How to determine the socket connection up time on Linux

PEEID=$(sudo pgrep -u root ) && for device in `sudo lsof -anP -i -u root | grep ':9814' | awk '{print $6}'` ; do echo "${device} time" ; sudo find /proc/1/fd -lname "socket:\[${device}\]" -printf %T+\\n 2> /dev/null  ; echo  ;  done 

This questions was helpful to me, but I found using lsof instead of netstat let me avoid all the HEX stuff:

For a process ${APP} run by user ${USER}, the following returns all the open sockets to the IP address ${IP}:

PEEID=$(sudo pgrep -u ${USER} ${APP}) && for i in `sudo lsof -anP -i -u logstash | grep ${IP} | awk '{print $6}'` ; do echo "${device} time" ; sudo find /proc/${PEEID}/fd -lname "socket:\[${device}\]" -printf %t 2> /dev/null  ; echo  ;  done

The lsof contains the PID too, but I am not sure how to get it and the device number.

This was tested on Amazon Linux.

posted @ 2021-10-20 17:03  ScottGu  阅读(30)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报