VB.NET eBook

VB.NET Black Book

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  • Chapter 01 - Essential Visual Basic
  • Chapter 02 - The VB Language: Operators, Conditionals, and Loops
  • Chapter 03 - The VB Language: Procedures, Scope, and Exception Handling
  • Chapter 04 - Windows Forms
  • Chapter 05 - Windows Forms: Text Boxes, Rich Text Boxes, Labels, and Link Labels
  • Chapter 06 - Windows Forms: Buttons, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Panels, and Group Boxes
  • Chapter 07 - Windows Forms: List Boxes, Checked List Boxes, Combo Boxes, and Picture Boxes
  • Chapter 08 - Windows Forms: Scroll Bars, Splitters, Track Bars, Pickers, Notify Icons, Tool Tips, and Timers
  • Chapter 09 - Windows Forms: Menus, Built-in Dialog Boxes, and Printing
  • Chapter 10 - Windows Forms: Image Lists, Tree and List Views, Toolbars, Status and Progress Bars, and Tab Controls
  • Chapter 11 - Object-Oriented Programming
  • Chapter 12 - Object-Oriented Inheritance
  • Chapter 13 - Graphics and File Handling
  • Chapter 14 - Web Forms
  • Chapter 15 - Web Forms: Buttons, Text Boxes, Labels, Literals, and Place Holders
  • Chapter 16 - Web Forms: Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Tables, and Panels
  • Chapter 17 - Images, Image Buttons, List Boxes, Drop-Down Lists, Hyperlinks, and Link Buttons
  • Chapter 18 - Validation Controls, Calendars, and Ad Rotators
  • Chapter 19 - Web Forms: HTML Controls
  • Chapter 20 - Data Access with ADO.NET
  • Chapter 21 - Binding Controls to Databases
  • Chapter 22 - Handling Databases in Code
  • Chapter 23 - Database Access in Web Applications
  • Chapter 24 - Creating User Controls, Web User Controls, and Multithreading
  • Chapter 25 - Creating Windows Services, Web Services, and Deploying Applications


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Visual Basic 2005: A Developer’s Notebook

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  • Chapter 1 - Visual Studio
  • Chapter 2 - The Visual Basic Language
  • Chapter 3 - Windows Applications
  • Chapter 4 - Web Applications
  • Chapter 5 - Files, Databases, and XML
  • Chapter 6 - .NET 2.0 Platform Services


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Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in VB 2005

Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in VB 2005 

Table of Contents

  • Foreword xxv
  • About the Author xxvii
  • About the Technical Reviewer xxix
  • Acknowledgments xxxi
  • Introduction xxxiii
  • PART 1 Windows Forms Fundamentals
  • CHAPTER 1 User Interface Architecture 3
  • CHAPTER 2 Control Basics 41
  • CHAPTER 3 Forms 71
  • CHAPTER 4 The Classic Controls 109
  • CHAPTER 5 Images and Resources 151
  • CHAPTER 6 Lists and Trees 173
  • CHAPTER 7 Drawing with GDI+ 209
  • CHAPTER 8 Data Binding 263
  • PART 2 Custom Controls
  • CHAPTER 9 Custom Control Basics 321
  • CHAPTER 10 User Controls 337
  • CHAPTER 11 Derived Controls 365
  • CHAPTER 12 Owner-Drawn Controls 389
  • CHAPTER 13 Design-Time Support for Custom Controls 425
  • PART 3 Modern Controls
  • CHAPTER 14 Tool, Menu, and Status Strips 477
  • CHAPTER 15 The DataGridView 519
  • CHAPTER 16 Sound and Video 577
  • CHAPTER 17 The WebBrowser 589
  • PART 4 Windows Forms Techniques
  • CHAPTER 18 Validation and Masked Editing 611
  • CHAPTER 19 Multiple and Single Document Interfaces 651
  • CHAPTER 20 Multithreading 689
  • CHAPTER 21 Dynamic Interfaces and Layout Engines 729
  • CHAPTER 22 Help Systems 777
  • PART 5 Advanced Custom Controls
  • CHAPTER 23 Skinned Forms and Animated Buttons 811
  • CHAPTER 24 Dynamic Drawing with a Design Surface 839
  • CHAPTER 25 Custom Extender Providers 871
  • CHAPTER 26 Advanced Design-Time Support 885
  • APPENDIX A Creating Usable Interfaces 927
  • APPENDIX B ClickOnce 943
  • INDEX 963



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