Julia - 三元运算符


a ? b : c

a 是条件表达式,如果条件 a 为真,就执行 b;如果条件 a 为假,就执行 c


julia> println(1 < 2 ? "1 is smaller than 2" : "1 is bigger than 2")
1 is smaller than 2

julia> println(1 > 2 ? "1 is smaller than 2" : "1 is bigger than 2")
1 is bigger than 2


julia> f(x, y) = println(x < y ? "x is smaller than y" : x > y ? "x is bigger than y" : "x is equal to y")
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f(1, 2)
x is smaller than y

julia> f(2, 1)
x is bigger than y

julia> f(1, 1)
x is equal to y

: 前后的表达式,只有在对应条件表达式为 true 或 false 时才执行

julia> f(x) = (println(x); x)
f (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> 1 < 2 ? f("yes") : f("no")

julia> 1 > 2 ? f("yes") : f("no")


posted @ 2018-08-23 23:52  Sch01aR#  阅读(867)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报