扩展名是bat(在nt/2000/xp/2003下也可以是cmd)的文件就是批处理文件。首先批处理文件是一个文本文件,这个文件的每一行都是一条DOS命令其次,批处理文件是一种简单的程序,可以通过条件语句(if)和流程控制语句(goto)来控制命令运行的流程,在批处理中也可以使用循环语句(for)来循环执行一条命令。批处理的作用简单的说,批处理的作用就是自动的连续执行多条命令。批处理的常用命令:echo、@、call、pause、rem(小技巧:用::代替rem)echo表示显示此命令后的字符echo off表示在此语句后所有运行的命令都不显示命令本身@与echo off相似,但是它是加在每个命 阅读全文
RI (Reverse Integration) / FI (Forward Integration)RI :child branch => parent branchFI :parent branch =>child branchFI: This is the process where a given branch is merged with the contents of a Parent branch (for example, you FI SQL/Main to Improvement X). This is done to re-base your codebase 阅读全文
ZBB - 0 bug 反弹 - zero bug bounceZBB是指在项目中的某一点上,开发活动最终赶上了测试的步伐,当前已经不存在活跃bug。在ZBB之后,bug数量的峰值将显著减小,并且bug数量会持续减少直到产品足够稳定,进而构建出第一个候选发布版。取得ZBB是项目组逐渐接近稳定的候选发布版的明确标志。Every build (for a CTP, RC, etc.) starts with a bunch of improvements and defects. We start troubleshooting them and find bugs. We then start 阅读全文
Microsoft uses Tell Mode and Ask Mode to refer to different time periods after the Feature Complete milestone but prior to a release.During Tell Mode the Development team tells the rest of the team which issues are actively being worked on (resolved). In other words, Development is primarily driving 阅读全文