[导入]Drip, Transfusion, Perfusion还是Infusion?关于一个词的翻译
Posted on 2006-10-20 23:06 大胃 阅读(3239) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报先介绍一下问题的语境:相信我们当中不少人已经都有过输液的经历,也就是大家通常所说的打点滴、吊盐水,更专业一点,可能会听到医生护士用静脉滴注这样的表述,究竟我们生活中经常说起的"输液"用英文中哪个单词来表达最为贴切呢?
简单搜索一下,发现这个词的英文翻译有很多的版本,有drip、 transfusion、 perfusion、 infusion,甚至我也曾经看到有人用injection这个词。最后一个其实很好排除,injection用于医疗注射这一含义的时候,是特指那种使用针筒注射器将药液推注进体内的方式,也就是通常说的肌注-肌肉注射,它一个核心的特点是by force。Drips则近了很多,drip作名词时有"滴注器"这个含义,put somebody on a drip,给某人输液。
剩下的3个词则显得更加难以区分。都是fusion,究竟这3种不同的词根加在fusion前面会给这个词带来些什么微妙的变化呢?我们首先分别来看看 transfusion、 perfusion和 infusion在Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (牛津高阶词典)和Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (韦氏大学词典)两大词典中的定义吧(忽略掉不相关的条目):
[Oxford] (also blood transfusion) n [C,U] an act or the process of putting one person's blood into another person's body.
[Webster] an act, process, or instance of transfusing (to transfer (as blood) into a vein of person or animal); esp: the process of transfusing fluid into a vein(静脉) or artery(动脉).
# 主要(最早的用法)还是指输血,也可以指输液,重点在"TRANS/转",从一个个体到另一个个体,或者从一个地方到另一个地方,也不限制是不是by force,比较泛。
[Webster] perfuse: to force a liquid through (an organ or tissue) esp. by way of the blood vessels(血管).
# 通过血管输送液体通过器官或组织,不具体指某一中注射方式,重点在"PER/通过、透过、彻底"。多见于美式英语。
[Oxford] 1: [C usu sing] ~ of sth (into sb/sth) the introduction of sb/sth new that will have a positive influence. 2: (a) [U] the act of process of soaking tea, herbs, etc in a liquid. (b) [C] a drink, medicine, etc prepared in this way.
[Webster] 1: the act or process of infusing. (infuse - to steep in liquid (as water) without boiling so as to extract the soluble constituents or principles) 2: a product produced by infusing. 3: the continuous slow introduction of a solution(溶液) esp. into a vein(静脉).
# 最常用的含义是泡、沏,在美语中直接可以指静脉滴注,在英式英语中含义则相对泛一些,指引入某种能够带来积极效果的人或事物,重点在"IN/入"。
[Oxford] [C] (medical) a device that passes liquid food, medicine, etc directly into a patient's vein(静脉).
[Webster] a device for the administration of a fluid at a slow rate esp. into a vein(静脉); also: a material so administered.
# 不论在美式英语还是英式英语中都指医用滴注器,也衍生出静脉滴注这个process的含义。
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