activities are "critical" in the dictionary sense, without being on the critical path, this meaning is seldom used in the project context.

プロジェクト・スケジュールにおいてクリティカル・パス 上にあるスケジュール・アクティビティ。通常は、クリティカル・パス法を用いることで決定する。クリテ ィカル・パス上にないアクティビティを、辞書的な意味で「クリティカル」という場合があるが、プロジ ェクト環境ではグノテイカルをそのような意味で用いることはほとんどない。

  • 关键链法 Critical Chain Method クリティカル・チエ-ン法


A Schedule Network Analysis technique that modifies the project schedule to account for limited resources.


  • 关键路径 Critical Path クリティカル・パス


Generally, but not always, the sequence of schedule activities that determines the duration of the project. It is the longest path through the project. See also Critical Path Methodology.

一般的には(ただし異なる場合もあるが)、プロジェクトの所要期間を決定する一連のスケジュール・アクティビティを指し、プロジェクトの最も長いアクティビティの経 路である。クリティカル・パス法も参照。

  • 关键路径法 Critical Path Method (CPM) クリティカル・パス法


A Schedule Network Analysis technique used to determine the amount of scheduling flexibility (the amount of float) on various logical Network Paths in the project schedule network, and to determine the minimum total project duration. Early start and finish dates are calculated by means of a Forward Pass, using a specified start date. Late start and finish dates are calculated by means of a Backward Pass, starting from a specified completion date, which sometimes is the project Early Finish Date determined during the Forward Pass calculation. See also critical path.


  • 数据日期 Data Date データ日付


The date up to or through which the project's reporting system has provided actual status and accomplishments. Also called as-of date and time-now date.


  • 决策树分析 Decision Tree Analysis デシジョン・ツリー分析


The decision tree is a diagram that describes a decision under consideration and the implications of choosing one or another of the available alternatives. It is used when some future scenarios or outcomes of actions are uncertain. It incorporates probabilities and the costs or rewards of each logical path of events and future decisions, and uses Expected Monetary Value Analysis to help the organization identify the relative values of alternate actions. See also Expected Monetary Value Analysis.


  • 分解 Decomposition 要素分解


A planning technique that subdivides the project scope and project Deliverables into smaller, more manageable components, until the project work associated with accomplishing the project scope and providing the Deliverables is defined in sufficient detail to support executing, monitoring, and controlling the work.

プロジェクト・スコープおよびプロジェクト要素成果物を、 より小さな、よりマネジメントしやすい構成要素に分解する計画技法。要素分解は、プロジェクト・スコー プを実現し、要素成果物を提供することに係わるプロジェクト作業が、作業の実行、監視、およびコント ロールをサポートするのに十分な詳細さで定義されるレベルまで続けられる。

  • 缺陷 Defect 欠陥


An imperfection or deficiency in a project component where that component does not meet its requirements or specifications and needs to be either repaired or replaced.


  • 缺陷补救 Defect Repair 欠陥修正


The formally documented identification of a defect in a project component with a recommendation to either repair the defect or completely replace the component.


  • 定义活动 Define Activities アクティビティ定義


The process of identifying the specific actions to be performed to produce the project Deliverables.


  • 定义范围 Define Scope スコープ定義


The process of developing a detailed description of the project and product.


  • 可交付成果 Deliverable 要素成果物


Any unique and verifiable product, Result, or capability to perform a service that must be produced to complete a process, phase, or project. Often used more narrowly in reference to an external Deliverable, which is a Deliverable that is subject to approval by the project Sponsor or customer. See also product and Result.

プロセス、フェーズ、またはプロジェク トを完了するために生み出さなければならない、固有で検証可能なプロダクト、所産、またはサービス 実行能力。プロジェクト・スポンサーや顧客の承認を得る必要のある要素成果物、すなわち外部へ向け た要素成果物という狭義の意味で使われることも多い。

  • 德尔菲技术 Delphi Technique デルファイ法


An information gathering technique used as a way to reach a consensus of experts on a subject. Experts on the subject participate in this technique anonymously. A facilitator uses a questionnaire to solicit ideas about the important project points related to the subject. The responses are summarized and are then recirculated to the experts for further comment. Consensus may be reached in a few rounds of this process. The Delphi Technique helps reduce bias in the data and keeps any one person from having undue influence on the outcome.


  • 依赖关系 Dependency 依存関係


See Logical Relationship.


  • 制定预算 Determine Budget 予算設定


The process of aggregating the estimated costs of individual activities or Work Packages to establish an authorized cost baseline.

コスト・ベースラインを作成し、認可を得るために、個 々のアクティビティやワーク・パッケージのコスト見積りを積算するプロセス。

  • 制定人力资源计划 Develop Human Resource Plan 人的資源計画書作成


The process of identifying and documenting project Roles, responsibilities, and required skills, reporting relationships, and creating a Staffing Management Plan.

プロジェクトにおける役割、責任、必要なスキル、上下関係等を特定し、文書化し、さらに要員マネジメント計画書の作成を行う プロセス。

  • 制定项目章程 Develop Project Charter プロジェクト憲章作成


The process of developing a document that formally authorizes a project or a phase and documenting initial requirements that satisfy the stakeholder's needs and expectations.


  • 制定项目管理计划 Develop Project Management Plan プロジェクトマネジメント計画書作成


The process of documenting the actions necessary to define, prepare, integrate, and coordinate all subsidiary plans.


  • 建设项目团队 Develop Project Team プロジェクト・チーム育成


The process of improving the competencies, team interaction, and the overall team environment to enhance project performance.


  • 制定进度计划 Develop Schedule スケジュール作成


The process of analyzing activity sequences, durations, resource requirements, and schedule Constraints to create the project schedule.


  • 指导与管理项目执行 Direct and Manage Project Execution プロジェクト実行の指揮・マネジメント


The process of performing the work defined in the project management plan to achieve the project's Objectives


  • 发布信息 Distribute Information 情報配布


The process of making relevant information available to project stakeholders as planned.


  • 持续时间 Duration (DU or DUR) 所要期間


The total number of work periods (not including holidays or other nonworking periods) required to complete a schedule activity or Work Breakdown Structure Component. Usually expressed as workdays or workweeks. Sometimes incorrectly equated with elapsed time. Contrast with effort.

スケジュール・アクティビティやWBS要素を完了するために必要と する総作業期間(祝日や休日を含まない)。通常は作業日数や作業週数で表す。経過時間と混同される ことがある。作業工数と対比。

  • 最早完成日期 Early Finish Date (EF) 最早終了日


In the Critical Path Method, the earliest possible point in time on which the uncompleted portions of a schedule activity (or the project) can finish, based on the schedule Network Logic, the Data Date, and any schedule Constraints. Early Finish Dates can change as the project progresses and as changes are made to the project management plan.

クリティカル・パス法において、スケジュール・アクティビティ(また はプロジェクト)の未完了部分を最も早く完了できるとした時点。スケジュール・ネットワーク・ロジッ ク、データ日付、およびスケジュール上の制約条件を考慮する。プロジェクトの進展に伴い最早終了 日は変更され、その変更はプロジェクトマネジメント計画書に反映される。

  • 最早开始日期 Early Start Date (ES) 最早開始日


In the Critical Path Method, the earliest possible point in time on which the uncompleted portions of a schedule activity (or the project) can start, based on the schedule Network Logic, the Data Date, and any schedule Constraints. Early Start Dates can change as the project progresses and as changes are made to the project management plan.

クリティカル・パス法において、スケジュール・アクティビティ(また はプロジェクト)の末完了部分を最も早く開始できるとした時点。スケジュール・ネットワーク・ロジッ ク、データ日付、およびスケジュール上の制約条件を考慮する。プロジェクトの進展に伴い最早開始 日は変更され、その変更はプロジェクトマネジメント計画書に反映される。

  • 挣值 Earned Value (EV) アーンド・バリュー


The value of work performed expressed in terms of the approved budget assigned to that work for a schedule activity or Work Breakdown Structure Component. Also referred to as the Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP).


  • 挣值管理 Earned Value Management (EVM) アーンド・バリュー・マネジメント


A management Methodology for integrating scope, schedule, and resources, and for Objectively measuring project performance and progress. Performance is measured by determining the Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (i.e., earned value) and comparing it to the Actual Cost of Work Performed (i.e., actual cost).

スコープ、スケジュール、資源を統 合し、プロジェクトの実績と進捗を客観的に測るマネジメント手法。実行した作業の予算コスト(アー ンド・バリュー)を確定し、その作業に実際にかかったコスト(実コスト)と比較することでパフォーマ ンスを測定する。

  • 挣值技术 Earned Value Technique (EVT) アーンド・バリュー技法


A specific technique for measuring the performance of work and used to establish the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB).


  • 人力投入 Effort 作業工数


The number of labor units required to complete a schedule activity or Work Breakdown Structure Component. Usually expressed as staff hours, staff days, or staff weeks. Contrast with duration.

スケジュール・アクティビティやWBS要素を完了するのに必要な労務単位の数値。 通常は人・時、人・日、人・週で表す。所要期間と対比。

  • 事业环境因素 Enterprise Environmental Factors 組織体の環境要因


Any or all external environmental factors and internal organizational environmental factors that surround or influence the project's success These factors are from any or all of the enterprises involved in the project, and include organizational culture and structure, infrastructure, existing resources, commercial databases, market conditions, and project management software.


  • 估算 Estimate 見積り


A quantitative assessment of the likely amount or outcome. Usually applied to project costs, resources, effort, and durations and is usually preceded by a modifier (i.e., preliminary, conceptual, feasibility, order-of-magnitude, definitive). It should always include some indication of accuracy (e.g., ± x percent). See also budget and cost.

