编程有时需要使用定长的容器(fixed size container)。实现旋转容器可以像下面这样:
std::vector<T> vec(size);
vec[i % size] = newelem;
#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
boost::circular_buffer<int> cb(3); // Insert threee elements into the buffer. cb.push_back(1); std::cout << "1 inserted, size:" << cb.size() << endl; std::cout << "latest is " << cb[cb.size() - 1] << endl; cb.push_back(2); std::cout << "2 inserted, size:" << cb.size() << endl; std::cout << "latest is " << cb[cb.size()-1] << endl; cb.push_back(3); std::cout << "3 inserted, size:" << cb.size() << endl; std::cout << "latest is " << cb[cb.size()-1] << endl; int a = cb[0]; // a == 1 int b = cb[1]; // b == 2 int c = cb[2]; // c == 3 std::cout << "1st is" << a << endl; std::cout << "2nd is" << b << endl; // The buffer is full now, so pushing subsequent // elements will overwrite the front-most elements. cb.push_back(4); // Overwrite 1 with 4. std::cout << "4 inserted, size:" << cb.size() << endl; std::cout << "latest is " << cb[cb.size()-1] << endl; cb.push_back(5); // Overwrite 2 with 5. std::cout << "5 inserted, size:" << cb.size() << endl; std::cout << "latest is " << cb[cb.size()-1] << endl; // The buffer now contains 3, 4 and 5. a = cb[0]; // a == 3 b = cb[1]; // b == 4 c = cb[2]; // c == 5 std::cout << "1st is" << a << endl; cb.pop_back(); // 5 is removed. cb.pop_front(); // 3 is removed. std::cout << "head and tail removed, size:" << cb.size() << endl; std::cout << "latest is " << cb[cb.size() - 1] << endl; // Leaving only one element with value = 4. int d = cb[0]; // d == 4
Programmer in Beijing
[If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself. —Albert Einstein ]