leptonica 学习笔记1

Updated: April 26, 2015

Leptonica is a pedagogically-oriented open source site containing software that is broadly useful for image processing and image analysis applications.

Leptonica 是一个面向教学的包含软件的开源站点,此软件对图像处理和图像分析应用十分有用。

Featured operations are

  • Rasterop (a.k.a. bitblt)
  • Affine transformations (scaling, translation, rotation, shear) on images of arbitrary pixel depth
  • Binary and grayscale morphology, rank order, and convolution
  • Seedfill and connected components
  • Image transformations combining changes in scale and pixel depth
  • Pixelwise masking, blending, enhancement, arithmetic ops, etc.


  • 图形操作
  • 仿射变换(缩放,旋转,修剪)在任意像素深度上
  • 二值和灰度形态学操作,等级排序,卷积
  • 种子填充和连通域
  • 在尺度和深度上的图像转换
  • 像素掩膜,混合,增强,算术操作等

Ancillary operations include

  • I/O for standard image formats
  • Utilities to handle arrays of image-related data types
  • Utilities for generic stacks, queues, heaps and lists; and for byte queues and arrays of numbers and strings


  • 标准图像格式文件读写
  • 操作图像想着数据类型数组的实用工具
  • 通用栈、队列、堆和列表的工具;字节序列和数值和字符串数组。

Example applications include

  • Octcube-based color quantization, with and without dithering
  • Modified median-cut color quantization, with and without dithering
  • Skew determination of text images
  • Segmentation of page images with mixed text and images
  • jbig2 unsupervised classifier
  • Border representations of 1 bit/pixel images and raster conversion for SVG
  • PostScript generation (levels 1, 2, 3) of images for device-independent output
  • PDF generation (levels 1, 2) of images for device-independent output
  • Dewarping images of text taken with a camera
  • Book-adaptive text recognition
  • Rendering text on an image
  • Connectivity-preserving thinning and thickening of 1 bit/pixel images
  • Line removal from a grayscale sketch
  • Search for least-cost paths on binary and grayscale images

Reference documentation for users

  • Tom Powers has built the Unofficial Leptonica Documentation. It covers all the information in these pages and is more easily navigated. You are encouraged to use it instead.
  • The Leptonica image processing and analysis source code comes with a very weakly restricted copyright license.
  • The README gives an overview of installation and usage, with a brief description of the library contents.
  • A page of brief notes on version changes.
  • A high-level view of the source files in the library.
  • For a deeper look into specific components of the library, see the web pages linked from the image processing page.
  • Uncompleted sets of somewhat detailed usage notes and a lightweight overview have been attempted but are unlikely to be completed anytime in the current millenium.
  • The final arbiter is, of course, the source itself.

Source download

  • Click here to download the source. [ update: April 26, 2015 ]
  • See here for further information about the source code.

posted on 2016-01-21 17:16  cv_ml_张欣男  阅读(740)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
