

  • Replace null values, alias for na.fill(). DataFrame.fillna() and DataFrameNaFunctions.fill() are aliases of each other.

    • Parameters

      value – int, long, float, string, bool or dict. Value to replace null values with. If the value is a dict, then subset is ignored and value must be a mapping from column name (string) to replacement value. The replacement value must be an int, long, float, boolean, or string.subset – optional list of column names to consider. Columns specified in subset that do not have matching data type are ignored. For example, if value is a string, and subset contains a non-string column, then the non-string column is simply ignored.
|age|height| name|
| 10|    80|Alice|
|  5|    50|  Bob|
| 50|    50|  Tom|
| 50|    50| null|


  • Parameters
    • to_replace – bool, int, long, float, string, list or dict. Value to be replaced. If the value is a dict, then value is ignored or can be omitted, and to_replace must be a mapping between a value and a replacement.
    • value – bool, int, long, float, string, list or None. The replacement value must be a bool, int, long, float, string or None. If value is a list, value should be of the same length and type as to_replace. If value is a scalar and to_replace is a sequence, then value is used as a replacement for each item in to_replace.
    • subset – optional list of column names to consider. Columns specified in subset that do not have matching data type are ignored. For example, if value is a string, and subset contains a non-string column, then the non-string column is simply ignored., 20).show()
| age|height| name|
|  20|    80|Alice|
|   5|  null|  Bob|
|null|  null|  Tom|
|null|  null| null|
+----+------+-----+{'Alice': None}).show()
| age|height|name|
|  10|    80|null|
|   5|  null| Bob|
|null|  null| Tom|
|null|  null|null|
+----+------+----+['Alice', 'Bob'], ['A', 'B'], 'name').show()
| age|height|name|
|  10|    80|   A|
|   5|  null|   B|
|null|  null| Tom|
|null|  null|null|

otherwise*可以在select数据的时候和F.when进行搭配使用, 从而同时对数据进行选择性处理

# when搭配otherwise得到新数据'smoker', F.when(df.tip>3, 999).otherwise(-999)).show(3)
|day|CASE WHEN (tip > 3) THEN 999 ELSE -999 END|
|Sun|                                      -999|
|Sun|                                      -999|
|Sun|                                       999|
only showing top 3 rows

# when搭配otherwise生成新列, 可以直接替代if xxx else xxx的操作
df_tip.withColumn('a', F.when(df_tip.tip>3, 999).otherwise(888)).show(3)
|total_bill| tip|smoker|day|  time|size| tip_2|   a|
|     16.99|1.01|    No|Sun|Dinner| 2.0|1.0201|-888|
|     10.34|1.66|    No|Sun|Dinner| 3.0|2.7556|-888|
|     21.01| 3.5|    No|Sun|Dinner| 3.0| 12.25| 999|
only showing top 3 rows   


df = spark.createDataFrame([('0001','F','H',1), ('0002','M','M',0), ('0003','F','L',1),('0004','F','H',0), ('0005','M','M',1), ('0006','F','H',1)],['userid','gender','level','vip'])
|  0001|     F|    H|  1|
|  0002|     M|    M|  0|
|  0003|     F|    L|  1|
|  0004|     F|    H|  0|
|  0005|     M|    M|  1|
|  0006|     F|    H|  1|

                .pivot('level', ['H','M','L'])\
|gender|  H|  M|  L|
|     F|  3|  0|  1|
|     M|  0|  2|  0|



from pyspark.sql import Window
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import *

