三级菜单作业,优化,保存在文件; 购物车,充值,重复购买等
1、菜单内容保存在文件 menu
{'jiangsu': {'wuxi': {'宜兴':{'官林':{}}, 'jiangying':{}, 'xishan':{}}, 'nanjing': {'qixia', 'gulou', 'changning', 'zhongshan'}},
'zhejiang': {'嘉兴': {'a2', 'a3', 'a4'},'宁波': {'a1', 'a2', 'a3'}},
'guangzhou': {1: {'a'}, 2: {'b'}, 3:{'c'}}
2、用函数取menu内容,转化内容为字典格式; 函数: eval()
with open('menu') as poem: f=poem.read() dic_city=eval(f) # print(type(dic_city)) last_layer=[] current_layer=dic_city while True: for i in current_layer: print(i) choice = input('pls input your next_destion:').strip() if len(choice)==0:continue if choice in current_layer: # print(choice) last_layer.append(current_layer) current_layer = current_layer[choice] # print(last_layer) # print(current_layer) if choice=='b' and last_layer: # if last_layer: current_layer = last_layer[-1] last_layer.pop()
# 商品信息- 数量、单价、名称
# 2. 用户信息- 帐号、密码、余额
# 3. 用户可充值
# 4. 购物历史信息
# 5. 允许用户多次购买,每次可购买多件
# 6. 余额不足时进行提醒
# 7. 用户退出时 ,输出档次购物信息
f = open('products','r',encoding='utf8') product_list = eval(f.read()) your_cart={} temp_list=[] salary = input('select your_salary :') if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) while True: for i in enumerate(product_list): print(i) your_choice = input('input your_choice:').strip() if your_choice.isdigit(): your_choice = int(your_choice) if your_choice >=0 and your_choice < len(product_list): product = product_list[your_choice] if product[1] < salary: if product[0] in your_cart: your_cart[product[0]][1] +=1 else: your_cart[product[0]] = [product[1],1] salary -=product[1] print(your_cart) else: print('Your salary is no enough,to recharge input c :') if your_choice == 'c': salary_charge = input('recharge:').strip() if salary_charge.isdigit(): salary_charge=int(salary_charge) salary += salary_charge if your_choice == 'q': print("what are in your cart:%s"%your_cart) break