予想される結果の数値や成果を定量的に査定 すること。通常はプロジェクトのコスト、資源、作業工数、所要期間等に対して適用する。多くの場合、修 飾語(予備、概念、フィージビリティ、超概算、確定など)とともに用いる。必ず何らかの精度(例:±X%等) を表示するとよい。予算とコストも参照。

  • 估算活动持续时间 Estimate Activity Durations アクティビティ所要期間見積り


The process of approximating the number of work periods needed to complete individual activities with estimated resources.


  • 估算活动资源 Estimate Activity Resources アクティビティ資源見積り


The process of estimating the type and quantities of material, people, equipment or supplies required to perform each activity.


  • 完工估算 Estimate at Completion (EAC) 完成時総コスト見積り

为完成某进度活动、工作分解结构组成部分或整个项目所需的预期总成本。EAC 既可以根据迄今为止的实际绩效进行计算,也可以由项目团队根据其他因素做出估算,后者也常称“最新修订估算”。参见“挣值技术”和“完工尚需估算”。

The expected total cost of a schedule activity, a Work Breakdown Structure Component, or the project when the defined scope of work will be completed. The EAC may be calculated based on performance to date or estimated by the project team based on other factors, in which case it is often referred to as the latest revised estimate. See also Earned Value Technique and Estimate to Complete.


  • 估算成本 Estimate Costs コスト見積り


The process of developing an approximation of the monetary resources needed to complete project activities.


  • 完工尚需估算 Estimate to Complete (ETC) 残作業のコスト見積り


The expected cost needed to complete all the remaining work for a schedule activity, Work Breakdown Structure Component, or the project. See also Earned Value Technique and Estimate at Completion.

スケジュール・アクティビティ、WBS要素、またはプロジェクトのすべての残作業を完了するために今後必要とな る予想コスト。アーンド・バリュー技法および完成時総コスト見積りも参照。

  • 执行 Execute 実行


Directing, managing, performing, and accomplishing the project work, providing the Deliverables, and providing Work Performance Information.

プロジェクト作業を指揮、マネジメント、遂行、および完遂し、要素成果物を提供し、 作業パフォーマンス情報を提供すること。

  • 执行过程组 Executing Processes 実行プロセス群


Those processes performed to complete the work defined in the project management plan to satisfy the project Objectives.


  • 预期货币价值分析 Expected Monetary Value (EMV) Analysis 期待金額価値分析


A statistical technique that calculates the average outcome when the future includes scenarios that may or may not happen. A common use of this technique is within Decision Tree Analysis.


  • 专家判断 Expert Judgment 専門家の判断


Judgment provided based upon expertise in an Application Area, knowledge area, discipline, industry, etc. as appropriate for the activity being performed. Such expertise may be provided by any group or person with specialized education, knowledge, skill, experience, or training.


  • 失效模式与影响分析 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) 故障モード影響解析


An analytical procedure in which each potential failure mode in every component of a product is analyzed to determine its effect on the reliability of that component and, by itself or in combination with other possible failure modes, on the reliability of the product or system and on the required function of the component; or the examination of a product (at the system and/or lower levels) for all ways that a failure may occur. For each potential failure, an estimate is made of its effect on the total system and of its impact. In addition, a review is undertaken of the action planned to minimize the probability of failure and to minimize its effects.

製品のすべての構成部品における潜在的な個々の故障モードを分析する手順。構成部品の信頼性に対する影響、当該 故障モードのみあるいは他の故障モードとの組み合わせによって得られる製品やシステムの信頼性 に対する影響、構成部品に必要な機能に対する影響等を求めるもので、故障のあらゆる発生のしか たに対する製品(システムや更に下位レベルに位置するもの)の試験ともなる。潜在的な故障一件ご とに、システム全体への影響とその度合いを見積もる。さらに、故障する確率とその故障の影響を最 小限にするために取るべきアクションのレビューを行う。

  • 快速跟进 Fast Tracking フアスト・トラッキング


A specific project Schedule Compression technique that changes Network Logic to overlap phases that would normally be done in sequence, such as the design phase and construction phase, or to perform schedule activities in parallel. See also Crashing and Schedule Compression.


  • 完成日期 Finish Date 終了日


A point in time associated with a schedule activity's completion Usually qualified by one of the following: actual, planned, estimated, scheduled, early, late, baseline, target, or current.

スケジュール・アクティビティが完了する時点。通常、次の種類がある。実終了 日、計画終了日、予測終了日、予定終了日最早終了日最遅終了日、ベースライン終了日、目標終了 日、現時点の予定終了日

  • 完成到完成 Finish-to-Finish (FF) 終了一終了関係


The Logical Relationship where completion of work of the Successor Activity cannot finish until the completion of work of the Predecessor Activity. See also Logical Relationship.

先行アクティビティの作業が完了するまで後続アクティビティ の作業は完了できない、という論理的順序関係論理的順序関係も参照。

  • 完成到开始 Finish-to-Start (FS) 終了一開始関係


The Logical Relationship where initiation of work of the Successor Activity depends upon the completion of work of the Predecessor Activity. See also Logical Relationship.

後続アクティビティの開始が先行アクティビティの作業の完了 に依存する論理的順序関係論理的順序関係も参照。

  • 固定总价合同 Firm Fixed-Price (FFP) Contract 完全定額契約


A type of fixed price contract where the Buyer pays the Seller a set amount (as defined by the contract), regardless of the Seller's costs.


  •  Fixed-Price-Incentive-Fee (FPIF) Contract 定額インセンティブ・フィー契約


  • 浮动时间 Float フロート


Also called Slack. See Total Float and Free Float.


  • 流程图 Flowcharting フローチャート化


The depiction in a diagram format of the Inputs, process actions, and Outputs of one or more processes within a system.


  • 预测 Forecast 予測


An estimate or prediction of conditions and events in the project's future based on information and knowledge available at the time of the Forecast. The information is based on the project's future based on information and knowledge and includes information that could impact the project in the future, such as Estimate at Completion and Estimate to Complete.

予測する時点でもっている情報と知識に基づき、プロジェクトの将来の状態やイベン トを予想したり、見積もったりすること。情報は、プロジェクトの過去の実績と今後に想定されるパフォー マンスに基づくものと、プロジェクトの将来に影響を与える情報(例:完成時総コスト見積り、残作業のコ スト見積り)を含む。

  • 顺推计算 Forward Pass 往路時間計算(フォワード・パス)


The calculation of the early start and Early Finish Dates for the uncompleted portions of all network activities. See also Schedule Network Analysis and Backward Pass.


  • 自由浮动时间 Free Float フリー・フロート


The amount of time that a schedule activity can be delayed without delaying the Early Start Date of any immediately following schedule activities. See also Total Float.


  • 职能经理 Functional Manager 機能部門マネジャー


Someone with management Authority over an organizational unit within a Functional Organization. The manager of any group that actually makes a product or performs a service. Sometimes called a line manager.


  • 职能型组织 Functional Organization 機能型組織


A hierarchical organization where each employee has one clear superior, and staff are grouped by areas of specialization and managed by a person with expertise in that area.


  • 甘特图 Gantt Chart ガント・チャート


A graphic display of schedule-related information. In the typical bar chart, schedule activities or Work Breakdown Structure Components are listed down the left side of the chart, dates are shown across the top, and activity durations are shown as date-placed horizontal bars.


  • 等级 Grade 等級


A category or rank used to distinguish items that have the same functional use (e.g., "hammer", but do not share the same requirements for quality (e.g., different hammers may need to withstand different amounts of force).


  • 汇总活动 Hammock Activity ハンモック・アクティビティ


See Summary Activity.


  • 历史信息 Historical Information 過去の情報


Documents and data on prior projects including project files, records, correspondence, closed contracts, and closed projects.


  • 人力资源计划 Human Resource Plan 人的資源計画書


A document describing how Roles and responsibilities, reporting relationships, and staffing management will be addressed and structured for the project. It is contained in or is a subsidiary plan of the project management plan.

プロジェクトにおける役割と責任、上 下関係、要員マネジメントに対処し、組織化する方法を記述する文書。プロジェクトマネジメント計画 書に含まれるか、あるいはプロジェクトマネジメント計画書の補助の計画書である。

  • 识别风险 Identify Risks リスク特定


The process of determining which risks may affect the project and documenting their characteristics.

どのリスクがプロジェクトに影響を与えるかを見定め、 その特性を文書化するプロセス。

  • 识别干系人 Identify Stakeholders ステークホルダー特定


The process of identifying all people or organizations impacted by the project, and documenting relevant information regarding their interests, involvement, and impact on project success.


  • 强制日期 Imposed Date 指定日


A fixed date imposed on a schedule activity or schedule milestone, usually in the form of a "start no earlier than" and "finish no later than" date.

スケジュール・アクティビティやスケジュール・マイルストーンに課され た特定の期日。通常は、「指定日以降に開始」と「指定日以前に終了」という形式で表示される。

  • 影响图 Influence Diagram インフルエンス・ダイアグラム


A graphical representation of situations showing causal influences, time ordering of events, and other relationships among variables and outcomes.


  • 启动过程组 Initiating Processes 立上げプロセス群


Those processes performed to define a new project or a new phase of an existing project by obtaining authorization to start the project or phase.


  • 输入 Input インプット


Any item, whether internal or external to the project that is required by a process before that process proceeds. May be an Output from a predecessor process.


  • 检查 Inspection 検査


Examining or measuring to verify whether an activity, component, product, Result, or service conforms to specified requirements.


  • 投标邀请书 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 入札招請書


Generally, this term is equivalent to Request for Proposal. However, in some Application Areas, it may have a narrower or more specific meaning.


  • 问题 Issue 課題


A point or matter in question or in dispute, or a point or matter that is not settled and is under discussion or over which there are opposing views or disagreements.


  • 时间滞后量 Lag ラグ

推迟紧后活动的一种逻辑关系调整。例如,在有10 天滞后时间的完成到开始关系中,紧后活动紧前活动完成10 天后才能开始。参见“时间提前量”。

A modification of a Logical Relationship that directs a delay in the Successor Activity. For example, in a Finish-to-Start Dependency with a ten-day Lag, the Successor Activity cannot start until ten days after the Predecessor Activity has finished. See also Lead.

