[security CRT] VB实现自动下载脚本

#$language = "VBScript"
#$interface = "1.0"

crt.Screen.Synchronous = True

' This automatically generated script may need to be
' edited in order to work correctly.

Sub Main
    Dim i
    crt.Screen.Send "reboot "& chr(13)

    for i =0 to 50
    crt.Screen.Send "d"
    crt.Sleep 10
    crt.Screen.Send ""&chr(13)

    crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root /]# "
    crt.Sleep 10

    crt.Screen.Send "image "& chr(13)

    crt.Screen.WaitForString "[image /]#"
    crt.Screen.Send "download 0"& chr(13)
    crt.Sleep 500
    crt.screen.sendkeys "Y"
    'crt.Sleep 1000
    crt.Screen.WaitForString "Start XMODEM download by CRC mode ..."
    crt.Screen.WaitForString "CC"


End Sub


posted on 2018-05-23 20:47  若水无言  阅读(841)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报