- schema:逻辑库,与MySQL中的Database(数据库)对应,一个逻辑库中定义了所包括的Table。
- table:表,即物理数据库中存储的某一张表,与传统数据库不同,这里的表格需要声明其所存储的逻辑数据节点DataNode,这是通过表格的分片规则定义来实现的,table可以定义其所属的“子表(childTable)”,子表的分片依赖于与“父表”的具体分片地址,简单的说,就是属于父表里某一条记录A的子表的所有记录都与A存储在同一个分片上。
- dataNode: MyCAT的逻辑数据节点,是存放table的具体物理节点,也称之为分片节点,通过DataSource来关联到后端某个具体数据库上,一般来说,为了高可用性,每个DataNode都设置两个DataSource,一主一从,当主节点宕机,系统自动切换到从节点。
- dataHost:定义某个物理库的访问地址,用于捆绑到dataNode上。
- 单纯的读写分离,此时配置最为简单,支持读写分离,主从切换;
- 分表分库,对于超过1000万的表进行分片,最大支持1000亿的单表分片;
- 多租户应用,每个应用一个库,但应用程序只连接Mycat,从而不改造程序本身,实现多租户化;
- 报表系统,借助于Mycat的分表能力,处理大规模报表的统计;
- 替代Hbase,分析大数据;
- 作为海量数据实时查询的一种简单有效方案,比如100亿条频繁查询的记录需要在3秒内查询出来结果,除了基于主键的查询,还可能存在范围查询或其他属性查询,此时Mycat可能是最简单有效的选择;
- Mycat长期路线图;
- 强化分布式数据库中间件的方面的功能,使之具备丰富的插件、强大的数据库智能优化功能、全面的系统监控能力、以及方便的数据运维工具,实现在线数据扩容、迁移等高级功能;
- 进一步挺进大数据计算领域,深度结合Spark Stream和Storm等分布式实时流引擎,能够完成快速的巨表关联、排序、分组聚合等 OLAP方向的能力,并集成一些热门常用的实时分析算法,让工程师以及DBA们更容易用Mycat实现一些高级数据分析处理功能。
- 不断强化Mycat开源社区的技术水平,吸引更多的IT技术专家,使得Mycat社区成为中国的Apache,并将Mycat推到Apache基金会,成为国内顶尖开源项目,最终能够让一部分志愿者成为专职的Mycat开发者,荣耀跟实力一起提升。
- 设计使用Mycat时有非分片字段查询,请慎重使用Mycat,可以考虑放弃!
- 设计使用Mycat时有分页排序,请慎重使用Mycat,可以考虑放弃!
- 设计使用Mycat时如果要进行表JOIN操作,要确保两个表的关联字段具有相同的数据分布,否则请慎重使用Mycat,可以考虑放弃!
- 设计使用Mycat时如果有分布式事务,得先看是否得保证事务得强一致性,否则请慎重使用Mycat,可以考虑放弃!
| 需要注意: 在生产环境中, Mycat节点最好使用双节点, 即双机热备环境, 防止Mycat这一层出现单点故障. 可以使用的高可用集群方式有: Keepalived+Mycat+Mysql, Keepalived+LVS+Mycat+Mysql, Keepalived+Haproxy+Mycat+Mysql |
mycat | |
mysql主 | |
mysql从 | |
mysql 主从安装(略)
| [root@bre02 mycat]# wget http://dl.mycat.org.cn/ |
| [root@bre02 mycat]# tar -xf Mycat-server- -C /usr/local/ |
| #调整服务端口 |
| <property name="serverPort">3306</property> |
| #用户 |
| <user name="wjht" defaultAccount="true"> |
| <property name="password">root12</property> |
| <property name="schemas">liulang,yayun</property> #用户能访问的库 |
| <property name="defaultSchema">liulang</property> |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| </user> |
| <mycat:schema xmlns:mycat="http://io.mycat/"> |
| |
| <schema name="liulang" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100" dataNode="haha" /> |
| <schema name="yayun" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100" dataNode="haha2" /> |
| |
| <dataNode name="haha" dataHost="Mycat-node" database="liulang" /> |
| <dataNode name="haha2" dataHost="Mycat-node" database="yayun" /> |
| |
| <dataHost name="Mycat-node" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="2" writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1" slaveThreshold="100"> |
| <heartbeat>show slave status</heartbeat> |
| <writeHost host="Mysql-node1" url="" user="wjht" password="root123"> |
| <readHost host="Mysql-node2" url="" user="wjht" password="root123"> |
| </readHost> |
| </writeHost> |
| </dataHost> |
| </mycat:schema> |
| |
| <mycat:schema xmlns:mycat="http://io.mycat/"> |
| |
| <schema name="liulang" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100" dataNode="haha" /> |
| <schema name="yayun" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100" dataNode="haha2" /> |
| |
| <dataNode name="haha" dataHost="Mycat-node" database="liulang" /> |
| <dataNode name="haha2" dataHost="Mycat-node" database="yayun" /> |
| |
| <dataHost name="Mycat-node" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="1" writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="2" slaveThreshold="100"> |
| <heartbeat>show slave status</heartbeat> |
| <writeHost host="Mysql-node1" url="" user="wjht" password="root123"> |
| <readHost host="Mysql-node2" url="" user="wjht" password="root123"> |
| </readHost> |
| </writeHost> |
| <writeHost host="Mysql-mnode2" url="" user="wjht" password="root123"> |
| </writeHost> |
| </dataHost> |
| |
| </mycat:schema> |
| [root@bre02 bin]# ./mycat start #开启 |
| [root@bre02 bin]# ./mycat stop #关闭 |
| [root@bre02 bin]# ./mycat restart #重启 |
| [root@bre02 bin]# ./mycat status #查看启动状态 |
| [root@bre02 bin]# ./mycat console #前台运行 |
| [root@bre02 bin]# ./mycat pause #暂停 |
| [root@bre04 local]# mysql -h192.168.248.130 -P3306 -uwjht -proot12 |
| wjht@ 02:13:18> show databases; |
| + |
| | DATABASE | |
| + |
| | liulang | |
| | yayun | |
| + |
| 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) |
| wjht@ 11:17:19> select @@hostname; |
| + |
| | @@hostname | |
| + |
| | bre04 | |
| + |
| 1 row in set (0.01 sec) |
| |
| wjht@ 11:17:20> select @@hostname; |
| + |
| | @@hostname | |
