A pay as you go deal means you aren’t tied into a contract and can top up your credit as and when you want. You simply buy your phone and then top up your minutes, texts and data each time you run out.
top up = 追加付款
Phones on pay as you go are ideal if you want flexibility. There’s no set monthly charge, so they’re great value for money if you don’t use your phone very much. You can also keep on top of how much you’re spending, plus you don’t need to go through a credit check like you do with a pay monthly contract.
Why should I buy a pay as you go phone from Carphone Warehouse? We stock a huge selection of pay as you go phones and will help you find the right phone based on how you use it. We can also advise you about the network with the best coverage in your area, and of course all of our phones are great value for money. You can pop into your local store to chat with one of our colleagues to help you find the pay as you go phone that’s right for you.