後続アクティビティの開始を遅らせるような論理的順序関係の修正。たと えば、10日間のラグがある終了一開始の依存関係では、後続アクティビティ先行アクティビティが終了 して10日間経たないと開始できない。リードも参照。

  • 最晚完成日期 Late Finish Date (LF) 最遅終了日


In the Critical Path Method, the latest possible point in time that a schedule activity may be completed based upon the schedule Network Logic, the project completion date, and any Constraints assigned to the schedule activities without violating a schedule Constraint or delaying the project completion date. The Late Finish Dates are determined during the Backward Pass calculation of the project schedule network.

クリティカル・パス法において、スケジュール・ネットワーク・ロジック、プロジェクト完了日、およびスケジュール・アクティビティに割当てられた制約条件等を満足し、ス ケジュールの制約条件に違反したり、プロジェクトの完了日を遅らせたりすることなく、最も遅くスケ ジュール・アクティビティを完了できる時点。最遅終了日はプロジェクト・スケジュール・ネットワーク の復路時間計算(バックワード・パス)の計算を行うことで求めらる。

  • 最晚开始日期 Late Start Date (LS) 最遅開始日


In the Critical Path Method, the latest possible point in time that a schedule activity may begin based upon the schedule Network Logic, the project completion date, and any Constraints assigned to the schedule activities without violating a schedule Constraint or delaying the project completion date. The Late Start Dates are determined during the Backward Pass calculation of the project schedule network.

クリティカル・パス法において、スケジュール・ネットワーク・ロジック、プロジェクト完了日、およびスケジュール・アクティビティに割当てられた制約条件等を満足し、ス ケジュールの制約条件に違反したり、プロジェクトの完了日を遅らせたりすることなく、最も遅くスケ ジュール・アクティビティを開始できる時点。最遅開始日はプロジェクト・スケジュール・ネットワーク の復路時間計算(バックワード・パス)の計算を行うことで求めらる。

  • 时间提前量 Lead リード

允许紧后活动提前实施的一种逻辑关系调整。例如,在有10 天提前时间的完成到开始关系中,紧后活动可以在紧前活动完成的10 天之前开始实施。负的提前时间相当于正的滞后时间。参见“时间滞后量”。

A modification of a Logical Relationship that allows an acceleration of the Successor Activity. For example, in a Finish-to-Start Dependency with a ten-day Lead, the Successor Activity can start ten days before the Predecessor Activity has finished. A negative Lead is equivalent to a positive Lag. See also Lag.

後続アクティビティの開始を前倒しする論理的順序関係の修正。たとえ ば、10日間のリードがある終了一開始の依存関係では、後続アクティビティ先行アクティビティの終了 よりも10日前に開始することができる。負のリードは正のラグと同じである。ラグも参照。

  • 经验教训 Lessons Learned 教訓


The learning gained from the process of performing the project. Lessons learned may be identified at any point. Also considered a project record, to be included in the Lessons Learned Knowledge Base.


  • 经验教训知识库 Lessons Learned Knowledge Base 教訓の知識ベース


A store of Historical Information and lessons learned about both the outcomes of previous project selection decisions and previous project performance.


  • 平衡 Leveling 平準化


See Resource Leveling.


  • 生命周期 Life Cycle ライフサイクル


See Project Life Cycle.


  • 日志 Log ログ


A document used to record and describe or denote selected items identified during execution of a process or activity. Usually used with a modifier, such as Issue, quality control, action, or defect.

プロセスやアクティビティの実行中に取り上げることを決めた項目を記録し、記述したり明示 するために使用する文書。通常、課題ログ、品質管理ログ、アクション・ログ、欠陥ログなど、修飾語と共に 用いる。

  • 逻辑关系 Logical Relationship 論理的順序関係

两个项目进度活动之间,或者一个项目进度活动与一个进度里程碑之间的依赖关系。有4 种可能的逻辑关系完成到开始完成到完成开始到开始开始到完成。参见“紧前关系”。

A Dependency between two project schedule activities, or between a project schedule activity and a schedule milestone. The four possible types of Logical Relationships are: Finish-to-Start; Finish-to-Finish; Start-to-Start; and Start-to-Finish. See also Precedence Relationship.

プロジェクトにおける2つのスケジュール・アクティビティ間、 あるいはスケジュール・アクティビティとスケジュール・マイルストーン間の依存関係。論理的順序関 係には、次の4種類がある。終了一開始関係(FS:Finish-to-start)、終了一終了関係(FF:Finish-to-finish)、開 始一開始関係(SS:Start-to-start)、開始一終了関係(SF:Start-to-finish)。プレシデンス型順序関係も参照。

  • 管理项目团队 Manage Project Team プロジェクト・チームのマネジメント


The process of tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving Issues, and managing changes to optimize project performance.


  • 管理干系人期望 Manage Stakeholder Expectations ステークホルダーの期待のマネジメント


The process of communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their needs and addressing Issues as they occur.


  • 主进度计划 Master Schedule マスター・スケジュール


A summary-level project schedule that identifies the major Deliverables and Work Breakdown Structure Components and key schedule milestones. See also Milestone Schedule.

主要な要素成果物WBS要素、および重要なスケジュール・マ イルストーンを明示した集約レベルのプロジェクト・スケジュール。マイルストーン・スケジュールも参照。

  • 物资 Material 物資


The aggregate of things used by an organization in any undertaking, such as equipment, apparatus, Tools, machinery, gear, material, and supplies.


  • 矩阵型组织 Matrix Organization マトリックス型組織


Any organizational structure in which the Project Manager shares responsibility with the Functional Managers for assigning priorities and for directing the work of persons assigned to the project.

優先順位の設定とプロジェクトに任命された要員への作 業の指示に関して、プロジェクト・マネジャー機能部門マネジャーが責任を共有する組織構造。

  • 方法论 Methodology 方法論


A system of Practices, techniques, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline.


  • 里程碑 Milestone マイルストーン


A significant point or event in the project.


  • 里程碑进度计划 Milestone Schedule マイルストーン・スケジュール


A summary-level schedule that identifies the major schedule milestones. See also Master Schedule.

主要なスケジュール・マイルストーン を明示した集約レベルのスケジュール。マスター・スケジュールも参照。

  • 监督 Monitor 監視


Collect project performance data with respect to a plan, produce performance measures, and report and disseminate performance information.


  • 监控项目工作 Monitor and Control Project Work プロジェクト作業の監視・コントロール


The process of tracking, reviewing, and regulating the progress to meet the performance Objectives defined in the project management plan.


  • 监控风险 Monitor and Control Risks リスクの監視・コントロール


The process of implementing risk response plans, tracking identified risks, monitoring Residual Risks, identifying new risks, and evaluating risk process throughout the project.

プロジェクト全期間にわた り、リスク対応計画を実行し、特定したリスクを追跡し、残存リスクを監視し、新たなリスクを特定し、リス クのプロセスの有効性を評価する等のプロセス。

  • 监控过程组 Monitoring and Controlling Processes 監視・コントロール・プロセス群


Those processes required to track, review, and regulate the progress and performance of the project, identify any areas in which changes to the plan are required, and initiate the corresponding changes.


  • 蒙特卡洛分析 Monte Carlo Analysis モンテカルロ分析


A technique that computes or iterates, the project cost or project schedule many times using Input values selected at random from probability distributions of possible costs or durations, to calculate a distribution of possible total project cost or completion dates.

プロジェクトの総コストや完了日についてその分布を計算す るために、コストや所要期間の確率分布からランダムに選んだ数値をインプットとして、プロジェクト・ コストやプロジェクト・スケジュールを多数回繰り返し計算する技法。

  • 蒙特卡洛模拟 Monte Carlo Simulation モンテカルロ・シミュレーション


A process which generates hundreds or thousands of probable performance outcomes based on probability distributions for cost and schedule on individual tasks. The outcomes are then used to generate a probability distribution for the project as a whole.

個々のアクティビティに関して、コストとスケジ ュールの発生確率分布を使い、何百何千ものコストとスケジュールのパフォーマンス結果を生成するプ ロセス。この結果をもとにして、プロジェクト自体の確率分布を作成する。

  • 次关键活动 Near-Critical Activity 準クリティカル・アクティビティ


A schedule activity that has low Total Float. The concept of near-critical is equally applicable to a schedule activity or schedule Network Path. The limit below which Total Float is considered near critical is subject to Expert Judgment and varies from project to project.

トータル・フロートの値が少ないスケジュール・ アクティビティ。「準クリティカル」という考え方は、スケジュール・アクティビティやスケジュールのネ ットワーク・パスにも同じように適用できる。「準クリティカル」とみなされるトータル・フロートの限界 は、専門家の判断によって決まり、プロジェクトごとに異なる。

  • 网络 Network ネットワーク


See Project Schedule Network Diagram.


  • 网络分析 Network Analysis ネットワーク分析


See Schedule Network Analysis.


  • 网络逻辑 Network Logic ネットワーク・ロジック


The collection of schedule activity dependencies that makes up a Project Schedule Network Diagram.


  • 网络路径 Network Path ネットワー・パス


Any continuous series of schedule activities connected with Logical Relationships in a Project Schedule Network Diagram.


  • 节点 Node ノード


One of the defining points of a schedule network; a junction point joined to some or all of the other Dependency lines.


  • 目标 Objective 目標


Something toward which work is to be directed, a strategic position to be attained, or a purpose to be achieved, a Result to be obtained, a product to be produced, or a service to be performed.

作業が向かうべき方向、獲得すべき戦略的位置、達成すべき目的、取得すべき所産、産 出すべきプロダクト、または実行すべきサービス。

  • 机会 Opportunity 好機


A condition or situation favorable to the project, a positive set of circumstances, a positive set of events, a risk that will have a positive impact on project Objectives, or a possibility for positive changes. Contrast with threat.