| + |
| | bre04 | |
| + |
| 1 row in set (0.02 sec) |
| |
| wjht@ 11:17:20> select @@hostname; |
| + |
| | @@hostname | |
| + |
| | bre04 | |
| + |
| 1 row in set (0.01 sec) |
| wjht@ 11:17:20> create table travelrecord (id bigint not null primary key,user_id varchar(100),traveldate DATE, fee decimal,days int); |
| 1 row in set (0.01 sec) |
| wjht@ 02:39:21> insert into travelrecord(id,user_id,traveldate,fee,days) values(5000001,@@hostname,20160102,100,10); |
| Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec) |
| |
| wjht@ 02:39:35> select * from travelrecord; |
| + |
| | id | user_id | traveldate | fee | days | |
| + |
| | 1 | bre03 | 2016-01-01 | 100 | 10 | |
| | 5000001 | bre03 | 2016-01-02 | 100 | 10 | |
| + |
| |
| [root@bre04 ~]# mysql -h192.168.248.130 -P9066 -uwjht -proot12 |
| wjht@ 03:56:44> show @@help; |
| + |
| + |
| | show @@time.current | Report current timestamp | |
| | show @@time.startup | Report startup timestamp | |
| | show @@version | Report Mycat Server version | |
| | show @@server | Report server status | |
| | show @@threadpool | Report threadPool status | |
| | show @@database | Report databases | |
| | show @@datanode | Report dataNodes | |
| | show @@datanode where schema = ? | Report dataNodes | |
| | show @@datasource | Report dataSources | |
| | show @@datasource where dataNode = ? | Report dataSources | |
| | show @@datasource.synstatus | Report datasource data synchronous | |
| | show @@datasource.syndetail where name=? | Report datasource data synchronous detail | |
| | show @@datasource.cluster | Report datasource galary cluster variables | |
| | show @@processor | Report processor status | |
| | show @@command | Report commands status | |
| | show @@connection | Report connection status | |
| | show @@cache | Report system cache usage | |
| | show @@backend | Report backend connection status | |
| | show @@session | Report front session details | |
| | show @@connection.sql | Report connection sql | |
| | show @@sql.execute | Report execute status | |
| | show @@sql.detail where id = ? | Report execute detail status | |
| | show @@sql | Report SQL list | |
| | show @@sql.high | Report Hight Frequency SQL | |
| | show @@sql.slow | Report slow SQL | |
| | show @@sql.resultset | Report BIG RESULTSET SQL | |
| | show @@sql.sum | Report User RW Stat | |
| | show @@sql.sum.user | Report User RW Stat | |
| | show @@sql.sum.table | Report Table RW Stat | |
| | show @@parser | Report parser status | |
| | show @@router | Report router status | |
| | show @@heartbeat | Report heartbeat status | |
| | show @@heartbeat.detail where name=? | Report heartbeat current detail | |
| | show @@slow where schema = ? | Report schema slow sql | |
| | show @@slow where datanode = ? | Report datanode slow sql | |
| | show @@sysparam | Report system param | |
| | show @@syslog limit=? | Report system mycat.log | |
| | show @@white | show mycat white host | |
| | show @@white.set=?,? | set mycat white host,[ip,user] | |
| | show @@directmemory=1 or 2 | show mycat direct memory usage | |
| | show @@check_global -SCHEMA= ? -TABLE=? -retry=? -interval=? | check mycat global table consistency | |
| | switch @@datasource name:index | Switch dataSource | |
| | kill @@connection id1,id2,... | Kill the specified connections | |
| | stop @@heartbeat name:time | Pause dataNode heartbeat | |
| | reload @@config | Reload basic config from file | |
| | reload @@config_all | Reload all config from file | |
| | reload @@route | Reload route config from file | |
| | reload @@user | Reload user config from file | |
| | reload @@sqlslow= | Set Slow SQL Time(ms) | |
| | reload @@user_stat | Reset show @@sql @@sql.sum @@sql.slow | |
| | rollback @@config | Rollback all config from memory | |
| | rollback @@route | Rollback route config from memory | |
| | rollback @@user | Rollback user config from memory | |
| | reload @@sqlstat=open | Open real-time sql stat analyzer | |
| | reload @@sqlstat=close | Close real-time sql stat analyzer | |
| | offline | Change MyCat status to OFF | |
| | online | Change MyCat status to ON | |
| | clear @@slow where schema = ? | Clear slow sql by schema | |
| | clear @@slow where datanode = ? | Clear slow sql by datanode | |
| + |
| 59 rows in set (0.01 sec) |
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