《大话设计模式》读书笔记(C++代码实现) 第七章:代理模式
// ProxyTest01.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; //想要追求的姑娘 class SchoolGirl { public : string name; }; //赠送礼物 class IGiveGift { public : virtual void GiveDolls() = 0; virtual void GiveFlowers() = 0; virtual void GiveChocolate() = 0; }; //追求者,具体表现是送给喜欢的姑娘礼物 class Pursuit : public IGiveGift { private : SchoolGirl mm; public : //Pursuit(){} Pursuit(SchoolGirl mm) { this->mm = mm; } public : void GiveDolls() { cout<<mm.name<<":送你洋娃娃"<<endl; } void GiveFlowers() { cout<<mm.name<<":送你鲜花"<<endl; } void GiveChocolate() { cout<<mm.name<<":送你巧克力"<<endl; } }; //代理,帮追求者来做事,表现也是送东西给姑娘,当然是代追求者送的 class Proxy : public IGiveGift { private : Pursuit *pursuit; public : ~Proxy(){ delete pursuit; } Proxy(SchoolGirl mm) { pursuit = new Pursuit(mm); } public : void GiveDolls() { pursuit->GiveDolls(); } void GiveFlowers() { pursuit->GiveFlowers(); } void GiveChocolate() { pursuit->GiveChocolate(); } }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { SchoolGirl mm; mm.name = "美女"; //追求者亲自来追女生 //Pursuit p(mm); //p.GiveDolls(); //p.GiveFlowers(); //p.GiveChocolate(); //代理来代某个人来追女生 Proxy proxy(mm); proxy.GiveDolls(); proxy.GiveFlowers(); proxy.GiveChocolate(); system("pause"); return 0; }