[1].Common SSIS Applications

One common use for SSIS is to move data from one data source to another. The reasons for moving data are too numerous to count. Some common business reasons for using SSIS include migrating business data from one application to another, extracting data for distribution to external entities, integrating data from external entities, creating sample test data sources for development environments, and extracting and loading data into business intelligence (BI) application systems.

SSIS works extremely well in SQL Server environments, but it can also be used with many non-SQL Server database file types and many of the other database management systems deployed within your Information Technology (IT) environment. SSIS has the ability to read data from other Microsoft products, such as Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets, as well as text, Extensible Markup Language (XML), and other flat-file types.

One common IT demand in the past few decades has been the need to provide business information to a wider audience within an organization. Business intelligence is a relatively new term, but it is certainly not a new concept. The idea is simply to use information already available in your company to help decision makers across the company make decisions better and faster. BI systems can be custom developed or deployed through a variety of packaged reporting and analytic tools. The common component among the various BI systems is the underlying data that drives the information and analysis.

When you need to provide fast-response BI applications for many purposes throughout a large organization, the data that drives such systems most often comes from multiple sources. SSIS provides you with the ability to design and execute data integration operations as simple as moving data between application databases or as complex as consolidating large volumes of data from multiple data sources in different formats, while at the same time applying rules to standardize, modify, and cleanse data content prior to loading into BI data warehouses designed for reporting and analytical applications. You will learn more about data warehouse application characteristics and the role of SSIS within BI and data warehouse applications in Chapter 12, "Data Warehouse Concepts," and Chapter 13, "Populating Data Warehouse Structures," later in this book.

Even if you're not responsible for creating and maintaining a data warehouse, a reporting operational data store, OLAP cubes, or other BI applications, you'll find the features in SSIS quite useful for routine database administrative tasks and many other activities in which you need to move, transform, and load data in any form.




SSIS的SQL Server环境中运作非常良好,但它也可以用于许多非SQL Server数据库文件类型和许多其他的数据库管理系统内的信息技术(IT)环境中部署。 SSIS有能力从微软的其他产品,如Microsoft Office Excel电子表格,以及文本,可扩展标记语言(XML),以及其他平面文件类型的读取数据。

一个共同的IT需求在过去的几十年一直需要更广泛的受众提供组织内的业务信息。商业智能是一个相对较新的术语,但它肯定不是一个新概念。简单的想法是使用贵公司现有的信息,以帮助整个公司的决策者作出决定更好,更快。 BI系统可以定制开发,或通过各种包装的报告和分析工具部署。之间的各种BI系统的共同组成部分,是驱动的信息和分析的基础数据。

当你需要整个大型组织提供多种用途的快速反应BI应用,最常见的驱动器等系统的数据来自多个数据源。 SSIS提供了你的能力来设计和执行简单的数据移动或巩固大量的来自多个不同格式的数据源的数据的复杂应用程序数据库之间的数据集成操作,而在同一时间申请规则,规范,修改,和净化数据内容前加载到BI数据仓库设计的报告和分析应用。你将学到更多的数据仓库应用程序的特点和在第12章中,BI和数据仓库应用中的作用SSIS的“数据仓库概念,”和第13章,“填充数据仓库结构”,后来在这本书中。


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