nvm: Node Version Manager

How to install

  1. Download
    the nvm-setup.zip from the following URL https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/releases
  2. Expand and run nvm-setup.exe


  1. nvm version confirm
    nvm -v
  2. Checking the Node.js Version Available for Installation
    nvm ls available
  3. Installing a specific version of Node.js
    nvm install 18.18.1
  4. Installing the latest version of Node.js on LTS
    nvm install lts
  5. Uninstalling a specific version of Node.js
    nvm uninstall 18.18.1
  6. Determine the Version of the Installed Node.js
    nvm ls
  7. Switch to a specific Node.js version
    nvm use 20.9.0


In this article, we introduced a Node.js version management tool for Windows.
