cocoa2d-x tiled map添加tile翻转功能

         今天用cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.9.2来测试tiled map的功能,结果发现翻转过的tile都不见了,调试代码发现原来代码里不支持,没有对x,y翻转作处理,结果翻转过的tile导致数值多大没有被现实出来。

        ( 注:最新的Tiled map已经支持flip x和flip y,选中tile按键盘上x键,y键即可,其他旋转功能他们正在添加中。。。最新版本可以从下载)

          修改代码实现此功能,  CCTMXLayer.cpp文件里针对appendTileForGID方法作出修改,上代码:

         // used only when parsing the map. useless after the map was parsed
	// since lot's of assumptions are no longer true
	CCSprite * CCTMXLayer::appendTileForGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& pos)
		//lancer add for tile flip //setFlipX
		int flip = gid>>28;
		int tileid =  gid &0x0FFFFFFF;
		gid = tileid;
		CCRect rect = m_pTileSet->rectForGID(gid);
                rect = CCRectMake(rect.origin.x / m_fContentScaleFactor, rect.origin.y / m_fContentScaleFactor, rect.size.width/ m_fContentScaleFactor, rect.size.height/ m_fContentScaleFactor);

		int z = (int)(pos.x + pos.y * m_tLayerSize.width);

		if( ! m_pReusedTile )
			m_pReusedTile = new CCSprite();
			m_pReusedTile->initWithBatchNode(this, rect);
			m_pReusedTile->initWithBatchNode(this, rect);


		//lancer add for tile flip //setFlipX
		cocos2d::CCLog("---gid=%d, flip sign=%d, tileid=%d\n", gid, flip, tileid);
#define TILE_FLIP_X 8
#define TILE_FLIP_Y 4	
		if(flip & TILE_FLIP_X){
			cocos2d::CCLog("set flip x\n");
		if(flip & TILE_FLIP_Y){
			cocos2d::CCLog("set flip y\n");

		// optimization:
		// The difference between appendTileForGID and insertTileforGID is that append is faster, since
		// it appends the tile at the end of the texture atlas
		unsigned int indexForZ = m_pAtlasIndexArray->num;

		// don't add it using the "standard" way.
		addQuadFromSprite(m_pReusedTile, indexForZ);

		// append should be after addQuadFromSprite since it modifies the quantity values
		ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex(m_pAtlasIndexArray, (void*)z, indexForZ);

		return m_pReusedTile;



posted @ 2011-11-01 17:26  MXi4oyu  阅读(410)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报