Provisioning a Device for Development

1,Becoming a Member of a Development Team

2,Provisioning a Device for Development

In preparing your device for development, Xcode creates or obtains the following digital assets:

Certificate request. A certificate request (also known as a certificate signing request, or CSR) contains personal information used to generate your development certificate.


Development certificate(Is stored on computer). A development certificate identifies you as an app developer. When it’s stored in your keychain, it includes your private key. In your development team’s signing assets and in your provisioning profile, it includes only your public key.


Provisioning profile(Is stored on device). A provisioning profile associates one or more developer certificates and one or more devices with an app ID.



PS:实际开发过程中,在Devices Organizer中总是无法把Provisioning Profile安装到Device中。每次运行程序时总是弹出“设备没有安装Provisioning Profile,是否Install and Run”, 点击Yes后,可以运行,但再次运行时又报同样警告,并且Device的provisioning列表为空。 最后把ipad重新断开再连接就好了!


posted @ 2012-06-04 11:20  Season2009  阅读(163)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报