  • 组织分解结构 Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) 組織ブレークダウン・ストラクチャー(OBS)


A hierarchically organized depiction of the project organization arranged so as to relate the Work Packages to the Performing Organizational units.


  • 组织过程资产 Organizational Process Assets 組織のプロセス資産


Any or all process related assets, from any or all of the organizations involved in the project that are or can be used to influence the project's success These process assets include formal and informal plans, policies, procedures, and guidelines. The process assets also include the organizations’ knowledge bases such as lessons learned and Historical Information.


  • 输出 Output アウトプット


An estimating technique that uses a statistical relationship between historical data and other variables (e.g., square footage in construction, lines of code in software development) to calculate an estimate for activity parameters, such as scope, cost, budget, and duration. An example for the cost parameter is multiplying the planned quantity of work to be performed by the historical cost per unit to obtain the estimated cost.


  • 参数估算 Parametric Estimating 係数見積り


An estimating technique that uses a statistical relationship between historical data and other variables (e.g., square footage in construction, lines of code in software development) to calculate an estimate for activity parameters, such as scope, cost, budget, and duration. An example for the cost parameter is multiplying the planned quantity of work to be performed by the historical cost per unit to obtain the estimated cost.


  • 帕累托图 Pareto Chart パレート図


A histogram, ordered by frequency of occurrence, that shows how many Results were generated by each identified cause.


  • 路径会聚 Path Convergence パス収束


The merging or joining of parallel schedule Network Paths into the same Node in a Project Schedule Network Diagram. Path Convergence is characterized by a schedule activity with more than one Predecessor Activity.


  • 路径分支 Path Divergence パス分岐


Extending or generating parallel schedule Network Paths from the same Node in a Project Schedule Network Diagram. Path Divergence is characterized by a schedule activity with more than one Successor Activity.


  • 已完百分比 Percent Complete 出来高パーセント


An estimate, expressed as a percent, of the amount of work that has been completed on an activity or a Work Breakdown Structure Component.


  • 实施整体变更控制 Perform Integrated Change Control 統合変更管理


The process of reviewing all change requests, approving changes, and managing changes to the Deliverables, Organizational Process Assets, project documents, and project management plan.


  • 实施定性分析 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis 定性的リスク分析


The process of prioritizing risks for further analysis or action by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and impact.


  • 实施质量保证 Perform Quality Assurance 品質保証


The process of auditing the quality requirements and the Results from quality control measurements to ensure appropriate quality Standards and operational definitions are used.


  • 实施质量控制 Perform Quality Control 品質管理


The process of monitoring and recording Results of executing the quality activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.


  • 实施定量分析 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis 定量的リスク分析


The process of numerically analyzing the effect of identified risks on overall project Objectives.


  • 绩效测量基准 Performance Measurement Baseline パフォーマンス測定ベースライン


An approved integrated scope-schedule-cost plan for the project work against which project execution is compared to measure and manage performance. Technical and quality parameters may also be included.


  • 绩效报告 Performance Reports 実績報告書


Documents and presentations that provide organized and summarized Work Performance Information, Earned Value Management parameters and calculations, and analyses of project work progress and status.

集約して整理された作業 パフォーマンス情報、アーンド・バリュー・マネジメントのパラメーターと計算結果、プロジェクト作業 の進捗と状況の分析等を提供する文書とプレゼンテーション資料。

  • 执行组织 Performing Organization 母体組織


The enterprise whose personnel are most directly involved in doing the work of the project.


  • 阶段 Phase フェーズ


See Project Phase.


  • 规划沟通 Plan Communications コミュニケーション計画


The process of determining project stakeholder information needs and defining a communication approach.


  • 规划采购 Plan Procurements 調達計画


The process of documenting project purchasing decisions, specifying the approach, and identifying potential Sellers.


  • 规划质量 Plan Quality 品質計画


The process of identifying quality requirements and/or Standards for the project and product, and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance.


  • 规划风险管理 Plan Risk Management リスク・マネジメント計画


The process of defining how to conduct risk management activities for a project.


  • 规划风险应对 Plan Risk Responses リスク対応計画


The process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats to project Objectives.

プロジェクト目標に対する好機を高め、脅威 を減少させるための選択肢と方策を策定するプロセス。

  • 计划价值 Planned Value (PV) ブランド・バリュー


The authorized budget assigned to the scheduled work to be accomplished for a schedule activity or Work Breakdown Structure Component. Also referred to as the Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS).


  • 规划包 Planning Package 計画パッケージ


A Work Breakdown Structure Component below the Control Account with known work content but without detailed schedule activities. See also Control Account.


  • 规划过程组 Planning Processes 計画プロセス群


Those processes performed to establish the total scope of the effort, define and refine the Objectives, and develop the course of action required to attain those Objectives.


  • 项目组合 Portfolio ポートフォリオ


A collection of projects or programs and other work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet strategic business Objectives. The projects or programs of the portfolio may not necessarily be interdependent or directly related.

戦略的な事業目標の達成を目的として、作業を効果的にマネジメントするた めにグループにまとめた、プロジェクトやプログラムとその他の作業の集合。ポートフォリオの対象であ るプロジェクトやプログラムは、必ずしも相互に依存しているわけではなく、直接関係しているわけでも ない。

  • 项目组合管理 Portfolio Management ポートフォリオマネジメント


The centralized management of one or more portfolios, which includes identifying, prioritizing, authorizing, managing, and controlling projects, programs, and other related work, to achieve specific strategic business Objectives.

いくつかのポートフォリオをまとめてマネジメント すること。これは、特定の戦略的な事業目標の達成を目的として、プロジェクト、プログラム、および他 の関連作業を特定し、優先順位付けを行い、認可し、マネジメントし、コントロールすることからなる。

  • 实践/做法 Practice 実務慣行


A specific type of professional or management activity that contributes to the execution of a process and that may employ one or more techniques and Tools.

プロセスの実行を助けいくつかの技法やツールを使用して行う、特定の専門的 活動またはマネジメント活動。

  • 紧前关系绘图法 Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) プレシデンス・ダイアグラム法


A schedule network diagramming technique in which schedule activities are represented by boxes (or Nodes). Schedule activities are graphically linked by one or more Logical Relationships to show the sequence in which the activities are to be performed.


  • 紧前关系 Precedence Relationship プレシデンス型順序関係


The term used in the Precedence Diagramming Method for a Logical Relationship. In current usage, however, Precedence Relationship, Logical Relationship, and Dependency are widely used interchangeably, regardless of the diagramming method used. See also Logical Relationship.


  • 紧前活动 Predecessor Activity 先行アクティビティ


The schedule activity that determines when the logical Successor Activity can begin or end.


  • 预防措施 Preventive Action 予防処置


A documented direction to perform an activity that can reduce the probability of negative consequences associated with project risks.

プロジェクト・リスクによって好ましくない結果が発生する確率を低減する ためにとられる行動の文書による指示。

  • 概率和影响矩阵 Probability and Impact Matrix 発生確率・影響度マトリックス


A common way to determine whether a risk is considered low, moderate, or high by combining the two dimensions of a risk: its probability of occurrence and its impact on Objectives if it occurs.


  • 采购文件 Procurement Documents 調達文書


The documents utilized in bid and proposal activities, which include the Buyer's Invitation for Bid, Invitation for Negotiations, Request for Information, Request for Quotation, Request for Proposal and Seller's responses


  • 采购管理计划 Procurement Management Plan 調達マネジメント計画書


The document that describes how procurement processes from developing procurement documentation through contract closure will be managed.


  • 产品 Product プロダクト


An artifact that is produced, is quantifiable, and can be either an end item in itself or a component item. Additional words for products are material and goods. Contrast with Result. See also Deliverable.

生産された、定量化可能な人工品で、それ自身で最終生産物あるいはその構成要 素の生産物となるもの。プロダクトを表す別の用語として物資と物品がある。所産と対比。要素成果物も 参照。

  • 产品生命周期 Product Life Cycle プロダクト・ライフサイクル


A collection of generally sequential, non-overlapping product phases whose name and number are determined by the manufacturing and control needs of the organization. The last Product Life Cycle phase for a product is generally the product's retirement. Generally, a Project Life Cycle is contained within one or more Product Life Cycles.

一般に順を追って実施される、重複のないプロダクト・フェ ズの集合。このフェーズの名称や数は、組織における生産とコントロールの必要に応じて決められる。 プロダクトのライフサイクルの最後フェーズは、一般にプロダクトの撤収である。通常、プロジェクト・ラ イフサイクルは、プロダクト・ライフサイクルフェーズの1つあるいは複数のフェーズにおいて生じる。

  • 产品范围 Product Scope 成果物スコープ


The features and functions that characterize a product, service, or Result.


  • 产品范围描述 Product Scope Description 成果物スコープ記述書


The documented narrative description of the product scope.


  • 项目集 Program プログラム


A group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. Programs may include elements of related work outside of the scope of the discrete projects in the program.


  • 计划评审技术 Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) パート技法(PERT)


A technique for estimating that applies a weighted average of optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely estimates when there is uncertainty with the individual activity estimates.


  • 项目集管理 Program Management プログラムマネジメント


The centralized coordinated management of a program to achieve the program's strategic Objectives and benefits.


  • 渐进明细 Progressive Elaboration 段階的詳細化


Continuously improving and detailing a plan as more detailed and specific information and more accurate estimates become available as the project progresses, and thereby producing more accurate and complete plans that Result from the successive iterations of the planning process.


  • 项目 Project プロジェクト


A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or Result.


  • 项目日历 Project Calendar プロジェクト・カレンダー


A calendar of working days or shifts that establishes those dates on which schedule activities are worked and nonworking days that determine those dates on which schedule activities are idle. Typically defines holidays, weekends, and shift hours. See also Resource Calendar.


  • 项目章程 Project Charter プロジェクト憲章


A document Issued by the project initiator or Sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a project, and provides the Project Manager with the Authority to apply organizational resources to project activities.


