create table emp(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(32) not null,
sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male',
age int(3) unsigned not null default 23,
hire_date date not null,
post varchar(50),
post_comment varchar(100),
salary double(15,2),
office int, #一个部门一个屋子
depart_id int
insert into emp(name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values
"""#1. 查询id大于等于3小于等于6的数据"""
select id,name from emp where id>=3 and id<=6;
select id,name from emp where id between 3 and 6;
select * from emp where salary=80000 or salary=60000 or salary=79000;
select * from emp where salary in(80000,60000,79000);
select * from emp where salary not in(80000,60000,79000);
#模糊查询 like
% 匹配任意多个字符
select name,salary from emp where name like '%o%';
select name,salary from emp where name like '____';#四个下划线
select name,salary from emp where char_length(name)=4;
"""5. 查询id小于3或者大于6的数据"""
select * from emp where id<3 or id>6;
select * from emp where id not between 3 and 6;
"""6. 查询薪资不在20000,18000,17000的数据"""
select * from emp where salary not in (2000,17000,18000);
select name,post from emp where post_comment is NULL;
select post, max(salary) from emp group by post;
select post as '部门' ,max(salary) as '薪资' from emp group by post;
#as 可以给字段起别名,也可以直接忽略不写,但是不推荐,因为省略的话语义不明确,容易混乱
"""2. 获取每个部门的最低薪资"""
select post ,min(salary) from emp group by post;
select post ,avg(salary) from emp group by post;
select post,sum(salary) from emp group by post;
select post,couont(salry) from emp group by post;
select post,count(id) from emp group by post;
select post,count(age) from emp group by post;
select post,count(post_comment) from emp group by post;#报错,null不可以计数
select post ,group_concat(name) from emp group by post;
select post ,group_concat(name,'_DSB') from emp group by post;
select post ,group_concat(name,':',salary) from emp group by post;
select concat('NAME:',name) ,concat('SALARY:',salary) from emp;
select * from emp where age>20;
2. 在对结果进行分组
select * from emp where age>20 group by post;
select post,avg(salary) from emp where age>20 group by post;
select post,avg(salary) from emp
where age>20
group by post
having avg(salary) >20000;
select post,avg(salary) from emp
where age>20
group by post
having avg(salary) >1000
order by avg(salary) desc;
select * from emp where name regexp '^j.*(n|y)$';
create table dep(
id int,
name varchar(20)
create table emp(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20),
sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male',
age int,
dep_id int
insert into dep values(200,'技术'),(201,'人力资源'),(202,'销售'),(203,'运营');
insert into emp(name,sex,age,dep_id) values
1. 先获取部门的id号
select id from dep where name="技术" or name="人力资源";
2. 再去员工表里筛选对应的
select name from emp where dep_id in (200,201);
select * from emp where dep_id in (select id from dep where name="技术" or name="人力资源";);
1. 先拿到部门和员工表,拼接后的结果
2. 分析语义,得出要分组
select * from emp inner join dep on
group by
having avg(age)>25
select name from dep where id in
(select dep_id from emp group by dep_id
having avg(age) >25);
create table `student` (
`id` int unsigned primary key auto_increment,
`name` char(32) not null unique,
`sex` enum('男', '女') not null,
`city` char(32) not null,
`description` text,
`birthday` date not null default '1995-1-1',
`money` float(7, 2) default 0,
`only_child` boolean
) charset=utf8;
insert into `student`
(`name`, `sex`, `city`, `description`, `birthday`, `money`, `only_child`)
('郭德纲', '男', '北京', '班长', '1997/10/1', rand() * 100, True),
('陈乔恩', '女', '上海', NULL, '1995/3/2', rand() * 100, True),
('赵丽颖', '女', '北京', '班花, 不骄傲', '1995/4/4', rand() * 100, False),
('王宝强', '男', '重庆', '超爱吃火锅', '1998/10/5', rand() * 100, False),
