Unix Commands

Basic Unix Commands

The following list of basic unix commandshas been compiled by Per Kistler.

Directory ::
Show current directory pwd
Show content of directory ls -al
Changing directory cd <newdir>
Creating directory mkdir <dir>
Deleting directory if empty rmdir <dir>
Deleting directory if full rm -r <dir>
Moving directory mv <olddir> <newdir>
Copy directory cp -r <olddir> <newdir>
Files ::
Show file entry ls -al <file>
Delete file rm -i <file>
Move file mv <file> <path>
Copy file cp <file> <newfile>
Rename file mv <oldfile> <newfile>
Show file content at once cat <file>
Show file content page wise more <file>
Show file with long lines cat <file> | fold
Show first 20 lines of file head -20 <file>
Show last 20 lines of file tail -20 <file>
Edit file <editorname> <file>
Edit file with vi vi <file>
Give all file permissions to yourself chmod 700 <file>
The above even into subdirectories chmod -R 700 <dir>
Open file for reading and executing for all chmod 644 <file>
Starting file as program <filneame> <arguments>
Find word in file grep <word> <file>
Find all files which contain a word grep -l <word> *
Find abstract pattern: ab 2 digits cd grep 'ab[0-9][0-9]cd' <file>
Comparing two files diff <file1> <file2>
Updating the date of a file touch <file>
Giving a specific date to a file touch 0101010199 <file>
Help ::
Getting help about a command man <command>
Find command related to a term man -k <term>
Where is a particular program if it is in the path which <commandname>
Is a <name> a unix command or an alias in ksh whence <commandname>
Aliases ::
Making an alias in csh/tcsh alias <aliasname> '<long_command>'
Making an alias where the arguments go in the middle alias <aliasneme> '<command> \!* <other>'
Making an alias in sh/bash/ksh alias <aliasname>='<long_command>'
Using an alias <aliasname> <arguments>
Use command instead of it's alias \<command>
Showing all aliases alias
Remove an alias unalias <aliasname>
Adjustments ::
See environment variables env
Setting the term variable if vi doesn't work setenv term vt100
Opening the X-server for X-clients xhost +
Setting the display for X-clients setenv display <computer>:0.0
Internet ::
Telnet to another computer telnet <computername>
Rlogin to another computer rlogin -l <username_there> <computername>
Browsing the net with netscape netscape
Check whether someone is logged in somwhere finger user@host.domain
Check for all people on another computer finger @host.domain
Talk to another person on another computer talk user@host.domain
Ftp building up connection ftp <computername>
Ftp adjusting for binary transfer >bin
Ftp showing directory >dir
Ftp changing directory >cd /<path>/<path>
Ftp getting a file >get <file>
Ftp getting multiple files >mget <filenamecommon>*
Ftp searching for a file >quote site find <filename>
Get the ip number of a computer nslookup <computername>
Check whether another computer is up ping <computername>
Check the pathway to another computer traceroute <computername>
Info about Unix System ::
See who is logged on who ... w ... what
Get the date date
See who logged in lately last -20
See what operating system is there uname -a
See who you are whoami
Get the name of your computer hostname
See the disk space used df -k
See you quota usage quota -v
See how much space all your files need du -k
Mail ::
Check for mail from
Read mail Mail
Compose mail Mail -s <subject> <mailaddress>
Mail a whole file ( one "<" is real ) Mail -s <subject> <mailaddr> < <file>
Compressing Files ::
Compress 50% compress <file>
Uncomress the above file.Z uncompress <file>.Z
Compress 70% gzip <file>
Uncompress the above file.gz gzip -d <file>.gz

Advanced Unix Commands

Again this list is due to Per Kistler. Thanks Per !