empsalary_data = [
  ("sales",     1,  "Alice",  5000, ["game",  "ski"]),
  ("personnel", 2,  "Olivia", 3900, ["game",  "ski"]),
  ("sales",     3,  "Ella",   4800, ["skate", "ski"]),
  ("sales",     4,  "Ebba",   4800, ["game",  "ski"]),
  ("personnel", 5,  "Lilly",  3500, ["climb", "ski"]),
  ("develop",   7,  "Astrid", 4200, ["game",  "ski"]),
  ("develop",   8,  "Saga",   6000, ["kajak", "ski"]),
  ("develop",   9,  "Freja",  4500, ["game",  "kajak"]),
  ("develop",   10, "Wilma",  5200, ["game",  "ski"]),
  ("develop",   11, "Maja",   5200, ["game",  "farming"])]

    schema=["depName", "empNo", "name", "salary", "hobby"])

|  depName|empNo|  name|salary|          hobby|
|    sales|    1| Alice|  5000|    [game, ski]|
|personnel|    2|Olivia|  3900|    [game, ski]|
|    sales|    3|  Ella|  4800|   [skate, ski]|
|    sales|    4|  Ebba|  4800|    [game, ski]|
|personnel|    5| Lilly|  3500|   [climb, ski]|
|  develop|    7|Astrid|  4200|    [game, ski]|
|  develop|    8|  Saga|  6000|   [kajak, ski]|
|  develop|    9| Freja|  4500|  [game, kajak]|
|  develop|   10| Wilma|  5200|    [game, ski]|
|  develop|   11|  Maja|  5200|[game, farming]|

# ==========================运用partitionBy关键字去分组DataFrame=========================
overCategory = Window.partitionBy("depName")
df = empsalary.withColumn(
"salaries", collect_list("salary").over(overCategory)).withColumn(

|depName  |empNo|name  |salary|salaries                      |average_salary|total_salary|
|develop  |7    |Astrid|4200  |[4200, 6000, 4500, 5200, 5200]|5020          |25100       |
|develop  |8    |Saga  |6000  |[4200, 6000, 4500, 5200, 5200]|5020          |25100       |
|develop  |9    |Freja |4500  |[4200, 6000, 4500, 5200, 5200]|5020          |25100       |
|develop  |10   |Wilma |5200  |[4200, 6000, 4500, 5200, 5200]|5020          |25100       |
|develop  |11   |Maja  |5200  |[4200, 6000, 4500, 5200, 5200]|5020          |25100       |
|sales    |1    |Alice |5000  |[5000, 4800, 4800]            |4866          |14600       |
|sales    |3    |Ella  |4800  |[5000, 4800, 4800]            |4866          |14600       |
|sales    |4    |Ebba  |4800  |[5000, 4800, 4800]            |4866          |14600       |
|personnel|2    |Olivia|3900  |[3900, 3500]                  |3700          |7400        |
|personnel|5    |Lilly |3500  |[3900, 3500]                  |3700          |7400        |

# ========================partition后用到了orderBy方法===============
# 可以看到一模一样的运算语句给出了完全不一样的结果, 因为每次的partition的结果都是按照
# salary进行了一个预排序工作,这样会导致在collect_list的时候也会存在一个从后往前收集的一个效果
an Ordered Frame has the following traits
+ 被一个或者是多个columns生成
+ Followed by orderby on a column
+ Each row have a corresponding frame
+ The frame will not be the same for every row within the same partition.By default,the frame contains all previous rows and the currentRow
+ Aggregate/Window functions can be applied to each row+frame to generate a value
overCategory = Window.partitionBy("depName").orderBy(desc("salary"))
df = empsalary.withColumn(

|depName  |empNo|name  |salary|salaries                      |average_salary|total_salary|
|develop  |8    |Saga  |6000  |[6000]                        |6000          |6000        |
|develop  |10   |Wilma |5200  |[6000, 5200, 5200]            |5466          |16400       |
|develop  |11   |Maja  |5200  |[6000, 5200, 5200]            |5466          |16400       |
|develop  |9    |Freja |4500  |[6000, 5200, 5200, 4500]      |5225          |20900       |
|develop  |7    |Astrid|4200  |[6000, 5200, 5200, 4500, 4200]|5020          |25100       |
|sales    |1    |Alice |5000  |[5000]                        |5000          |5000        |
|sales    |3    |Ella  |4800  |[5000, 4800, 4800]            |4866          |14600       |
|sales    |4    |Ebba  |4800  |[5000, 4800, 4800]            |4866          |14600       |
|personnel|2    |Olivia|3900  |[3900]                        |3900          |3900        |
|personnel|5    |Lilly |3500  |[3900, 3500]                  |3700          |7400        |

