oracle forall
select * bulk collect
into r_115
from TZTJ_CL0115
where nf = v_nf
and yf = v_yf
and dwbm = '1'
and lb = '项目';
for i in 1 .. r_115.count loop
select *
into r_tzkt
from tztj_tz_kt
where nf = v_nf
and yf = v_yf
and xmid = r_115(i).xmid;
r_115(i).col53 := r_tzkt.zygzl_ew;
r_115(i).col54 := r_tzkt.zygzl_sw;
r_115(i).col55 := r_tzkt.zygzl_ytjks;
r_115(i).col56 := r_tzkt.zygzl_ytjjc;
--r_115(i).col57 := r_tzkt.erp_hj;
--r_115(i).col58 := r_tzkt.erp_wht_xj;
--r_115(i).col58 := r_tzkt.erp_wht_xj;
r_115(i).col60 := r_tzkt.erp_hj;
r_115(i).col61 := r_tzkt.erp_wht_xj;
r_115(i).col62 := r_tzkt.erp_zj_ytj;
r_115(i).col70 := r_tzkt.tzwc_hj;
r_115(i).col71 := r_tzkt.tzwc_wht_xj;
r_115(i).col72 := r_tzkt.tzwc_zj_ytj;
end loop;
delete from tztj_cl0115
where nf = v_nf
and yf = v_yf
and lb = '项目';
forall i in 1 .. r_115.count
INSERT INTO tztj_cl0115 VALUES r_115 (i);