  • 项目沟通管理 Project Communications Management プロジェクト・コミュニケーション・マネジメント


Project Communications Management includes the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, distribution, storage, retrieval, and ultimate disposition of project information.


  • 项目成本管理 Project Cost Management プロジェクト・コスト・マネジメント


Project Cost Management includes the processes involved in estimating, budgeting, and controlling costs so that the project can be completed within the approved budget.


  • 项目人力资源管理 Project Human Resource Management プロジェクト人的資源マネジメント


Project Human Resource Management includes the processes that organize and manage the project team.


  • 项目启动 Project Initiation プロジェクトの始動


Launching a process that can Result in the authorization of a new project.


  • 项目整合管理 Project Integration Management プロジェクト統合マネジメント


Project Integration Management includes the processes and activities needed to identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups.


  • 项目生命周期 Project Life Cycle プロジェクト・ライフサイクル


A collection of generally sequential Project Phases whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project. A life cycle can be documented with a Methodology.

一般に順序どおり実施される各プロジェクト・フェ-ズ を集めたもの。プロジェクト・フェーズの名称や数は、プロジェクトに関わる組織におけるコントロール の必要性により決まる。ライフサイクルは方法論によって文書化する。

  • 项目管理 Project Management プロジェクトマネジメント


The application of knowledge, skills, Tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.


  • 项目管理知识体系 Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) プロジェクトマネジメント知識体系

说明项目管理专业范围内的知识总和的概括性术语。与法律、医学、会计等其他专业一样,该知识体系掌握在应用和推进它的实践者和学者手中。完整的项目管理知识体系既包括已被验证并广泛应用的传统做法,也包括本专业新近涌现的创新做法。该知识体系包括已发表和未发表的材料。该知识体系正处于不断演进中。PMI的PMBOK® 指南识别了作为项目管理知识体系一部分的、被普遍公认的良好做法。

An inclusive term that describes the sum of knowledge within the profession of project management. As with other professions, such as law, medicine, and accounting, the body of knowledge rests with the practitioners and academics that apply and advance it. The complete Project Management Body of Knowledge includes proven traditional Practices that are widely applied and innovative Practices that are emerging in the profession. The body of knowledge includes both published and unpublished materials. This body of knowledge is constantly evolving. PMI's PMBOK® Guide identifies that subset of the Project Management Body of Knowledge that is generally recognized as good Practice.

プロジェクトマネジメントという職業における知識の総和を指す包括的な用語である。法律、医療、会計などの職業と同じように、知識体系はそれを適用し発展させる実務者や研究者がもっているものである。完全なプロジェクトマネジメント知識体系は、広く使われて実証済みの伝統的な実務慣行、およびプロジェクトマネジメントという職業に新たに発生している革新的な実務慣行についての知識を含む。知識体系には発表されたものと発表されていないものの両方を含む。この知識体系はたえまなく進化している。PMIの PMBOK®ガイドはプロジェクトマネジメント知識体系において一般に良い実務慣行として認められている部分を特定したものである。

  • 项目管理信息系统 Project Management Information System (PMIS) プロジェクトマネジメント情報システム


An information system consisting of the Tools and techniques used to gather, integrate, and disseminate the Outputs of project management processes. It is used to support all aspects of the project from initiating through closing, and can include both manual and automated systems.


  • 项目管理知识领域 Project Management Knowledge Area プロジェクトマネジメント知識エリア


An identified area of project management defined by its knowledge requirements and described in terms of its component processes, Practices, Inputs, Outputs, Tools, and techniques.


  • 项目管理办公室 Project Management Office (PMO) プロジェクトマネジメント・オフィス


An organizational body or entity assigned various responsibilities related to the centralized and coordinated management of those projects under its domain. The responsibilities of a PMO can range from providing project management support functions to actually being responsible for the direct management of a project.


  • 项目管理计划 Project Management Plan プロジェクトマネジメント計画書


A formal, approved document that defines how the project is Executed, monitored, and controlled. It may be a summary or detailed and may be composed of one or more subsidiary management plans and other planning documents.


  • 项目管理过程组 Project Management Process Group プロジェクトマネジメント・プロセス群


A logical grouping of project management Inputs, Tools and techniques, and Outputs. The Project Management Process Groups include Initiating Processes, Planning Processes, Executing Processes, Monitoring and Controlling Processes, and Closing Processes. Project Management Process Groups are not Project Phases.


  • 项目管理系统 Project Management System プロジェクトマネジメント・システム


The aggregation of the processes, Tools, techniques, methodologies, resources, and procedures to manage a project.


  • 项目管理团队 Project Management Team プロジェクトマネジメント・チーム


The members of the project team who are directly involved in project management activities. On some smaller projects, the Project Management Team may include virtually all of the project Team Members.


  • 项目经理 Project Manager プロジェクト・マネジャー


The person assigned by the Performing Organization to achieve the project Objectives.


  • 项目组织图 Project Organization Chart プロジェクト組織図


A document that graphically depicts the project Team Members and their interrelationships for a specific project.


  • 项目阶段 Project Phase プロジェクト・フェ-ズ


A collection of logically related project activities, usually culminating in the completion of a major Deliverable. Project Phases are mainly completed sequentially, but can overlap in some project situations. A Project Phase is a component of a Project Life Cycle. A Project Phase is not a Project Management Process Group.


  • 项目采购管理 Project Procurement Management プロジェクト調達マネジメント


Project Procurement Management includes the processes to purchase or acquire the products, services, or Results needed from outside the project team to perform the work.


  • 项目质量管理 Project Quality Management プロジェクト品質マネジメント


Project Quality Management includes the processes and activities of the Performing Organization that determine quality policies, Objectives, and responsibilities so that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken.


  • 项目风险管理 Project Risk Management プロジェクト・リスク・マネジメント


Project Risk Management includes the processes concerned with conducting Risk Management Planning, identification, analysis, responses, and monitoring and control on a project.

プロジェクト・リスク・マネジメントは、プロジェクトに関するリスクのマネジメントの計画、特定、分析、対応、監視・ コントロール等の実施に関するプロセスからなる。

  • 项目进度计划 Project Schedule プロジェクト・スケジュール


The planned dates for performing schedule activities and the planned dates for meeting schedule milestones.


  • 项目进度网络图 Project Schedule Network Diagram プロジェクト・スケジュール・ネットワーク図


Any schematic display of the Logical Relationships among the project schedule activities. Always drawn from left to right to reflect project work chronology.


  • 项目范围 Project Scope プロジェクト・スコープ


The work that must be performed to deliver a product, service, or Result with the specified features and functions.


  • 项目范围管理 Project Scope Management プロジェクト・スコープ・マネジメント


Project Scope Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully.


  • 项目范围说明书 Project Scope Statement プロジェクト・スコープ記述書


The narrative description of the project scope, including major Deliverables, project assumptions, project Constraints, and a description of work, that provides a documented basis for making future project decisions and for confirming or developing a common understanding of project scope among the stakeholders.


  • 项目团队名录 Project Team Directory プロジェクト・チーム名簿


A documented list of project Team Members, their project Roles, and communication information.


  • 项目时间管理 Project Time Management プロジェクト・タイム・マネジメント


Project Time Management includes the processes required to manage the timely completion of a project.


  • 项目型组织 Projectized Organization プロジェクト型組織


Any organizational structure in which the Project Manager has full Authority to assign priorities, apply resources, and direct the work of persons assigned to the project.


  • 质量 Quality 品質


The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements.


  • 质量管理计划 Quality Management Plan 品質マネジメント計画書


The Quality Management Plan describes how the Project Management Team will implement the Performing Organization's quality policy. The Quality Management Plan is a component or a subsidiary plan of the project management plan.


  • 法规 Regulation 規制


Requirements imposed by a governmental body. These requirements can establish product, process, or service characteristics, including applicable administrative provisions that have governmentmandated compliance.


  • 报告绩效 Report Performance 実績報告


The process of collecting and distributing performance information, including status reports, progress measurements, and Forecasts.

実績報告は、状況報告、進捗測定、予測等のパフ ォーマンス情報を収集し、配布するプロセスである。

  • 信息邀请书 Request for Information (RFI) 情報提供依頼書(RFI)


A type of procurement document whereby the Buyer requests a potential Seller to provide various pieces of information related to a product or service or Seller capability.

調達文書の一種で、これによって購入者は潜在的な 納入者に対して、プロダクト、サービス、納入者の能力等に関連するさまざまな情報の提供を要求する。

  • 建议邀请书 Request for Proposal (RFP) 提案依頼書


A type of procurement document used to request proposals from prospective Sellers of products or services. In some Application Areas, it may have a narrower or more specific meaning.


  • 报价邀请书 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 見積依頼書


A type of procurement document used to request price quotations from prospective Sellers of common or Standard products or services. Sometimes used in place of Request for Proposal and in some Application Areas, it may have a narrower or more specific meaning.

調達文書の一種で、一般的あるいは標準的なプロダクトやサ ビスの納入候補に対して、価格見積りの提出を求める際に用いる。この用語は提案依頼書の代わりに 使われることがある。適用分野によっては、より狭義の、あるいは特別な意味をもつ場合がある。

  • 请求的变更 Requested Change 要求済み変更


A formally documented change request that is submitted for approval to the integrated change control process.


  • 需求/要求 Requirement 要求事項


A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system, product, service, Result, or component to satisfy a contract, Standard, specification, or other formally imposed document. Requirements include the quantified and documented needs, wants, and expectations of the Sponsor, customer, and other stakeholders.

契約、規格、仕様、またはその他の公式な文書に準拠するために、システム、プ ロダクト、サービス、所産、または構成要素が満足または具備すべき条件や能力。要求事項は、スポンサ 、顧客、および他のステークホルダーのニーズ、要望、期待等を数値で示し、文書化したもの。

  • 需求跟踪矩阵 Requirements Traceability Matrix 要求事項トレーサビリティ・マトリックス


A table that links requirements to their origin and traces them throughout the Project Life Cycle.

