用MySQL 生成随机密码-增加大写处理
DELIMITER $$ USE `t_girl`$$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `func_rand_string`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `func_rand_string`(f_num TINYINT UNSIGNED,f_type TINYINT UNSIGNED) RETURNS VARCHAR(32) CHARSET utf8 BEGIN -- Translate the number to letter. -- No 1 stands for string only. -- No 2 stands for number only. -- No 3 stands for combination of the above. DECLARE i INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_result VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT ''; WHILE i < f_num DO IF f_type = 1 THEN SET v_result = CONCAT(v_result,CHAR(65+32*(CEIL(RAND()*2)-1)+CEIL(RAND()*25))); ELSEIF f_type=2 THEN SET v_result = CONCAT(v_result,CEIL(RAND()*9)); ELSEIF f_type=3 THEN IF (CEIL(RAND()*2)-1) = 1 THEN SET v_result = CONCAT(v_result,SUBSTRING(REPLACE(UUID(),'-',''),i+1,1)); ELSE SET v_result = CONCAT(v_result,UPPER(SUBSTRING(REPLACE(UUID(),'-',''),i+1,1))); END IF; END IF; SET i = i + 1; END WHILE; RETURN v_result; END$$ DELIMITER ;