

float CMgrSkill::getAngle( CCPoint & frome, CCPoint & to )


    double len_y = to.y - frome.y;

    double len_x = to.x - frome.x;

    if( 0 == len_x && frome.y <= to.y )


        return 0;


    else if( 0 == len_x && frome.y > to.y )


        return 180;



    double tan_yx = tan_yx = std::abs(len_y)/std::abs(len_x);

    float angle = 0;

    if(len_y > 0 && len_x < 0) {

        angle = atan(tan_yx)*180/M_PI - 90;

    } else if (len_y > 0 && len_x > 0) {

        angle = 90 - atan(tan_yx)*180/M_PI;

    } else if(len_y < 0 && len_x < 0) {

        angle = -atan(tan_yx)*180/M_PI - 90;

    } else if(len_y < 0 && len_x > 0) {

        angle = atan(tan_yx)*180/M_PI + 90;



    return angle;




void CBattleField::streakUpdate( float delta )


    if( NULL != m_pTarget )


        int r = random()%5;

        int k = random()%2;

        float e = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_pTarget->getRotation());

        float x = r * cos(e);

        float y = r * sin(e);

        CCLOG( "x:%f y:%f", x, y );

        m_pStreak->setPosition( ccp( m_pTarget->getPositionX()+(1==k?x:-x), m_pTarget->getPositionY()+(1==k?y:-y) ) );



posted on 2014-06-17 20:03  the seal  阅读(930)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报