1 背景
在WPF开发过程中我们经常在进行绑定的过程中不可避免的使用四则运算,例如: x*30 + y/2,如果为每一种运算都单独写一个转换器那么代码中由于不同的需求便会有大量的转换器最终的效果就是代码中大量重复并且十分臃肿,我们知道在WPF中我们经常会用到MultiBinding来绑定多个变量并对这些变量进行运算,今天我就来介绍一个通过ConvertParameter
2 代码展示
/// <summary>
/// Value converter that performs arithmetic calculations over its argument(s)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// MathConverter can act as a value converter, or as a multivalue converter (WPF only).
/// It is also a markup extension (WPF only) which allows to avoid declaring resources,
/// ConverterParameter must contain an arithmetic expression over converter arguments. Operations supported are +, -, * and /
/// Single argument of a value converter may referred as x, a, or {0}
/// Arguments of multi value converter may be referred as x,y,z,t (first-fourth argument), or a,b,c,d, or {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, ...
/// The converter supports arithmetic expressions of arbitrary complexity, including nested subexpressions
/// </remarks>
public class MathConverter : IMultiValueConverter, IValueConverter
Dictionary<string, IExpression> _storedExpressions = new Dictionary<string, IExpression>();
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
return Convert(new object[] { value }, targetType, parameter, culture);
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
decimal result = Parse(parameter.ToString()).Eval(values);
if (targetType == typeof(decimal)) return result;
if (targetType == typeof(string)) return result.ToString();
if (targetType == typeof(int)) return (int)result;
if (targetType == typeof(double)) return (double)result;
if (targetType == typeof(long)) return (long)result;
if (targetType == typeof(CornerRadius)) return new CornerRadius((double)result, (double)result, (double)result, (double)result);
if (targetType == typeof(Thickness)) return new Thickness((double)result, (double)result, (double)result, (double)result);
if (targetType == typeof(object)) return result;
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unsupported target type {0}", targetType.FullName));
catch (Exception ex)
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected virtual void ProcessException(Exception ex)
private IExpression Parse(string s)
IExpression result = null;
if (!_storedExpressions.TryGetValue(s, out result))
result = new Parser().Parse(s);
_storedExpressions[s] = result;
return result;
interface IExpression
decimal Eval(object[] args);
class Constant : IExpression
private decimal _value;
public Constant(string text)
if (!decimal.TryParse(text, out _value))
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("'{0}' is not a valid number", text));
public decimal Eval(object[] args)
return _value;
class Variable : IExpression
private int _index;
public Variable(string text)
if (!int.TryParse(text, out _index) || _index < 0)
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("'{0}' is not a valid parameter index", text));
public Variable(int n)
_index = n;
public decimal Eval(object[] args)
if (_index >= args.Length)
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("MathConverter: parameter index {0} is out of range. {1} parameter(s) supplied", _index, args.Length));
return System.Convert.ToDecimal(args[_index]);
class BinaryOperation : IExpression
private Func<decimal, decimal, decimal> _operation;
private IExpression _left;
private IExpression _right;
public BinaryOperation(char operation, IExpression left, IExpression right)
_left = left;
_right = right;
switch (operation)
case '+': _operation = (a, b) => (a + b); break;
case '-': _operation = (a, b) => (a - b); break;
case '*': _operation = (a, b) => (a * b); break;
case '/': _operation = (a, b) => (a / b); break;
default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid operation " + operation);
public decimal Eval(object[] args)
