ASP.NET Core 1.1.0 Release Notes
ASP.NET Core 1.1.0 Release Notes
We are pleased to announce the release of ASP.NET Core 1.1.0!
- Antiforgery
- AspNetCoreModule
- AzureIntegration
- BasicMiddleware
- Caching
- Common
- Configuration
- DataProtection
- DependencyInjection
- Diagnostics
- DotNetTools
- EntityFramework
- EventNotification
- FileSystem
- Hosting
- HtmlAbstractions
- HttpAbstractions
- Identity
- IISIntegration
- JsonPatch
- KestrelHttpServer
- Localization
- Logging
- MetaPackages
- Data.Sqlite
- Mvc
- MvcPrecompilation
- Options
- PlatformAbstractions
- Razor
- RazorTooling
- ResponseCaching
- Routing
- Security
- Session
- StaticFiles
- WebListener
- WebSockets