See the commands of all users acctcom | tail -20
See the commands of a particual user acctcom -u <username> | tail -20
Show entries for a specific commandpattern acctcom -n <pattern> | tail -20
Show all entries for commands staring with "l" acctcom -n '^l' | tail -30
Swho the output in reverse order acctom -b | more
Find words with possible misspellings (here 2) agrep -2 'macropperswan' <file>
AT ::
Execute a command once in the future at now + 5 days < scriptfile
AWK ::
Take first column of a file awk '{print $1}' <file>
Take first two colums inverted awk '{print $2,"\t",$1}' <file>
Print sum of first two colums awk '{print $1 + $2}' <file>
Find lines with "money" and print last column awk '/money/ {print $NF}' <file>
Find lines with "money" in second column awk '$2 ~ /money/ {print $0}' <file>
Find lines without "A" at end of 3-rd column awk '$3 !~ /A$/ {print $0}' <file>
Bourne again shell. Best interaktive shell right after zsh
BC ::
Calculate sin(5) echo 's(5)' | bc -l
BG ::
Put last stopped job into the background bg
Leave the inermost loop (while/until/for) break
Stop a print job allready started cancel <jobid> ( as found with lpstat -o)
Selective structure in sh/bash/ksh
CC ::
Compile a file.c cc -o <outfile> <infile>
Change group of a file chgrp <newgroupname> <file>
Change owner of a file chown <newowner> <file>
CMP ::
Act on the difference of two files cmp <file1> <file2> || <command>
COL ::
Printing the man pages without thousand "^H" man <command> | col -b | <printcommand>
See your crontab file crontab -l
Edit your crontab file crontab -e
Every monday on 05:10 do /home/fred/foo.ksh 10 5 * * 1 /home/fred/foo.ksh
Encrypt a file with a password crypt password < infile > cryptfile
Decrypt the above file crypt password < cryptfile > cleanfile
CSH ::
Oldest Berkley shell
CUT ::
Get the hostname field from the last output last | cut -c11-40
Set the date (root only) date <mmddhhmm>
Special format of date (e.g. month only) date +%m
DF ::
See the used space of the disks in kB df -k
Compare two directories dircmp <dir1> <dir2>
dtksh is a ksh93 with X11 graphics dtksh
DU ::
du = diskusage du -ks
ED ::
Commandline editor. Only used if all else fails ed <file>
Grep with "or" egrep '(A|B)' <file>
Exclude a and B egrep -v '(A|B)' <file>
EX ::
Edit a file from within a shell script ex -s file <<EOF
Edit a file with a script ex -s file < scriptfile
Calculate modulus expr 10 % 7
Check for string in variable expr $var : 'string'
Show first group of digits in string expr $var : '[^0-9]*\([a-z]*\)'
FG ::
Put the last stopped job into the foreground fg
Find a string which is not a pattern fgrep '*,/.()' <file>
See the file type (e.g. ascii) file <file>
Find a file in the whole computer find / -type f -name <file> -print
Find a file pattern find . -type f -name "*<foo>*" -print
Delete all cores in the system find / -type f -name core -exec /bin/rm -f {} \;
Find all files with a word in them find . -type f -exec grep -l <word> {} \;
Find files modified longer than a month ago find . -type f -ctime +30 -print
Use found files more then once with xargs find . -name "*.c" -print | xargs -i cp {} {}.bak
Don't search in nfs mounted filesystems find . -local ...
Follow the links while searching find . -follow ...
Look for files larger than 1 megabyte find /path -size 1000000c -print
Run find but discard the "permission denied"'s find ... 2>/dev/null ( in sh/bash/ksh only)
Find all manualpage directories find / -type d -print | egrep '.*/(catman|man)$'
Find all directories with write permissions find / -type d -perm -002 -print
The gnu version of nawk
Find patterns in lines of files or stdin grep '[a-z][0-9]' <file>
Find lines without pattern grep -v '^From' <file>
Find files which contain a pattern grep -l '^[cC]' *.f
Count lines with pattern grep -c '[Ss]uccess' <file>
Search while ignoreing case grep -i 'lAbEgF' <file>
Print a line number in front of the line grep -n 'mo.*y' <file>
Get infos about your host on silicon graphics hinv -v
IF then else ENDIF ::
Branching structure in csh/tcsh
IF then else FI ::
Branching structure in sh/bash/ksh if [[ condition ]];then commands;fi
KSH ::
Korn shell. (ksh88)
KSH93 ::
ksh93 with real number arithmetics ksh93/ksh...depends on the system
Reprint lines until eof (sh/bash/ksh) while line;do :;done
LN ::
Make a hard link b to file A ln a B
Make a symbolik link b to file A ln -s a B
Romove link B rm B
LP ::
Print file on default printer lp <file>
Print file on specific printer lp -d <destination> <file>
Show all printers lpstat -a
Check the printer queue lpstat -o
Show defoult printer destination lpstat -d
Show printer status lpstat -p
Show sceduler status lpstat -r
Make the first target of a makefile make
Make a specific target of a makefile make <target>
Make according to another file than makefile make -f <mymakefile>
Just show what would be done but don't make -n <target>
Make a directory with subdirectories at once mkdir -p <path>/<path>/<path>
See what is mounted mount
See what is mounted, but formated mount -p
Mount a cdrom to /cdrom mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom
Mount a diskpartition to /usr mount /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 /usr
Enhanced version af awk
NL ::
Number text lines from a file nl -bt -nln <file>
Start a job imune to logouts nohup <command> &
View system activity on SGI osview
An old form of compress. Use gzip instead. pack <file>
Change your password passwd
Delete password of a user (as root) passwd -d <username>
Change password of a user (as root) passwd <username>
Put single col files into one file with as many cols paste <file1> <file2> > <newfile>
Programming language which can also be used from the commandline or from ksh scripts.
PR ::
Format an ascii file for printing (76 lines) pr -l76 -h"title" <filename>
Copy a file from one computer to another rcp <comp1>:/<path>/<file> <comp2>:/<path>/
Compile a regexp from a file regcmp <file>
Entry in the file above (example) varname "^[a-z].*[0-9.*$"
Reset the terminal after having messed it up reset
Get portinfo from <host> rpcinfo -p <host>
RSH ::
Execute a command on a remote computer rsh <host> <comand>
See who is logged in in the local network rusers
Like rusers, but mostly doesn't work
This logges all which passes the screen script <logfile>
SED ::
Substitute a string in a file sed -e 's/fred/john/g' <file>
Substitute a pattern in a file sed -e 's/[0-9]+/number/g' <file>
Change all "X" to red in a html file sed -e 's!X!<font color="#FF0000">X</font>!g;
Rename files with suffix .suf1 to files with suffix .suf2 ls -1 | grep '\.suf1$' | sed -e 's/\(.*\.\)suf1/mv & \1suf2/' | sh
Change a to b but only on lines with C sed -e '/C/s/A/B/' <infile> ><outfile>
Delete all lines which contain "you owe me" sed -e '/you owe me/d' <infile> > <outfile>
Have many editing commands in a file sed -f <commandfile> <infile> > <outfile>
SH ::
Shell. The oldest AT&T shell, which is standard for universal shell scripts. Ksh is it's successor.
Stop the system shutdown -h now
Tell ashell script to pause for 10 seconds sleep 10
Sort lines of a file alphabetically sort <file>
Sort lines of a file numerically sort -n <file>
Sort and reverse the order sort -r <file>
Sort and take only one of equal lines sort -u <file>
Show the used user ID's from /etc/passwd sort +2n -t: /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3
Check for misspelled words in a file spell <file>
Check, but ignore words from okfile spell +<okfile> <file>
Split a big file for putting on floppy split -b1m <file>
Put splitters together if their name starts with x cat x* > <newfile>
Read ascii strings from a binary file strings <file>
Show the terminal settings stty -a
Change the deletions chatachter to "^H" stty erase "^H"
Do no more show what is typed in scripts stty -echo
Show the typeing again stty echo
SU ::
Become root with own environment su
Become root with root environment su -
As root become another user su <username>
Report certain lines from a growing file tail -f <file> | grep <pattern>
TAR ::
Pack together a whole directory tar cvf <outfile>.tar <dir>
Unpack a tar file tar xvf <file>.tar
Unpack and untar a file with normal tar gzip -dc <file>.tar.gz | tar xvf -
Unpack and untar a file with gnutar tar xzvf <file>tar.gz
Set the tape variable in the .cshrc for tar tape=/dev/rmt/0mbn
Put a dir onto the tape tar cv <dir>
Retrieve the dir from the tape tar xv
Retrieve only a single file from the tape tar xv <file>
Get table of contents from tape tar t
Copy a directory with links and propper permissions (cd fromdir && tar -cBf - . ) | ( cd todir && tar -xBf - )
Good interaktive shell from Berkly. Only second to bash.
TEE ::
Put output on screen and append to file who | tee -a > <file>
Check for a file test -a <file>
Check for beeing root test -O /usr/bin/su
Check for astrin beeing non null test -n "$foo"
Compare two strings numerically test $var1 -gt $var2
In a ksh script one uses "test" indirectly if [[ -a <file> ]];then ...;fi
See how much time a command needs time <command>
Protect against the the crontab find /myscratch -exec touch {} \;
TR ::
Replace a with x, b with y and c with z tr '[a-c]' '[x-z]' < infile > outfile
Catch "^C" etc. and execute a subroutine trap "mysub;exit" 0 1 2 15
Make a non extisting command to return 0 ln -s /usr/bin/true ranlib
See what system calls a command uses truss <command> > /dev/null
Show the functions which are active typset
TTY ::
See the device for your terminal tty
Show the max file size you can write ulimit
Show your umask for new files umask
Set a save umask umask 077
Find a line of each equal ones an say how many sort <file> | uniq -c
Find uniq lines sort <file> | uniq -u
Show how long the computer is running uptime
Encode a file for mailing uuencode decodedname namenow > codedname
Decode a uuencoded file uudecode <file>
Wait for a background job to terminate wait $jobid
VI ::
The main unix editor vi <file>
WC ::
Count lines in a file wc -l <file>
Execute a command for each line from pipe <command> | xargs -i grep 'pattern' {}
XON ::
Get an xterm from another computer xon <host>
Get anything from another computer xon <host> <X-client>

posted @ 2011-08-23 15:15  sangreal  阅读(500)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报