oracle/mysql TOP/Button N查询
select * from (select emp_id, name, occupation, rank() over ( partition by occupation order by emp_id) rank from employee) where rank <= 3 select * from (select emp_id, name, occupation,rank() over ( partition by occupation order by emp_id,RowNum) rank from employee) where rank <= 3
Here’s another form of the solution without subquery that also resolves matching ratings by using the primary key: DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS topn; CREATE DATABASE topn; USE topn; CREATE TABLE theTable ( pKey int PRIMARY KEY , groupId int , rating int ); INSERT INTO theTable ( pKey , groupId , rating ) VALUES ( 1, 1, 55 ) , ( 2, 1, 53 ) , ( 3, 1, 51 ) , ( 4, 1, 59 ) , ( 5, 1, 58 ) , ( 6, 1, 58 ) , ( 7, 1, 53 ) , ( 8, 1, 55 ) , ( 9, 1, 55 ) , ( 10, 1, 53 ) , ( 11, 2, 52 ) , ( 12, 2, 53 ) , ( 13, 2, 54 ) , ( 14, 2, 59 ) , ( 15, 2, 58 ) , ( 16, 2, 57 ) , ( 17, 2, 56 ) ; SELECT t1.pKey , t1.rating , t1.groupId , COUNT(t2.pKey) AS cnt FROM theTable AS t1 LEFT JOIN theTable AS t2 ON (t1.rating, t1.pKey) <= (t2.rating, t2.pKey) AND t1.groupId = t2.groupId GROUP BY t1.pKey , t1.rating , t1.groupId HAVING cnt <= 5 ORDER BY t1.groupId, cnt ;