

1. Object.finalize()

finalize()出现的较早,由于有以下的缺点,已经在Java 9中被弃用。

The finalization mechanism is inherently problematic. Finalization can lead to performance issues, deadlocks, and hangs. Errors in finalizers can lead to resource leaks; there is no way to cancel finalization if it is no longer necessary; and no ordering is specified among calls to finalize methods of different objects. Furthermore, there are no guarantees regarding the timing of finalization. The finalize method might be called on a finalizable object only after an indefinite delay, if at all.

2. PhantomReference


3. 推荐的方法


Classes whose instances hold non-heap resources should provide a method to enable explicit release of those resources, and they should also implement AutoCloseable if appropriate.




2. Java PhantomReferences: A better choice than finalize()

posted @ 2019-02-14 01:32  爪哇国臣民  阅读(473)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报