# ======在window模型下进行数据切分后可以运用rank排序类型的函数进行复杂的操作==============
overCategory = Window.partitionBy("depName").orderBy(desc("salary"))
df = empsalary.withColumn(

|depName  |empNo|name  |salary|rank|dense_rank|row_number|ntile|percent_rank|
|develop  |8    |Saga  |6000  |1   |1         |1         |1    |0.0         |
|develop  |10   |Wilma |5200  |2   |2         |2         |1    |0.25        |
|develop  |11   |Maja  |5200  |2   |2         |3         |2    |0.25        |
|develop  |9    |Freja |4500  |4   |3         |4         |2    |0.75        |
|develop  |7    |Astrid|4200  |5   |4         |5         |3    |1.0         |
|sales    |1    |Alice |5000  |1   |1         |1         |1    |0.0         |
|sales    |3    |Ella  |4800  |2   |2         |2         |2    |0.5         |
|sales    |4    |Ebba  |4800  |2   |2         |3         |3    |0.5         |
|personnel|2    |Olivia|3900  |1   |1         |1         |1    |0.0         |
|personnel|5    |Lilly |3500  |2   |2         |2         |2    |1.0         |

# ====================利用rank函数,我们能快速的得到类似于top2之类的数据===========
overCategory = Window.partitionBy("depName").orderBy(desc("salary"))
df = empsalary.withColumn(
"row_number <= 2").select(

|depName  |empNo|name  |salary|
|develop  |8    |Saga  |6000  |
|develop  |10   |Wilma |5200  |
|sales    |1    |Alice |5000  |
|sales    |3    |Ella  |4800  |
|personnel|2    |Olivia|3900  |
|personnel|5    |Lilly |3500  |

# ===================运用lag与lead,拿到前一个或者后一个数据==================
overCategory = Window.partitionBy("depname").orderBy(desc("salary"))
df = empsalary.withColumn(

|depName  |empNo|name  |salary|lead|lag |
|develop  |8    |Saga  |6000  |5200|null|
|develop  |10   |Wilma |5200  |5200|6000|
|develop  |11   |Maja  |5200  |4500|5200|
|develop  |9    |Freja |4500  |4200|5200|
|develop  |7    |Astrid|4200  |null|4500|
|sales    |1    |Alice |5000  |4800|null|
|sales    |3    |Ella  |4800  |4800|5000|
|sales    |4    |Ebba  |4800  |null|4800|
|personnel|2    |Olivia|3900  |3500|null|
|personnel|5    |Lilly |3500  |null|3900|

# 接下来就可以做出错位相减的操作
diff = df.withColumn(
"highter_than_next",col("salary") - col("lead")).withColumn(
"lower_than_previous",col("lag") - col("salary"))
|  depName|empNo|  name|salary|lead| lag|highter_than_next|lower_than_previous|
|  develop|    8|  Saga|  6000|5200|null|              800|               null|
|  develop|   10| Wilma|  5200|5200|6000|                0|                800|
|  develop|   11|  Maja|  5200|4500|5200|              700|                  0|
|  develop|    9| Freja|  4500|4200|5200|              300|                700|
|  develop|    7|Astrid|  4200|null|4500|             null|                300|
|    sales|    1| Alice|  5000|4800|null|              200|               null|
|    sales|    3|  Ella|  4800|4800|5000|                0|                200|
|    sales|    4|  Ebba|  4800|null|4800|             null|                  0|
|personnel|    2|Olivia|  3900|3500|null|              400|               null|
|personnel|    5| Lilly|  3500|null|3900|             null|                400|

