
以Windows 7里面的IIS7.5为例。

假设我们的service method样子为


<WebGet(UriTemplate:="{parameter}")> _
<OperationContract()> _
Function ServiceMethod(ByVal parameter As StringAs Boolean










 安装后打开IIS,从Features View里面可以看到URL Rewrite设置图标。


 双击进入设置,选择Add Rule(s)...然后选择Blank Rule



Fill out the form with the following data (we will describe the patterns in detail in a moment):
  1. Name:                       RemoveSvcExtension (or any name you want)
  2. Requested URL:         Matches the pattern
  3. Using:                       Regular Expressions
  4. Pattern:                    ^([0-9a-zA-Z\-]+)/([0-9a-zA-Z\-\.\/\(\)]+)
  5. Ignore Case:             Checked
  6. Action Type:              Rewrite
  7. Rewrite URL:             {R:1}.svc/{R:2}
  8. Append QueryString   Checked


 稍微解释一下Regex Pattern的含义。


  • The "^" indicates the beginning of the line or string
  • The parenthesis "()" allow you to define a numbered capture group, meaning that you can reference everything inside the parens later by index.  In our example, we have 2 numbered capture groups 1 and 2.  You refer back to these later with the syntax: {R:1} and {R:2}
  • The pattern [0-9a-zA-Z\-]+ indicates any character in 0-9, lowercase a-z, uppercase A-Z or "-", one or more repetitions.
  • The / is a straight match to a slash "/".  In other words, the first named capture group will capture 0-9,a-z, A-Z and "-" prior to the first "/" and you will be able to reference them with {R:1}
  • Then we have another named capture group
  • The pattern [0-9a-zA-Z\-\.\/\(\)] matches any character in 0-9, lowercase a-z, uppercase A-Z or "-", ".", "/", "(", ")", one or more repetitions.



posted @ 2011-07-08 17:50  sayo.net  阅读(1187)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报