ffmpeg 一些参数
ffmpeg 是一个开源的,用来做视频转换,抓图的程序。在Windows中是一个编译成exe的程序,可通过Progress调用。
-h -- print basic options
-help topic 查看某一主题相关帮助(如 ffmpeg -formats)
-y overwrite output files(全局选项,影响整个程序,而非单个文件:)
-f fmt force format(具体有哪些格式通过ffmpeg -formats查看, 示例 -f image2)
-i filename input file name
-ss time_off set the start time offset(示例 -ss 00:00:1)
-vframes number set the number of video frames to record
示例1:-vframes 1 out.png
示例2:vframes 2 out_%03d.png, 输出out_001.png, out_002.png两个文件
如果frame的数量大于1, 则文件名应为out_%05d.png这样的格式
-ar rate set audio sampling rate (in Hz)
if you have trouble encoding a movie in FLV with the following error :
"Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec
parameters ?)",
it's maybe cause by a 48000 audio sampling freq of your source. So you
have to force the output sampling to 44100 with the -ar option and... it
works fine.