('赵雅芝', '女', '重庆', '全宇宙三好学生', '1996/7/9', rand() * 100, True),
('张学友', '男', '上海', '奥林匹克总冠军!', '1993/5/2', rand() * 100, False),
('陈意涵', '女', '上海', NULL, '1994/8/30', rand() * 100, True),
('赵本山', '男', '南京', '副班长', '1995/6/1', rand() * 100, True),
('张柏芝', '女', '上海', NULL, '1997/2/28', rand() * 100, False),
('吴亦凡', '男', '南京', '大碗宽面要不要?', '1995/6/1', rand() * 100, True),
('鹿晗', '男', '北京', NULL, '1993/5/28', rand() * 100, True),
('关晓彤', '女', '北京', NULL, '1995/7/12', rand() * 100, True),
('周杰伦', '男', '台北', '小伙人才啊', '1998/3/28', rand() * 100, False),
('马云', '男', '南京', '一个字:贼有钱', '1990/4/1', rand() * 100, False),
('马化腾', '男', '上海', '马云死对头', '1990/11/28', rand() * 100, False);
create table score (
`id` int unsigned primary key auto_increment,
`math` float not null default 0,
`english` float not null default 0
) charset=utf8;
insert into score (`math`, `english`)
(49, 71), (62, 66.7), (44, 86), (77.5, 74), (41, 75),
(82, 59.5), (64.5, 85), (62, 98), (44, 36), (67, 56),
(81, 90), (78, 70), (83, 66), (40, 90), (90, 90);
#1. 查找每个城市,数学最高的学生。
select,name,sex,birthday,math from student join score on where math in (select max(math) from student join score
on group by city);
/* 方法二 */
create view v_math as select city,max(math) from student join score on group by city;
select,name,sex,city,birthday,math from student join score on where math in (select `max(math)` from v_max_math);
# 2.计算男生和女生的数学和英语平均分
select sex as '性别',round(avg(math),2) as '数学平均',round(avg(english),2) as
'英语平均分' from student join score on group by sex;
#3. 计算最大学生和最小学生差多少天。
select datediff(max(birthday),min(birthday)) as '最大相差天数' from student;
create table dept(
deptno int primary key ,
dname varchar(14),
loc varchar(13)
insert into dept values(10,'accounting','NEW YORK'),(20,'research','DALLAS');
insert into dept values(30,'sales','CHICAGO');
insert into dept values(40,'operations','BOSTON');
"员工表emp 【员工编号empno,员工姓名ename,员工工作job,员工直属领导mgr,入职时间hiredate,工资sal,奖金comm,部门编号deptno】"
create table emp(
empno int primary key,
ename varchar(10),
job varchar(9),
mgr int,
hiredate DATE,
sal double,
comm double,
deptno int
insert into emp values(7369,'smith','clerk',7902,'1980-12-17',800,NULL,20);
insert into emp values(7499,'allen','saleman',7698,'1981-02-20',1600,300,30);
insert into emp values(7521,'ward','saleman',7698,'1981-02-22',1250,500,30);
insert into emp values(7566,'jones','manager',7839,'1981-04-02',2957,NULL,20);
insert into emp values(7654,'martin','saleman',76989,'1981-09-28',1250,1400,30);
insert into emp values(7698,'blake','manager',7839,'1981-05-01',2580,NULL,30);
insert into emp values(7782,'clark','manager',7839,'1981-06-11',2450,NULL,10);
insert into emp values(7788,'scott','alalyst',7566,'1987-07-03',3000,NULL,20);
insert into emp values(7839,'king','president',NULL,'1981-11-17',5000,NULL,10);
insert into emp values(7844,'turner','saleman',7698,'1981-09-08',1500,0,30);
insert into emp values(7876,'adams','clerk',7788,'1987-07-13',1100,NULL,20);
insert into emp values(7900,'james','clerk',7698,'1981-12-03',3000,NULL,20);
insert into emp values(7902,'fork','analyst',7566,'1981-12-03',980,NULL,30);
insert into emp values(7934,'miller','clerk',7782,'1981-01-23',1300,NULL,10);
create table salgrade(
grade int,
lowsal double,
hisal double
insert into salgrade values(1,700,1200);
insert into salgrade values(2,1201,1400),(3,1401,2000),(4,2001,3000),(5,3001,9999);
- 找出名字以a,b,s开始的员工
select * from emp where ename regexp '^[abs]';
select * from emp where left(ename,1) in('a','b','s');
- 返回员工的详细信息并按照姓名排序
select * from emp order by ename;
select * from emp order by ename desc;
- 返回员工的详细信息按照工作降序工资升序排序
"先按照工作降序排序,工作一样的情况下 按照工资升序排序"
select * from emp order by job desc,sal;
- 返回拥有员工的部门名,部门号
