



 1 //template c++
 2 #include <iostream>
 3 using namespace std;
 5 class Dog
 6 {
 7 public:
 8     virtual void introduce() = 0; 
10 };
12 class Alaska : public Dog{
13     void introduce(){
14         cout<<"Alaska is a huge dog,balabla..."<<endl;
15     }
16 };
18 class Golden : public Dog{
19     void introduce(){
20         cout<<"Golden is a nice guy,balabla..."<<endl;
21     }
22 };
24 int main(){
25     Dog * p = NULL;
26     p = new Alaska();
27     p->introduce();
28     delete p;
30     p = new Golden();
31     p->introduce();
33     return 0;
34 }


 1 //template java 
 2 import java.io.*;
 4 abstract class CaffeineBeverageWithHook{
 5     void prepareRecipe(){
 6         boilWater();
 7         brew();
 8         pourInCup();
 9         if(customerWantsCondiments()){                //hook
10             addCondiments();
11         }
12     }
13     abstract void brew();
14     abstract void addCondiments();
15     void boilWater(){
16         System.out.println("Boiling water");
17     }
18     void pourInCup(){
19         System.out.println("Pouring into cup");
20     }
21     boolean customerWantsCondiments(){
22         return true;
23     }
24 }
26 class CoffeeWithHook extends CaffeineBeverageWithHook{
27     public void brew(){
28         System.out.println("Dipping Coffee through filter");
29     }
30     public void addCondiments(){
31         System.out.println("Adding Sugar and milk");
32     }
33     public boolean customerWantsCondiments(){
34         String answer = getUserInput();
35         if(answer.toLowerCase().startsWith("y")){
36             return true;
37         }else {
38             return false;
39         }
40     }
41     private String getUserInput(){
42         String answer = null;
43         System.out.print("Would you like milk and sugar add (y/n)?");
44         BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
45         try{
46             answer = in.readLine();
47         }catch(IOException ioe){
48             System.err.println("IO error");
49         }
50         if(null == answer)
51             return "no";
52         return answer;
53     }
54 }
56 public class template{
57     public static void main(String[] args){
58         CoffeeWithHook coffeeHook = new CoffeeWithHook();
59         System.out.println("Making coffee...");
60         coffeeHook.prepareRecipe();
61     }
62 }


 1 //template duckComparable java
 2 import java.util.Arrays;
 4 class Duck implements Comparable{
 5     String name;
 6     int    weight;
 7     public Duck(String name,int weight){
 8         this.name   = name;
 9         this.weight = weight;
10     }
11     public String toString(){
12         return name + " weights " + weight;
13     }
14     public int compareTo(Object object){
15         Duck otherDuck = (Duck)object;
16         if(this.weight < otherDuck.weight){
17             return -1;
18         }else if(this.weight == otherDuck.weight){
19             return 0;
20         }else {
21             return 1;
22         }
23     }
24 }
26 public class duckComparable{
27     public static void main(String[] args){
28         Duck[] ducks = {
29             new Duck("kaoya",4),
30             new Duck("shaoya",6),
31             new Duck("dunya",3),
32             new Duck("zhaya",7)
33         };
34         System.out.println("Before sort:");
35         display(ducks);
37         Arrays.sort(ducks);
39         System.out.println("\nAfter sort:");
40         display(ducks);
41     }
42     public static void display(Duck[] ducks){
43     for(Duck d : ducks)
44         System.out.println(d);
45     }
46 }



(2)依赖倒置:依赖于抽象接口,不依赖于实现;A依赖virtual B;C1 extends B,C2 extends B;
         倒置(inverse): 翻译比较坑,理解为换一种实现方式(思考方式)个人感觉更恰当。
(4)钩子(hook)函数:if(a) {} void a(){return true;}
(5)steeping sea     浸泡
         brew                冲泡
         dripping coffee  滴流
         prepare recipe  食谱

posted @ 2020-04-18 16:55  三岁玩童  阅读(144)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报