





J2ME平台:我记得一个midlet suit里是包含多个midlet的,应该可以分别启动,我记得我当初做的一款合集是通过切换canvas来实现的。


最后到iPhone: 根据论坛上的官方回答(PS:看来iPhone的客户也还可以,以前去Brew论坛提问的时候官方技术人员也会回家,J2ME我就没试过,因为中文资料很多。),iPhone只能同时跑起一个应用程序,所以我这种想法是不可行了,











时间( Time ):2010.01
出处( From ):http://blog.csdn.net/smilelance



How to bundle two App in one Package?

Jan 27, 2010 6:52 PM

I want to do like this:


We have two game, A and B, They are all independent application.


I want to bundle them in one package, named as a new game, name C


We I opend C, Display a screen, Select A or B, each selection exit C and swich to app A or B.




Official Reply:


You're not going to solve this problem as you've stated it.  iPhone OS applications are not allowed to load code, so there's no way that C can launch A (or B).


Probably the best solution would be to take A and B, factor out their guts, and roll them together with C as a wrapper around them.  You have a single application CAB which contains all of the code, and at launch you use a thin UI to choose which section of the application to run.


If you do this, make sure you do it at the view controller level.  Don't try and have each application create its own UIApplication object; that way lies madness.  Rather, extract the relevant view controllers from A, B and C and host them all within a single UIApplication object.


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posted @ 2010-02-01 15:25  MXi4oyu  阅读(561)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报