shell 多进程运行程序
macname@localhost Desktop % macname@localhost Desktop % cat #!/bin/bash echo "Start the test script" count=1 while [ $count -le 5 ] do echo "Loop #$count" sleep 5 count=$[ $count + 1 ] done echo "Test script is complete" macname@localhost Desktop % macname@localhost Desktop % ./ Start the test script Loop #1 Loop #2 Loop #3 Loop #4 Loop #5 Test script is complete macname@localhost Desktop % macname@localhost Desktop %
macname@localhost Desktop % macname@localhost Desktop % macname@localhost Desktop % cat #!/bin/bash echo "Start the test script" ./ & ./ & ./ & macname@localhost Desktop % macname@localhost Desktop % macname@localhost Desktop % cat #!/bin/bash echo "Start the test script" count=1 while [ $count -le 5 ] do echo "Loop #$count" sleep 5 count=$[ $count + 1 ] done echo "Test script is complete" macname@localhost Desktop % macname@localhost Desktop % macname@localhost Desktop % ./ Start the test script macname@localhost Desktop % Start the test script Loop #1 Start the test script Loop #1 Start the test script Loop #1 Loop #2 Loop #2 Loop #2 Loop #3 Loop #3 Loop #3 Loop #4 Loop #4 Loop #4 Loop #5 Loop #5 Loop #5 Test script is complete Test script is complete Test script is complete macname@localhost Desktop % macname@localhost Desktop %