如何将web应用部署在Github page上

(1) Create a new empty github repository:

The local project has the following folder structure:
lib( folder )
|- angular.js
Follow the instructions in above picture to push the local project to github. Once done, it should look like below:

(2) use command git checkout –orphan gh-pages to create a new branch named “gh-pages”.

Add all files in local project to this branch and push them to github again via command:

git push origin gh-pages
Once done, you should find a new branch gh-pages in github now.

Switch to this branch:

Click the hyperlink of html, and you get the following url in browser:

The url for this Angular application hosted in github is:
As a result in my example, the url is:http://i042416.github.io/jerry_test/angular_controller.html
Test in browser and it works now:


posted @ 2020-08-26 21:26  汪子熙  阅读(329)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报