select dept.deptno,dept.dname from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno group by deptno;
- 工资高于smith的员工信息
1. 先获取smith的工资,
2. 在查询整个表,根据上一个表进行判断
select * from emp where sal > (select sal from emp where ename='smith');
- 返回员工和所属经理的姓名
也就是要进行子连接查询, --自己表跟自己表连接
表是可以起别名的,为了区分,可以给其中 的一个起别名为 manager,另一个保持本意,就是员工表,
**连接的条件是员工的经理编号 与 经理表的员工id一致**
select emp.ename,manager.ename from emp inner join emp as manager on emp.mgr=manager.empno;
- 返回雇员的雇佣日期早于其经理雇佣日期的员工以及经理的姓名
select emp.ename,manager.ename from emp inner join emp as manager on emp.mgr=manager.empno where emp.hiredate < manager.hiredate;
- 返回员工姓名及其所在的部门名称
两个表绑定的条件就是 员工的部门编号 与 部门表中的部门编号一致
select ename,dname from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno;
- 返回从事clerk工作的员工姓名和所在的部门名称
select emp.ename,dept.dname from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno where emp.job='clerk';
- 返回部门号及其部门的最低工资
select deptno,min(sal) as 最低薪资 from emp group by deptno;
- 返回销售部(sales)所有员工的姓名
select ename from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno where dname='sales';
- 返回与scott从事相同工作的员工
select * from emp where job=(select job from emp where ename ='scott');
- 返回员工的详细信息(包括部门名称以及部门地址)
select emp.*,dept.dname,dept.loc from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno;
员工的工作 及其 该工作的最低薪资
select job,min(sal) as 最低薪资 from emp group by job;
- 返回工资处于第四级别的员工的姓名
select * from emp where sal between (select lowsal from salgrade where grade=4) and (select hisal from salgrade where grade =4);
select * from emp,salgrade where emp.sal between salgrade.lowsal and salgrade.hisal and salgrade.grade=4;
select * from emp inner join salgrade on emp.sal between salgrade.lowsal and salgrade.hisal where salgrade.grade=4;
16. 返回工资为二等级的职员名字,部门所在地、和二等级的最低工资和最高工资,(难)
select ename,sal,loc,lowsal,hisal from emp,dept,salgrade where salgrade.grade=2 and emp.deptno=dept.deptno and emp.sal between salgrade.lowsal and salgrade.hisal;
17. 工资等级高于smith的员工信息,(难)
select grade from salgrade,emp where ename='smith' and sal between lowsal and hisal; "
select emp.*,grade from emp,salgrade where sal between lowsal and hisal;
select emp.* ,grade from emp,salgrade where sal between lowsal and hisal and grade > (select grade from
salgrade,emp where ename='smith' and sal between lowsal and hisal);
create table employee(
eno int primary key auto_increment,
ename char(16) not null,
eage tinyint unsigned,
esex enum('男','女') default '男',
ejob varchar(8),
ehiredate date,
ebonus float(7,2),
ebsalary decimal(7,2),
deptno int)charset=utf8
insert into employee values
- 修改肖美丽的奖金为500
update employee set ebonus=500 where ename='肖美丽';
- 删除名为孙雯彩的员工
delete from employee where ename='孙雯彩';
- 查询出部门编号为30的所有员工
select * from employee where deptno=30;
- 所有销售员的姓名,编号,和部门编号
select ename,eno,deptno from employee where ejob='销售员';
- 找出奖金高于底薪的员工
select * from employee where ebonus>ebsalary;
- 找出奖金高于工资60%的员工
select * from employee where ebonus>ebsalary*0.6;
- 找出部门编号为20中的经理,和部门编号为10中所有销售员的详细资料
select * from employee where (deptno=20 and ejob='经理') or(deptno=10 and ejob='销售员');
- 找出部门编号为20中所有经理,部门编号为10中所有销售员,还有既不是经理又不是销售员但是其工资大于或等于20000的所有员工详细资料
select * from employee where (deptno=20 and ejob='经理') or
(deptno=10 and ejob='销售员') or ejob not in ('经理','销售员'
) and ebsalary>=20000;
- 查询有奖金的员工的职位
select distinct ejob from employee where ebonus>0;
select distinct ejob from employee where ebonus !=0;
10 查询名字由三个字组成的员工
select * from employee where ename like '___';
select * from employee where char_length(ename)=3;
11 查询2017年入职的员工信息
select * from employee where ehiredate like '2017%';
select * from employee where year(ehiredate)=2017;
select * from employee where ehiredate regexp '2017.*';
12 底薪加奖金的薪资在3000到7000之间的
select * from employee where (ebonus+ebsalary) between 3000 and 7000;