C# 通过反射实现复杂对象的深拷贝(附源码)
using Systeusing System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; namespace DeepCopyConsoleApp { public sealed class CloneUtil { public static object CloneObject(object objSource) { //Get the type of source object and create a new instance of that type Type typeSource = objSource.GetType(); object objTarget = Activator.CreateInstance(typeSource); //Get all the properties of source object type PropertyInfo[] propertyInfo = typeSource.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); //Assign all source property to taget object 's properties foreach (PropertyInfo property in propertyInfo) { //Check whether property can be written to if (!property.CanWrite) continue; //check whether property type is value type, enum or string type if (property.PropertyType.IsPrimitive || property.PropertyType.IsEnum || property.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { property.SetValue(objTarget, property.GetValue(objSource, null), null); } else if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType)) { //Include List and Dictionary and...... if (property.PropertyType.IsGenericType) { var cloneObj = Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType); var addMethod = property.PropertyType.GetMethod("Add", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); Debug.Assert(null != addMethod); var currentValues = property.GetValue(objSource, null) as IEnumerable; if (currentValues == null) { property.SetValue(objTarget, null, null); } else { if (cloneObj is IDictionary) { cloneObj = cloneObj as IDictionary; foreach (var currentValue in currentValues) { var propInfoKey = currentValue.GetType().GetProperty("Key"); var propInfoValue = currentValue.GetType().GetProperty("Value"); if (propInfoKey != null && propInfoValue != null) { var keyValue = propInfoKey.GetValue(currentValue, null); var valueValue = propInfoValue.GetValue(currentValue, null); object finalKeyValue, finalValueValue; //Get finalKeyValue var currentKeyType = keyValue.GetType(); if (currentKeyType.IsPrimitive || currentKeyType.IsEnum || currentKeyType == typeof(string)) { finalKeyValue = keyValue; } else { //Reference type var copyObj = CloneObject(keyValue); finalKeyValue = copyObj; } //Get finalValueValue var currentValueType = valueValue.GetType(); if (currentValueType.IsPrimitive || currentValueType.IsEnum || currentValueType == typeof(string)) { finalValueValue = valueValue; } else { //Reference type var copyObj = CloneObject(valueValue); finalValueValue = copyObj; } addMethod.Invoke(cloneObj, new[] { finalKeyValue, finalValueValue }); } } property.SetValue(objTarget, cloneObj, null); } //Common IList type else { foreach (var currentValue in currentValues) { var currentType = currentValue.GetType(); if (currentType.IsPrimitive || currentType.IsEnum || currentType == typeof(string)) { addMethod.Invoke(cloneObj, new[] { currentValue }); } else { //Reference type var copyObj = CloneObject(currentValue); addMethod.Invoke(cloneObj, new[] { copyObj }); } } property.SetValue(objTarget, cloneObj, null); } } } //Array type else { var currentValues = property.GetValue(objSource, null) as Array; if (null == currentValues) { property.SetValue(objTarget, null, null); } else { var cloneObj = Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType, currentValues.Length) as Array; var arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (var i = 0; i < currentValues.Length; i++) { var currentType = currentValues.GetValue(i).GetType(); if (currentType.IsPrimitive || currentType.IsEnum || currentType == typeof(string)) { arrayList.Add(currentValues.GetValue(i)); } else { //Reference type var copyObj = CloneObject(currentValues.GetValue(i)); arrayList.Add(copyObj); } } arrayList.CopyTo(cloneObj, 0); property.SetValue(objTarget, cloneObj, null); } } } //else property type is object/complex types, so need to recursively call this method until the end of the tree is reached else { object objPropertyValue = property.GetValue(objSource, null); if (objPropertyValue == null) { property.SetValue(objTarget, null, null); } else if (objPropertyValue.GetType().IsPrimitive || objPropertyValue.GetType().IsEnum || objPropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(string)) { property.SetValue(objTarget, objPropertyValue, null); } else { property.SetValue(objTarget, CloneObject(objPropertyValue), null); } } } return objTarget; } } }
//check whether property type is value type, enum or string type if (property.PropertyType.IsPrimitive || property.PropertyType.IsEnum || property.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { property.SetValue(objTarget, property.GetValue(objSource, null), null); }
var currentValues = property.GetValue(objSource, null) as Array; if (null == currentValues) { property.SetValue(objTarget, null, null); } else { var cloneObj = Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType, currentValues.Length) as Array; var arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (var i = 0; i < currentValues.Length; i++) { var currentType = currentValues.GetValue(i).GetType(); if (currentType.IsPrimitive || currentType.IsEnum || currentType == typeof(string)) { arrayList.Add(currentValues.GetValue(i)); } else { //Reference type var copyObj = CloneObject(currentValues.GetValue(i)); arrayList.Add(copyObj); } } arrayList.CopyTo(cloneObj, 0); property.SetValue(objTarget, cloneObj, null); }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DeepCopyConsoleApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var testData = new TestCloneSeed { Age = 18, Name = "Jack", GoodsEx = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "A", "1" }, { "B", "2" } }, Goods = new List<string>() { "Chicken", "Milk", "Rice", }, Season = SeasonEnum.Winter, Numbers = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, Children = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<TestCloneSeed>() { new TestCloneSeed { Age = 8, Name = "York", Goods = new List<string> { "Oil", "Milk", "Water" }, Season = SeasonEnum.Summer, Numbers = new int[5] { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }, } } }; var clone = CloneUtil.CloneObject(testData); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace DeepCopyConsoleApp { public enum SeasonEnum { Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter } [Serializable] public class TestCloneSeed { public int Age { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Dictionary<string, string> GoodsEx { get; set; } public List<string> Goods { get; set; } public SeasonEnum Season { get; set; } public int[] Numbers { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<TestCloneSeed> Children { get; set; } } }