要求事項をその起点とリンク させ、それからプロジェクト・ライフサイクルを通して要求事項を追跡するための表。

  • 储备 Reserve 予備


A provision in the project management plan to mitigate cost and/or schedule risk. Often used with a modifier (e.g., management reserve, Contingency Reserve) to provide further detail on what types of risk are meant to be mitigated.

コストのリスクやスケジュールに関するリスクを軽減する目的でプロジェクトマネジメ ント計画書の中に組み込まれた引当て。軽減対象のリスクを明示するために修飾語と共に用い、マネジ メント予備、コンティンジェンシー予備などの表現を用いることが多い。

  • 储备分析 Reserve Analysis 予備設定分析


An analytical technique to determine the essential features and relationships of components in the project management plan to establish a reserve for the schedule duration, budget, estimated cost, or funds for a project.

プロジェクトマネジメント計画書中の構成要素の基 本的な特徴と構成要素間の関係とを明らかにする分析技法で、プロジェクトのスケジュール所要期間、 予算、コスト見積り、または資金に対する予備を設定するために適用される。

  • 残余风险 Residual Risk 残存リスク


A risk that remains after risk responses have been implemented.


  • 资源 Resource 資源


Skilled human resources (specific disciplines either individually or in crews or teams), equipment, services, supplies, commodities, material, budgets, or funds.


  • 资源分解结构 Resource Breakdown Structure 資源ブレークダウン・ストラクチャー


A hierarchical structure of resources by resource category and resource type used in Resource Leveling schedules and to develop resource-limited schedules, and which may be used to identify and analyze project human resource assignments.

資源を資源区分と資源種別によ り階層化した階層構造。資源平準化を行うスケジュールにおいて使用され、また資源制約型スケジュ ルを作成する際に用いられる。プロジェクトの人的資源の割当ての特定と分析のために用いられ る場合がある。

  • 资源日历 Resource Calendar 資源カレンダー


A calendar of working days and nonworking days that determines those dates on which each specific resource is idle or can be active. Typically defines resource specific holidays and resource availability periods. See also Project Calendar.

特定の資源が活動していない、または活動可能である日を明ら かにするために、稼動日と不稼動日を記入したカレンダー。通常、資源に固有の休日と資源の使用可 能期間を定義する。プロジェクト・カレンダーも参照。

  • 资源直方图 Resource Histogram 資源ヒストグラム


A bar chart showing the amount of time that a resource is scheduled to work over a series of time periods. Resource availability may be depicted as a line for comparison purposes. Contrasting bars may show actual amounts of resources used as the project progresses.

一定の期間に対して資源の作業が予定されている時間数を示 す棒グラフ。比較のために線で資源の可用性が図示される。プロジェクトの進捗に伴い、実際に使われ た資源の数量を示す棒を対比のために図示することがある。

  • 资源平衡 Resource Leveling 資源平準化


Any form of Schedule Network Analysis in which scheduling decisions (start and finish dates) are driven by resource Constraints (e.g., limited resource availability or difficult-to-manage changes in resource availability levels).

スケジュールに関する意思決定(開始日、終了日) を、資源制約(例:資源が限られている、あるいは資源の可用性レベルの変化をマネジメントするこ とが困難)の観点を考慮して行うスケジュール・ネットワーク分析の形態。

  • 责任分配矩阵 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) 責任分担マトリックス


A structure that relates the project Organizational Breakdown Structure to the work breakdown structure to help ensure that each component of the project's scope of work is assigned to a person or team.


  • 成果 Result 所産


An Output from performing project management processes and activities. Results include outcomes (e.g., integrated systems, revised process, restructured organization, tests, trained personnel, etc.) and documents (e.g., policies, plans, studies, procedures, specifications, reports, etc.). Contrast with product. See also Deliverable.

プロジェクトマネジメントのプロセスとアクティビティを実行して得られるアウトプット所産には成果(例:統合されたシステム、改定されたプロセス、再構築された組織、テスト、訓練され た要員)と文書(例:方針書、計画書、調査報告書、手順書、仕様書、報告書)がある。プロダクトと対比。 要素成果物も参照。

  • 返工 Rework 手直し


Action taken to bring a defective or nonconforming component into compliance with requirements or specifications.


  • 风险 Risk リスク


An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project's Objectives.

もし発生すれば、プロジェクト目標にプラスあるいはマイナスの影響を及ぼす、不確実な 事象あるいは状態。

  • 风险接受 Risk Acceptance リスク受容


A risk response planning technique that indicates that the project team has decided not to change the project management plan to deal with a risk, or is unable to identify any other suitable response strategy.

リスク対応計画技法の1つ。これを適用するということ は、プロジェクト・チームがリスクに対処するにあたって、プロジェクトマネジメント計画書を変更しない と決めること、あるいは他に適当な対応戦略を見つけられなかったことを示す。

  • 风险回避 Risk Avoidance リスク回避


A risk response planning technique for a threat that creates changes to the project management plan that are meant to either eliminate the risk or to protect the project Objectives from its impact.

脅威に対するリスク対応計画技法の1つ。リスクを除去するため、あるいは リスクの影響からプロジェクト目標を保護するために、プロジェクトマネジメント計画書を変更すること。

  • 风险分解结构 Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) リスク・ブレークダウン・ストラクチャー


A hierarchically organized depiction of the identified project risks arranged by Risk Category and subcategory that identifies the various areas and causes of potential risks. The Risk Breakdown Structure is often tailored to specific project types.

潜在的なリスクの領域と原因を 識別するために、リスク区分とその下位区分を用いて、識別したプロジェクト・リスクを階層的に整理し て図示したもの。リスク・ブレークダウン・ストラクチャーは、具体的なプロジェクト・タイプに合わせて作 られる場合が多い。

  • 风险类别 Risk Category リスク区分


A group of potential causes of risk. Risk causes may be grouped into categories such as technical, external, organizational, environmental, or project management. A category may include subcategories such as technical maturity, weather, or aggressive estimating.

リスクの潜在的要因の分類項目。リスク要因は、技術、外部要因、組織、環 境、プロジェクトマネジメント等の区分にグループ分けされる。区分には、技術的な成熟度、天候、強気 の見積りなどの下位区分が含まれることもある。

  • 风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan リスク・マネジメント計画書


The document describing how Project Risk Management will be structured and performed on the project. It is contained in or is a subsidiary plan of the project management plan. Information in the Risk Management Plan varies by Application Area and project size. The Risk Management Plan is different from the Risk Register that contains the list of project risks, the Results of risk analysis, and the risk responses.

プロジェクトにおいてプロジェクト・リスク・マネジメントを体系化し、実行する方法を記述した文書。この文書はプロ ジェクトマネジメント計画書に含まれるか、あるいはその補助の計画書となる。リスク・マネジメント計 画書に収める情報は、適用分野とプロジェクトの規模によって異なる。リスク・マネジメント計画書は、プ ロジェクトのリスクのリスト、リスク分析の結果、およびリスクへの対応策等を収めたリスク登録簿とは 異なる。

  • 风险减轻 Risk Mitigation リスク軽減


A risk response planning technique associated with threats that seeks to reduce the probability of occurrence or impact of a risk to below an acceptable Threshold.

脅威に関連するリスク対応計画技法のlつ。リスクの発生 確率またはリスクの影響を、受容可能な限界値以下に軽減する技法。

  • 风险登记册 Risk Register リスク登録簿


The document containing the Results of the qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, and risk response planning. The Risk Register details all identified risks, including description, category, cause, probability of occurring, impact(s) on Objectives, proposed responses, owners, and current status.

定性的リスク分析、定量的リスク分 析、およびリスク対応計画の結果を収めた文書。リスク登録簿には、リスクの記述、リスク区分、要因、発 生確率、目標への影響、提案された対応策、該当担当者、現在の状況等に関して識別された全リスクの 詳細を記述する。

  • 风险承受力 Risk Tolerance リスク許容度


The degree, amount, or volume of risk that an organization or individual will withstand.


  • 风险转移 Risk Transference リスク転嫁


A risk response planning technique that shifts the impact of a threat to a third party, together with ownership of the response.

リスク対応計画技法の1つ。脅威の影響をリスク対応の責任とともに第 三者へ移転する技法。

  • 角色 Role 役割


A defined function to be performed by a project team member, such as testing, filing, inspecting, coding.

個々のプロジェクト・チーム・メンバーが実行すべき、想定された機能(例:テスト、ファイリン グ、検査、コーディング)。

  • 滚动式规划 Rolling Wave Planning ローリング・ウェ-ブ計画法


A form of Progressive Elaboration planning where the work to be accomplished in the near term is planned in detail at a low level of the work breakdown structure, while the work far in the future is planned at a relatively high level of the work breakdown structure, but the detailed planning of the work to be performed within another one or two periods in the near future is done as work is being completed during the current period.

計画を段階的に詳細化していく 技法の1形式。短期的に完了しなければならない作業をワーク・ブレークダウン・ストラクチャーの下位 レベルに至るまで詳細に計画する。一方、遠い将来の作業は、ワーク・ブレークダウン・ストラクチャーの 比較的上位レベルで計画する。ただし、近い将来の1~2期間内にすべき作業の詳細計画は、現行期間 中、現期間の作業が完了しつつある間に行う。

  • 根本原因分析 Root Cause Analysis 根本原因分析


An analytical technique used to determine the basic underlying reason that causes a variance or a defect or a risk. A root cause may underlie more than one variance or defect or risk.


  • 进度计划 Schedule 


See project schedule and see also Schedule Model.

  • 进度基准 Schedule Baseline スケジュール・ベースライン


A specific version of the Schedule Model used to compare actual Results to the plan to determine if preventive or Corrective Action is needed to meet the project Objectives.


