How to expand Azure VM OS Disk

There are three main disk roles in Azure: the data disk, the OS disk, and the temporary disk.

1. OS Disk
– az vm deallocate --resource-group KAY-RG --name KUbuntu
– az disk list --resource-group KAY-RG --query '[*].{Name:name,Gb:diskSizeGb,Tier:accountType}' --output table
– az disk update --resource-group KAY-RG --name KUbuntu_OsDisk_1_eaf9064ce3194d659e3105a989da72fa --size-gb 200
– az vm start --resource-group KAY-RG --name KUbuntu

Do not execute command 'az vm stop' before 'az vm deallocate', that will make omagentforlinux extension keep transioning state.

2. Temporary Disk
– Navigate to VM
– Click Size Settings.
– Choose different VM Size
– Click Resize

3. Data Disk
– Navigate Disks Settings.
– Click +Add data disk

After operation, connect to VM, use command 'df -h' to check result.

posted @ 2019-04-16 14:19  Geeken  阅读(187)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报