return _operation(_left.Eval(args), _right.Eval(args));
class Negate : IExpression
private IExpression _param;
public Negate(IExpression param)
_param = param;
public decimal Eval(object[] args)
return -_param.Eval(args);
class Parser
private string text;
private int pos;
public IExpression Parse(string text)
pos = 0;
this.text = text;
var result = ParseExpression();
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
string msg =
String.Format("MathConverter: error parsing expression '{0}'. {1} at position {2}", text, ex.Message, pos);
throw new ArgumentException(msg, ex);
private IExpression ParseExpression()
IExpression left = ParseTerm();
while (true)
if (pos >= text.Length) return left;
var c = text[pos];
if (c == '+' || c == '-')
IExpression right = ParseTerm();
left = new BinaryOperation(c, left, right);
return left;
private IExpression ParseTerm()
IExpression left = ParseFactor();
while (true)
if (pos >= text.Length) return left;
var c = text[pos];
if (c == '*' || c == '/')
IExpression right = ParseFactor();
left = new BinaryOperation(c, left, right);
return left;
private IExpression ParseFactor()
if (pos >= text.Length) throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected end of text");
var c = text[pos];
if (c == '+')
return ParseFactor();
if (c == '-')
return new Negate(ParseFactor());
if (c == 'x' || c == 'a') return CreateVariable(0);
if (c == 'y' || c == 'b') return CreateVariable(1);
if (c == 'z' || c == 'c') return CreateVariable(2);
if (c == 't' || c == 'd') return CreateVariable(3);
if (c == '(')
var expression = ParseExpression();
return expression;
if (c == '{')
var end = text.IndexOf('}', pos);
if (end < 0) { --pos; throw new ArgumentException("Unmatched '{'"); }
if (end == pos) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing parameter index after '{'"); }
var result = new Variable(text.Substring(pos, end - pos).Trim());
pos = end + 1;
return result;
const string decimalRegEx = @"(\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.?\d+)";
var match = Regex.Match(text.Substring(pos), decimalRegEx);
if (match.Success)
pos += match.Length;
return new Constant(match.Value);
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unexpeted character '{0}'", c));
private IExpression CreateVariable(int n)
return new Variable(n);
private void SkipWhiteSpace()
while (pos < text.Length && Char.IsWhiteSpace((text[pos]))) ++pos;
private void Require(char c)
if (pos >= text.Length || text[pos] != c)
throw new ArgumentException("Expected '" + c + "'");
private void RequireEndOfText()
if (pos != text.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected character '" + text[pos] + "'");
3 代码分析
3.1 IExpression
interface IExpression
decimal Eval(object[] args);
3.2 支持的表达式类型
- 42.8
- a+b*c
- a+1 或者 x+1 或者 {0}+1
- (x-1)/(x+1)
- -x*(x+9.5)
3.3 Parser类重点概念理解
我们发现这里面的核心内容都是在一个Parser的内部类中完成的,Parser是一个经典的递归下降解析器。 它使用了一个简单的算术表达式语法,它的变体可以在几乎每一本关于编译器的书中找到,如果你对编译器十分了解的话对这个肯定是十分了解的,在理解这部分代码之前我们先来了解一下Parser中使用的一些基础概念
- Expression(表达式)= Expression + Term
- Expression(表达式= Experssion - Term
- Term (术语)= Term * Factor
- Term (术语)= Term / Factor
- Factor(要素)= constant(常量)
- Factor(要素)= variable(变量)
- Factor(要素)= -Factor
- Factor(要素)= +Factor
- Factor(要素)= (Expression)
4 使用范例
4.1 简单用法
<RotateTransform Angle="{Binding Text, ElementName=Seconds,
Converter={ikriv:MathConverter}, ConverterParameter=x*6}" />
4.2 进阶用法
<!-- WPF -->
<!-- small hand (hours) -->
<Line X1="0" Y1="0" X2="0" Y2="-35"
Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="4">
<MultiBinding Converter="{ikriv:MathConverter}"
ConverterParameter="x*30 + y/2">
<Binding Path="Text" ElementName="Hours" />
<Binding Path="Text" ElementName="Minutes" />
这里的核心是我们通过ConverterParameter="x*30 + y/2"来定义我们的使用表达式,这个表达式的定义就需要根据我们的需要来进行自定义了,当然这些自定义的规则需要匹配我们代码中的要求,比如使用x,y,z,t或者a,b,c,d来进行定义,如果有更多的参数使用{0}、{1}、{2}......这种方式来进行定义...