# 缺失填充
diff = df.withColumn(

|  depName|empNo|  name|salary|lead| lag|highter_than_next|lower_than_previous|
|  develop|    8|  Saga|  6000|5200|null|             5200|                  0|
|  develop|   10| Wilma|  5200|5200|6000|             5200|               6000|
|  develop|   11|  Maja|  5200|4500|5200|             4500|               5200|
|  develop|    9| Freja|  4500|4200|5200|             4200|               5200|
|  develop|    7|Astrid|  4200|null|4500|                0|               4500|
|    sales|    1| Alice|  5000|4800|null|             4800|                  0|
|    sales|    3|  Ella|  4800|4800|5000|             4800|               5000|
|    sales|    4|  Ebba|  4800|null|4800|                0|               4800|
|personnel|    2|Olivia|  3900|3500|null|             3500|                  0|
|personnel|    5| Lilly|  3500|null|3900|                0|               3900|

diff.filter(col("highter_than_next") > (lit(0.5)*col("salary"))).show(3)
|depName|empNo| name|salary|lead| lag|highter_than_next|lower_than_previous|
|develop|    8| Saga|  6000|5200|null|             5200|                  0|
|develop|   10|Wilma|  5200|5200|6000|             5200|               6000|
|develop|   11| Maja|  5200|4500|5200|             4500|               5200|
only showing top 3 rows

# ===========在spark中实现类似pandas的cumsum的累计计算===========
overCategory = Window.partitionBy("depname").orderBy(desc("salary"))
running_total = empsalary.withColumn(

|depName  |empNo|name  |salary|rank|costs|
|develop  |8    |Saga  |6000  |1   |6000 |
|develop  |10   |Wilma |5200  |2   |16400|
|develop  |11   |Maja  |5200  |2   |16400|
|develop  |9    |Freja |4500  |4   |20900|
|develop  |7    |Astrid|4200  |5   |25100|
|sales    |1    |Alice |5000  |1   |5000 |
|sales    |3    |Ella  |4800  |2   |14600|
|sales    |4    |Ebba  |4800  |2   |14600|
|personnel|2    |Olivia|3900  |1   |3900 |
|personnel|5    |Lilly |3500  |2   |7400 |

# =======Range Frame(自定义区间)================
# ============区间说明见下表================
overCategory = Window.partitionBy("depName").rowsBetween(
df = empsalary.withColumn(
df ="depName","empNo","name","salary","salaries","total_salary"),False)

|depName  |empNo|name  |salary|salaries    |total_salary|
|develop  |7    |Astrid|4200  |[4200, 6000]|10200       |
|develop  |8    |Saga  |6000  |[6000, 4500]|10500       |
|develop  |9    |Freja |4500  |[4500, 5200]|9700        |
|develop  |10   |Wilma |5200  |[5200, 5200]|10400       |
|develop  |11   |Maja  |5200  |[5200]      |5200        |
|sales    |1    |Alice |5000  |[5000, 4800]|9800        |
|sales    |3    |Ella  |4800  |[4800, 4800]|9600        |
|sales    |4    |Ebba  |4800  |[4800]      |4800        |
|personnel|2    |Olivia|3900  |[3900, 3500]|7400        |
|personnel|5    |Lilly |3500  |[3500]      |3500        |

# ==============取到中位数====================
def median_udf(s):
    index = int(len(s) / 2)
    return s[index]
overCategory = Window.partitionBy("depName").orderBy("salary").rowsBetween(
df = empsalary.withColumn("salaries",collect_list("salary").over(overCategory)).withColumn("median_salary",median_udf(col("salaries")))

df ="depName","empNo","name","salary","salaries","median_salary"),False)

posted @ 2020-11-21 17:01  seekerJunYu  阅读(649)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报