1. Neo4j介绍
Neo4j是一种NoSQL数据库,而且属于NoSQL数据库里的图数据库。 常见的SQL数据库有MySQL Oracle等 常见的NoSQL数据库有Redis ES Mongdb Neo4j等 近几年比较流行的的图数据库有Neo4j Titan OrientDB Sparksee Virtuso ArangoDb Airaph GraphDB GraphBase等
Neo4j数据库比较适合处理关系,比如人和人之间的关系。 比较成功的应用有 领英 FaceBooke Twitter
2. Neo4j下载、安装、配置
2.1 下载
linux unix 推荐下载.tar.gz包 windows推荐下载.zip包,第一,和linux上目录及文件一样;第二,使用.exe安装的用户经常找不见配置,load csv以及其他操作时经常找不见目录
下载地址: Neo4j所有版本的下载地址
https://neo4j.com/download-thanks/?edition=community&release=3.1.2&flavour=unix Linux Mac版 https://neo4j.com/download-thanks/?edition=community&release=3.1.2&flavour=winzip Windows版
2.2 安装
- 下载的压缩包neo4j-community-3.1.2.zip,解压完就可以用。
- 解压完进入bin目录,输入neo4j console就可以看到neo4j数据库启动了,可以在浏览器里输入http://localhost:7474来访问数据库,默认用户名、密码: neo4j/neo4j
- 如果想自定义配置,可以在${NEO4J_HOME}/conf/neo4j.conf修改对应配置
1 Open up your terminal/shell.
2 Extract the contents of the archive, using: tar -xf <filecode>.
For example,tar -xf neo4j-community-3.1.2-unix.tar.gz
the top level directory is referred to as NEO4J_HOME
$NEO4J_HOME指安装目录,在neo4j安装目录的bin目录使用neo4j console启动neo4j数据库
3 Run Neo4j using, $NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j console
Instead of 'neo4j console', you can use neo4j start to start the server process in the background.
4 Visit http://localhost:7474 in your web browser.
5 Change the password for the 'neo4j' account.
linux用户注意: 使用超级用户修改/etc/security/limits.conf文件,允许当前用户(neo4j)打开40000个文件
neo4j soft nofile 40000
neo4j hard nofile 40000
2.3 配置
export NEO4J_HOME=/usr/neo4j/neo4j-community-3.1.2
./${NEO4J_HOME}/bin/neo4j start
neo4j stop
windows 使用neo4j console来启动数据库
nohup ./bin/neo4j console = neo4j start
要结束该命令时,用 kill -9 进程号 来关闭该进程
vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local
/usr/share/neo4j/bin/neo4j start
3. Neo4j使用
A row is a node A table name is a label name
Properties Both nodes and relationships can have properties. Properties are named values where the name is a string. The supported property values are: • Numeric values, • String values, • Boolean values, • Collections of any other type of value.
Labels have an id space of an int, meaning the maximum number of labels the database can contain is roughly 2 billion.
Paths A path is one or more nodes with connecting relationships, typically retrieved as a query or traversal result
Neo4j is a schema-optional graph database
You can use Neo4j without any schema. Optionally you can introduce it in order to gain performance or modeling benefits. This allows a way of working where the schema does not get in your way until you are at a stage where you want to reap the benefits of having one.
Indexs Performance is gained by creating indexes, which improve the speed of looking up nodes in the database.
:help 帮助页面
:schema 查看数据库结构
:schema ls -l :Person
:server change-password // 修改密码
CALL dbms.changePassword("newpassword") // (旧版本)修改密码
:server connect 连接
:play sysinfo 查看系统信息
// List node labels 查询所有的label
CALL db.labels()
// List relationship types 查询所有的type
CALL db.relationshipTypes()
// What is related, and how 查询数据里的节点和关系 类似于 SQL的desc
CALL db.schema()
// List functions
CALL dbms.functions()
// List procedures
CALL dbms.procedures()
CALL dbms.listQueries() ;
CALL dbms.killQuery(queryId);
// 查询一共有多少节点
// Count all nodes
match (n) RETURN count(n)
// 查询一共有多少关系 // 不带方向的话结果是2倍
// Count all relationships
match ()-->() RETURN count(*);
match ()-[r]->() return count(r);
match (a:Person), (b:Person) where a.name = 'zhangsan' and b.name = 'lisi'
merge (a)-[r:RELTYPE]->(b) return r
// 模糊匹配
match (n:Person) where n.name =~ '张.*' return n
// 包含
match (n:Person) where n.name contains '张' return n;
// 去重
match (n:Person) with n.name as name return distinct name;
// Count all nodes 查询一共有多少节点
match (n) RETURN count(n)
// Count all relationships 查询一共有多少关系
match ()-->() RETURN count(*);
// 查询一共有多少种节点
call db.labels();
match (n) return distinct label(n);
// 查询一共有多少关系
call db.relationshipTypes()
// 查询数据库里的所有属性
match (n) unwind keys(n) as allkeys return distinct allkeys;
// 查询关系最多的节点
// 实际使用时,最好对n加个范围,要不然 全图扫描
// 使用with 和 别名,能减少一次count(*)的查询
match (n:Movie)--() with n.title as title, count(*) as count return title, count order by count desc limit 1;
match (n:Movie)-[r]-() with n.tile as title, count(r) as count return title, count order by count desc limit 1;
// 查询孤立节点
match (n) where not (n)--() return id(n);
参考 [1] http://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/3.1/ [2] https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/3.1/ [3] http://neo4j.com/docs/2.2.9/query-delete.html [4] https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/3.1/cypher/ [5] https://neo4j.com/blog/neo4j-3-1-ga-release/?ref=home [6] https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/3.1/cypher/clauses/set/ [7] https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/3.2/installation/linux/debian/#multiple-java-versions [8] https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/installation/windows/
[9] http://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/extending-neo4j/procedures/
[10] https://neo4j.com/developer/guide-importing-data-and-etl/ 使用ETL方式导入Neo4j
[11] https://neo4j.com/developer/guide-import-csv/ 使用csv文件方式导入Neo4j