分布式系统阅读清单 via jobbole




Thought Provokers


  • Harvest, Yield and Scalable Tolerant Systems CAP原理在现实世界里的应用来自Brewer等人
  • On Designing and Deploying Internet Scale Services James Hamilton
  • Latency Exists, Cope! 处理延迟及其架构方面影响的说明
  • Latency – the new web performance bottleneck 内容不太新了,但是值得关注下
  • The Perils of Good Abstractions 构建完美的API/接口很困难
  • Chaotic Perspectives 大规模系统有开发人员不喜欢的所有东西——不可预测,无序,并行
  • Website Architecture 一些来自各类大型网站的可扩展架构文章
  • Data on the Outside versus Data on the Inside Pat helland
  • Memories, Guesses and Apologies Pat Helland
  • SOA and Newton’s Universe – Pat Helland
  • Building on Quicksand – Pat Helland
  • Why Distributed Computing – Jim Waldo
  • A Note on Distributed Computing – Waldo, Wollrath 等人
  • Stevey’s Google Platforms Rant – Yegge的SOA平台经验



  • A Conversation with Werner Vogels 关于亚马逊转型为一个基于服务的架构的采访报道
  • Discipline and Focus 关于亚马逊转型为一个基于服务的架构的另一篇采访
  • Vogels on Scalability
  • SOA creates order out of chaos @ Amazon



  • MapReduce
  • Chubby Lock Manager
  • Google File System
  • BigTable
  • Data Management for Internet-Scale Single-Sign-On
  • Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets
  • Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications
  • Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services – 实现跨数据中心、低延迟的paxos算法的巧妙设计。
  • Spanner – Google的可扩展、多版本、全球分布且同步复制的数据库。
  • Photon – 连续数据流的容错和扩容。扩容是非常困难的,尤其是在时钟偏移、高可用性和分布式的情况下.
  • Mesa: Geo-Replicated, Near Real-Time, Scalable Data Warehousing 用于存储谷歌互联网广告业务相关的关键测量数据的数据仓库系统。



  • SD Forum 2006



  • CAP Conjecture – 一致性,可用性,分区容忍性不可能同时满足
  • Consistency, Availability, and Convergence – 证明了在一个典型系统中一致性可能的上界。
  • CAP Twelve Years Later: How the “Rules” Have Changed – Eric Brewer 在原来权衡描述工作上的扩展
  • Consistency and Availability – Vogels
  • Eventual Consistency – Vogels
  • Avoiding Two-Phase Commit – 两阶段提交的避免方法
  • 2PC or not 2PC, Wherefore Art Thou XA – 两阶段提交不是银弹
  • Life Beyond Distributed Transactions – Helland
  • If you have too much data, then ‘good enough’ is good enough – NoSQL, 数据理论的未来- Pat Helland
  • Starbucks doesn’t do two phase commit – 在起作用的异步机制
  • You Can’t Sacrifice Partition Tolerance – 另外的 CAP 说明
  • Optimistic Replication – 数据主从复制的弱一致性方法



  • Distributed Computing Economics – Jim Gray
  • Rules of Thumb in Data Engineering – Jim Gray and Prashant Shenoy
  • Fallacies of Distributed Computing – Peter Deutsch
  • Impossibility of distributed consensus with one faulty process 也称为FLP [访问需要帐号或付费,免费版本在这里: here]
  • Unreliable Failure Detectors for Reliable Distributed Systems.一种处理FLP难题的方法
  • Lamport Clocks -当每台电脑的时钟都是独立的时候,你如何建立对时间的全局视图。
  • The Byzantine Generals Problem
  • Lazy Replication: Exploiting the Semantics of Distributed Services
  • Scalable Agreement – Towards Ordering as a Service
  • Scalable Eventually Consistent Counters over Unreliable Networks 在不可靠的世界,可扩展计数很困难。



  • Programming Distributed Erlang Applications: Pitfalls and Recipes 构建可靠的分布式应用并不仅仅是的选择Erlang还是OTP的问题那么简单。


  • Principles of Robust Timing over the Internet 即便是调试这么基础的事,管理时钟也很重要。


  • Consistent Hashing and Random Trees
  • Amazon’s Dynamo Storage Service

Paxos 一致性算法

理解这种算法是一个挑战。我建议在阅读其他论文之前先读读“Paxos Made Simple”,然后在读完其他论文之后,再读一遍。

  • The Part-Time Parliament – Leslie Lamport
  • Paxos Made Simple – Leslie Lamport
  • Paxos Made Live – An Engineering Perspective – Chandra等人
  • Revisiting the Paxos Algorithm – Lynch 等人
  • How to build a highly available system with consensus – Butler Lampson
  • Reconfiguring a State Machine – Lamport 等人 -改变集群的成员
  • Implementing Fault-Tolerant Services Using the State Machine Approach: a Tutorial – Fred Schneider


  • Mencius: Building Efficient Replicated State Machines for WANs – 针对广域网的一致性算法

Gossip 协议(传染行为)

  • Epidemic Routing Bibliography
  • How robust are gossip-based communication protocols
  • Astrolabe: A Robust and Scalable Technology For Distributed Systems Monitoring, Management, and Data Mining
  • Epidemic Computing at Cornell
  • Fighting Fire With Fire: Using Randomized Gossip To Combat Stochastic Scalability Limits
  • Bi-Modal Multicast
  • ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review – Gossip-based computer networking
  • SWIM: Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-style Process Group Membership Protocol


  • Chord:一种针对互联网应用的可扩展的点对点查找协议。
  • Kademlia: 一种基于XOR的点对点信息系统
  • Pastry: 可扩展的,去中心化的对象位置和对大规模点对点系统的路由。
  • PAST: 一种大规模,持久化的点对点存储功能——Pastry上的存储系统
  • SCRIBE: 一个大规模且去中心化的应用层多播基础设施——Pastry上的广域消息系统。
posted @ 2015-11-23 11:57  scott_h  阅读(240)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报