CPU: nomenclature

Some definitive names:

1. Socket: the thing that plug into the motherboard slot;

2. Core: multiple counts of these hardware things are included in 1 cpu socket; (Shares L2/3 Caches)

3. Thread, hyperthread: multiple logical cores seen from OS-view that shares the same ALU, FPU, L1 Cache. Normally 2 threads per core;

The rest are to change in terms of context:

4. Microprocessor, SoC(system on chip): the closure of cores and integrated circuit peripherals that makes the single core work;

5. Processor: this can be confusing, in the older times (before year 2010), a processor is a core/thread. However nowadays the processor also means the socket;

6. CPU: this is also confusing, in the older times, a cpu is a core/thread, however nowadays a cpu means a socket, and also sometimes can be used to refer to a core/thread.

7. [N]-U: this is not quite sure, but normally means a socket;

8. [N]-Way: old fashion of saying cores;

9. Node: in NUMA systems, the 1 socket together with all its peripherals (normally with main RAM);

10. Page: memory is managed in pages, normally 4k/2M sized pages;

11. Zone: 1 zone consists of several pages, a node is normally splitted into several zones with different types[Normal, DMA, ..];

posted on 2018-05-24 05:24  三叁  阅读(147)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