  • 进度压缩 Schedule Compression スケジュール短縮


Shortening the project schedule duration without reducing the project scope. See also Crashing and Fast Tracking.


  • 进度管理计划 Schedule Management Plan スケジュール・マネジメント計画書


The document that establishes criteria and the activities for developing and controlling the project schedule. It is contained in, or is a subsidiary plan of, the project management plan.


  • 进度模型 Schedule Model スケジュール・モデル


A model used in conjunction with manual methods or project management software to perform Schedule Network Analysis to generate the project schedule for use in managing the execution of a project. See also project schedule.


  • 进度网络分析 Schedule Network Analysis スケジュール・ネットワーク分析


The technique of identifying early and Late Start Dates, as well as early and Late Finish Dates, for the uncompleted portions of project schedule activities. See also Critical Path Method, Critical Chain Method, and Resource Leveling.


  • 进度绩效指数 Schedule Performance Index (SPI) スケジュール効率指数


A measure of schedule efficiency on a project. It is the ratio of earned value (EV) to Planned Value (PV). The SPI = EV divided by PV.


  • 进度偏差 Schedule Variance (SV) スケジュール差異


A measure of schedule performance on a project. It is the difference between the earned value (EV) and the Planned Value (PV). SV = EV minus PV.


  • 预计完成日期 Scheduled Finish Date (SF) 予定終了日


The point in time that work was scheduled to finish on a schedule activity. The Scheduled Finish Date is normally within the range of dates delimited by the Early Finish Date and the Late Finish Date. It may reflect Resource Leveling of scarce resources. Sometimes called planned finish date.

スケジュール・アクティビティにおいて作業の終了を予定してい る時点。予定終了日は、通常、最早終了日最遅終了日の問となる。不足している資源の資源平準化の影 響を受けることがある。計画終了日と呼ばれることもある。

  • 预计开始日期 Scheduled Start Date (SS) 予定開始日


The point in time that work was scheduled to start on a schedule activity. The Scheduled Start Date is normally within the range of dates delimited by the Early Start Date and the Late Start Date. It may reflect Resource Leveling of scarce resources. Sometimes called planned start date.

スケジュール・アクティビティにおいて作業の開始を予定してい る時点。予定開始日は、通常、最早開始日最遅開始日の間となる。不足している資源の資源平準化を の影響を受けることがある。計画開始日と呼ばれることもある。

  • 范围 Scope スコープ


The sum of the products, services, and Results to be provided as a project. See also project scope and product scope.


  • 范围基准 Scope Baseline スコープ・ベースライン

由经过批准的详细范围说明书、工作分解结构(WBS)及相应的WBS 词典组成。

An approved specific version of the detailed scope statement, work breakdown structure (WBS), and its associated WBS dictionary.


  • 范围变更 Scope Change スコープ変更


Any change to the project scope. A Scope Change almost always requires an adjustment to the project cost or schedule.


  • 范围蔓延 Scope Creep スコープ・クリープ


Adding features and functionality (project scope) without addressing the effects on time, costs, and resources, or without customer approval.


  • 范围管理计划 Scope Management Plan スコープ・マネジメント計画書


The document that describes how the project scope will be defined, developed, and verified and how the work breakdown structure will be created and defined, and that provides guidance on how the project scope will be managed and controlled by the Project Management Team. It is contained in or is a subsidiary plan of the project management plan.


  • S 曲线 S-Curve Sカーブ

以时间为横轴绘制的累积成本、工时、工作百分比或其他数量的曲线图。用来描述项目工作的计划价值、挣值和实际成本。因形状与英语字母S 相似(首尾平缓,中间陡峭)而得名。项目缓慢开始,再加速实施,最后逐渐收尾,就导致此种曲线。本术语也用来表示模拟(一种定量风险分析工具)所产生的累计可能性的分布。

Graphic display of cumulative costs, labor hours, percentage of work, or other quantities, plotted against time. Used to depict Planned Value, earned value, and actual cost of project work. The name derives from the S-like shape of the curve (flatter at the beginning and end, steeper in the middle) produced on a project that starts slowly, accelerates, and then tails off. Also a term used to express the cumulative likelihood distribution that is a Result of a simulation, a Tool of quantitative risk analysis.


  • 次生风险 Secondary Risk 二次リスク


A risk that arises as a direct Result of implementing a risk response.


  • 卖方 Seller 納入者


A provider or supplier of products, services, or Results to an organization.


  • 敏感性分析 Sensitivity Analysis 感度分析


A quantitative risk analysis and modeling technique used to help determine which risks have the most potential impact on the project. It examines the extent to which the uncertainty of each project element affects the Objective being examined when all other uncertain elements are held at their baseline values. The typical display of Results is in the form of a tornado diagram.


  • 排列活动顺序 Sequence Activities アクティビティ順序設定


The process of identifying and documenting relationships among the project activities.


  • 模拟 Simulation シミュレーション


A simulation uses a project model that translates the uncertainties specified at a detailed level into their potential impact on Objectives that are expressed at the level of the total project. Project simulations use computer models and estimates of risk, usually expressed as a probability distribution of possible costs or durations at a detailed work level, and are typically performed using Monte Carlo Analysis.

シミュレーションでは、詳細レベルで特定した不確実な事象を、プロジェ クト全体の目標に及ぼす潜在的な影響度に変換するプロジェクト・モデルを用いる。プロジェクトにお けるシミュレーションではコンピューター・モデルとリスク見積りを用いる。通常、詳細な作業レベルで のコストや所要期間の確率分布として表示される。一般にモンテカルロ分析を用いて行われる。

  • 松弛量 Slack スラック


Also called float. See Total Float and Free Float.


  • 特殊原因 Special Cause 特殊要因


A source of variation that is not inherent in the system, is not predictable, and is intermittent. It can be assigned to a defect in the system. On a Control Chart, points beyond the Control Limits, or non-random patterns within the Control Limits, indicate it. Also referred to as assignable cause. Contrast with Common Cause.


  • 规格 Specification 仕様書


A document that specifies, in a complete, precise, verifiable manner, the requirements, design, behavior, or other characteristics of a system, component, product, Result, or service and, often, the procedures for determining whether these provisions have been satisfied. Examples are: requirement specification, design specification, product specification, and test specification.

完全、正確かつ検証可能な方法で、システム、構成要素、プロダクト、所産、ま たはサービスに対する要求事項、設計、行動、他の特性等を規定した文書。これらの規定が満たされ ているかどうかを判断する手順もあわせて規定していることも多い。要求仕様書、設計仕様書、製品 仕様書、試験仕様書などがある。

  • 规格界限 Specification Limits 仕様限界


The area, on either side of the centerline, or mean, of data plotted on a Control Chart that meets the customer's requirements for a product or service. This area may be greater than or less than the area defined by the Control Limits. See also Control Limits.

プロダクトやサービスに対する顧客の要求事項を満足する管理図 上のデータ領域で、中心線や平均値線の両側にデータの点が記入される。この領域は管理限界によ って定義された領域よりも大きい場合と小さい場合のいずれの場合もある。管理限界も参照。

  • 发起人 Sponsor スポンサー


The person or group that provides the financial resources, in cash or in kind, for the project.


  • 人员配备管理计划 Staffing Management Plan 要員マネジメント計画書


The document that describes when and how human resource requirements will be met. It is contained in, or is a subsidiary plan of, the human resource plan.

いつ、どのように人的資源に対する要求事項を満 たすかを記述した文書。この文書は人的資源計画書に含まれるか、あるいはその補助の計画書となる。

  • 干系人 Stakeholder ステークホルダー


Person or organization (e.g., customer, Sponsor, Performing Organization, or the public) that is actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected by execution or completion of the project. A stakeholder may also exert influence over the project and its Deliverables.


  • 标准 Standard 標準


A document that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines, or characteristics for activities or their Results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context.


  • 开始日期 Start Date 開始日


A point in time associated with a schedule activity's start, usually qualified by one of the following: actual, planned, estimated, scheduled, early, late, target, baseline, or current.


  • 开始到完成 Start-to-Finish (SF) 開始ー終了関係


The Logical Relationship where completion of the successor schedule activity is dependent upon the initiation of the predecessor schedule activity. See also Logical Relationship.


  • 开始到开始 Start-to-Start (SS) 開始ー開始関係


The Logical Relationship where initiation of the work of the successor schedule activity depends upon the initiation of the work of the predecessor schedule activity. See also Logical Relationship.


  • 工作说明书 Statement of Work (SOW) 作業範囲記述書


A narrative description of products, services, or Results to be supplied.


  • SWOT 分析 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis SWOT分析


This information gathering technique examines the project from the perspective of each project's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to increase the breadth of the risks considered by risk management.


  • 子网络 Subnetwork サブネットワーク


A subdivision (fragment) of a Project Schedule Network Diagram, usually representing a Subproject or a Work Package. Often used to illustrate or study some potential or proposed schedule condition, such as changes in preferential schedule logic or project scope.

プロジェクト・スケジュール・ネットワーク図を分割した一部分(断片) で、通常サブプロジェクトまたはワーク・パッケージを示す。優先的スケジュール・ロジックやプロジェ クト・スコープの変更など、起こり得るスケジュール状態や提案されたスケジュール条件を図示し調 査するためによく使われる。

  • 子阶段 Subphase サブフェ-ズ


A subdivision of a phase.


  • 子项目 Subproject サブプロジェクト


A smaller portion of the overall project created when a project is subdivided into more manageable components or pieces.

プロジェクトをよリマネジメントしやすい構成要素や部分に分割する 際に作られる、プロジェクト全体の一部分。

  • 紧后活动 Successor Activity 後続アクティビティ


The schedule activity that follows a Predecessor Activity, as determined by their Logical Relationship.


  • 概括性活动 Summary Activity 集約アクティビティ


A group of related schedule activities aggregated at some summary level, and displayed/ reported as a single activity at that summary level. See also Subproject and Subnetwork.

