(1) Trigger the IDOC sending using tcode R3AS

Choose the receiver destination site from f4 help:

Click f8 to execute the sending.

(2) Launch tcode SMQ2 to check inbound QRFC queue, you should find one entry for our R3AS run in step1.

Double click on it:

Then double click it again, choose the entry for FM BAPI_CRM_SAVE and click debug icon:

(3) Now debugger window automatically pops up:

Adapter module COM_MAP_BAPIMTCS_TO_PRODUCT will be called.

Middleware framework class will be called:

These above three function modules will be executed one by one. The first one is for message replication and the second for master data management and we are only interested in the last one for IDOC sending.

Function module CRMXIF_ADP_OUTBOUND will be called:

Variable ls_data_mapped contains the product data to be sent:

Get the ALE function module name:

The real sending occurs in function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE. After execution the IDOC document number will be stored in variable idoc_comm.

The variable IDOC_DATA contains the formatted data to be sent:

write down the document number 214003

And have a look at it in tcode WE05:

It is in error status 29

Error code 29 means the receiver of IDoc is its own logical system
So we can check via tcode SMOEAC against the IDOC receiver site. And yes, the configuration there is wrong, since currently we are triggering IDOC send right in QDD, and we should not set it again as receiver site.


posted @ 2020-08-06 16:19  汪子熙  阅读(263)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报