概要レベルにて集約された関連するスケジュール・アクティビ ティのグループ。概要レベルのスケジュールでは単一のアクティビティとして表示され報告される。サ ブプロジェクトとサブネットワークも参照。

  • 团队成员 Team Members 


See project Team Members.

  • 技术绩效测量 Technical Performance Measurement 技術的パフォーマンスの測定


A performance measurement technique that compares technical accomplishments during project execution to the project management plan's schedule of planned technical achievements. It may use key technical parameters of the product produced by the project as a quality metric. The achieved metric values are part of the Work Performance Information.


  • 技术 Technique 技法


A defined systematic procedure employed by a human resource to perform an activity to produce a product or Result or deliver a service, and that may employ one or more Tools.


  • 模板 Template テンプレート


A partially complete document in a predefined format that provides a defined structure for collecting, organizing, and presenting information and data.


  • 威胁 Threat 脅威


A condition or situation unfavorable to the project, a negative set of circumstances, a negative set of events, a risk that will have a negative impact on a project Objective if it occurs, or a possibility for negative changes. Contrast with Opportunity.


  • 三点估算 Three-Point Estimate 三点見積り


An analytical technique that uses three cost or duration estimates to represent the optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic scenarios. This technique is applied to improve the accuracy of the estimates of cost or duration when the underlying activity or cost component is uncertain.

楽観的、最も起こりそうな、および悲観的なシナ リオを反映した3点を見積もり、コストや所要期間に適用する分析の技法。この技法は、下位レベル のアクティビティやコストの構成要素が不確実な場合に、コストや所要期間の見積りの精度を向上 させるために使われる。

  • 临界值 Threshold 限界値


A cost, time, quality, technical, or resource value used as a parameter, and which may be included in product specifications. Crossing the Threshold should trigger some action, such as generating an exception report.


  • 工料合同 Time and Material (T&M) Contract タイム・アンド・マテリアル契約(T&M契約)


A type of contract that is a hybrid contractual arrangement containing aspects of both cost-reimbursable and fixed-price contracts. Time and Material Contracts resemble cost-reimbursable type arrangements in that they have no definitive end, because the full value of the arrangement is not defined at the time of the award. Thus, Time and Material Contracts can grow in contract value as if they were cost-reimbursable-type arrangements. Conversely, time and material arrangements can also resemble fixed-price arrangements. For example, the unit rates are preset by the Buyer and Seller, when both parties agree on the rates for the category of senior engineers.


  • 时标进度网络图 Time-Scaled Schedule Network Diagram 時間軸付スケジュール・ネットワーク図


Any Project Schedule Network Diagram drawn in such a way that the positioning and length of the schedule activity represents its duration. Essentially, it is a bar chart that includes schedule Network Logic.

スケジュール・アクティビティの位置と長さで所要期間を表すように描かれたプロジェクト・スケジュー ル・ネットワーク図。本質的に、スケジュール・ネットワーク・ロジックを備えたバー・チャートである。

  • 完工尚需绩效指数 To-Complete-Performance-Index(TCPI) 残作業効率指数(TCPI)


The calculated projection of cost performance that must be achieved on the remaining work to meet a specified management goal, such as the Budget at Completion (BAC) or the Estimate at Completion (EAC). It is the ratio of "remaining work" to the "funds remaining."

完成時総予算(BAC)や完成時総コスト見積り(EAC)などの特定のマネジメント上の目標を達成するために、残作業にて達成しな ければならない、計算により算定されたコスト効率。それは、残作業を残資金で割った比である。

  • 工具 Tool ツール


Something tangible, such as a Template or software program, used in performing an activity to produce a product or Result.


  • 总浮动时间 Total Float トータル・フロート


The total amount of time that a schedule activity may be delayed from its Early Start Date without delaying the project finish date, or violating a schedule Constraint. Calculated using the Critical Path Method technique and determining the difference between the Early Finish Dates and Late Finish Dates. See also Free Float.


  • 趋势分析 Trend Analysis 傾向分析


An analytical technique that uses mathematical models to Forecast future outcomes based on historical Results. It is a method of determining the variance from a baseline of a budget, cost, schedule, or scope parameter by using prior progress reporting periods' data and projecting how much that parameter's variance from baseline might be at some future point in the project if no changes are made in executing the project.


  • 触发因素 Triggers トリガー

表明风险已经发生或即将发生的迹象。触发因素可在风险识别过程中发现,并在风险监控过程中监视。触发因素有时也称“风险征兆”或 “预警信号”。

Indications that a risk has occurred or is about to occur. Triggers may be discovered in the risk identification process and watched in the risk monitoring and control process. Triggers are sometimes called risk symptoms or warning signs.


  • 确认 Validation 妥当性確認


The assurance that a product, service, or system meets the needs of the customer and other identified stakeholders. It often involves acceptance and suitability with external customers. Contrast with Verification.


  • 价值工程 Value Engineering (VE) 価値工学


An approach used to optimize Project Life Cycle costs, save time, increase profits, improve quality, expand market share, solve problems, and/or use resources more effectively.


  • 偏差 Variance 差異


A quantifiable deviation, departure, or divergence away from a known baseline or expected value.


  • 偏差分析 Variance Analysis 差異分析


A method for resolving the total variance in the set of scope, cost, and schedule variables into specific component variances that are associated with defined factors affecting the scope, cost, and schedule variables.

一連のスコースコスト、およびスケジュールの計 量値のすべての差異を、特定の構成要素の差異に要素分解する手法。この特定の構成要素の差異 はスコープ、コスト、およびスケジュールの計量値に影響を与える特定要因に関連付けられている。

  • 核实 Verification 検証


The evaluation of whether or not a product, service, or system complies with a Regulation, requirement, specification, or imposed condition. It is often an internal process. Contrast with Validation.


  • 核实范围 Verify Scope スコープ検証


The process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project Deliverables.


  • 虚拟团队 Virtual Team バーチャル・チーム


A group of persons with a shared Objective who fulfill their Roles with little or no time spent meeting face to face. Various forms of technology are often used to facilitate communication among Team Members. Virtual Teams can be comprised of persons separated by great distances.


  • 客户声音 Voice of the Customer 顧客の声


A planning technique used to provide products, services, and Results that truly reflect customer requirements by translating those customer requirements into the appropriate technical requirements for each phase of project product development.


  • 工作授权 Work Authorization 作業認可


A permission and direction, typically written, to begin work on a specific schedule activity or Work Package or Control Account. It is a method for sanctioning project work to ensure that the work is done by the identified organization, at the right time, and in the proper sequence.

特定のスケジュール・アクティビティ、ワーク・パッケージ、コントロー ル・アカウント等に着手する許可と指示。通常は書面により行われる。特定の組織による作業が適切な 時期に適切な順序で実行されることを確実にするために行われる、プロジェクト作業の認可のこと。

  • 工作授权系统 Work Authorization System 作業認可システム


A subsystem of the overall Project Management System. It is a collection of formal documented procedures that defines how project work will be authorized (committed) to ensure that the work is done by the identified organization, at the right time, and in the proper sequence. It includes the steps, documents, tracking system, and defined approval levels needed to Issue work authorizations.

プロジェクトマネジメント・システム全 体のサブシステム。特定の組織により作業が適切な時期に適切な順序で実行されることを確実にす るためにとられる文書化された公式の手順を集めたもので、プロジェクト作業を認可する方法を規 定している。作業認可を行うために必要な作業ステップ、文書、追跡システム、および規定の承認レ ベルが含まれる。

  • 工作分解结构 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ワーク・ブレークダウン・ストラクチャー


A Deliverable-oriented hierarchical Decomposition of the work to be Executed by the project team to accomplish the project Objectives and create the required Deliverables. It organizes and defines the total scope of the project.

プロジェクト目標を達成し必要な要素成果物を生み出すためにプロジェクト・チームが実 行する作業を、要素成果物を基にして階層的に要素分解したもの。WBSはプロジェクトのスコープの全 部を系統立ててまとめて規定したもの。

  • 工作分解结构组成部分 Work Breakdown Structure Component WBS要素


An entry in the work breakdown structure that can be at any level.


  • 工作分解结构词典 Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary WBS辞書


A document that describes each component in the work breakdown structure (WBS). For each WBS component, the WBS dictionary includes a brief definition of the scope or Statement of Work, defined Deliverable(s), a list of associated activities, and a list of milestones. Other information may include: responsible organization, start and end dates, resources required, an estimate of cost, charge number, contract information, quality requirements, and technical references to facilitate performance of the work.


  • 工作包 Work Package ワーク・パッケージ


A Deliverable or project work component at the lowest level of each branch of the work breakdown structure. See also Control Account.

ワーク・ブレークダウン・ストラクチャーの各枝の最下位レベルにあ る要素成果物またはプロジェクト作業構成要素。コントロール・アカウントも参照。

  • 工作绩效信息 Work Performance Information 作業パフォーマンス情報


Information and data, on the status of the project schedule activities being performed to accomplish the project work, collected as part of the Direct and Manage Project Execution processes. Information includes: status of Deliverables; implementation status for change requests, Corrective Actions, Preventive Actions, and Defect Repairs; Forecasted estimates to complete; reported percent of work physically completed; achieved value of technical performance measures; start and finish dates of schedule activities.

プロジェクト作業を完了するために実行しているプロジェクト・スケジュール・アクティビティの状況に関 する情報とデータ。これら情報とデータは、プロジェクト実行の指揮・マネジメントのプロセスにおい て収集される。情報には、次のものがある。要素成果物の状況、変更要求、是正処置予防処置、およ び欠陥修正の実施状況、残作業のコスト見積り予測、報告された物理的に完了した作業の割合、 技術的実績の測定尺度による達成度合、スケジュール・アクティビティの開始日と終了日等である。

  • 权变措施 Workaround 迂回策


A response to a negative risk that has occurred. Distinguished from contingency plan in that a Workaround is not planned in advance of the occurrence of the risk event.
