「数据结构」:模拟指针(simulated pointer)



  1、 simulatedPointer.h     定义了模拟指针的一些基本结构和方法

  2、excp.h       和前面一样,包含定制的异常类。

  3、simulatedPointer.cp    测试用的主函数

  1 //simulatedPointer.h 
  2 #ifndef __SIMULATEDPOINTER__
  3 #define __SIMULATEDPOINTER__
  4 #include <iostream>
  5 #include "excp.h"
  6 using namespace std;
  8 template<class T>
  9 class SimPointerList;
 11 template<class T>
 12 class Node {
 13 public:
 14     friend class SimPointerList<T>;
 15 private:
 16     T data;
 17     int next;
 18 };
 20 template<class T>
 21 class SimPointerList {
 22 public:
 23     SimPointerList(int maxaSize = 10);
 24     ~SimPointerList(){delete [] list;}
 25     int getFreeNode();
 26     void recycleFreeNode(int i);
 27     bool isEmpty() const;
 28     int getLength() const;
 29     SimPointerList<T>& deleteElement(int k, T& x);
 30     SimPointerList<T>& insertElement(int k, const T& x);
 31     void findElement(int k, T& x) const;
 32     int searchElement(const T& x) const;
 33     void output(ostream& out) const;
 34     int getFreeCapacity() const;
 35 private:
 36     int freeHeader;//point to the head of the free-list
 37     int usedHeader;
 38     int maxSize;
 39     Node<T> *list;
 40 };
 42 template<class T>
 43 SimPointerList<T>::SimPointerList(int maxaSize)
 44 {
 45     maxSize = maxaSize;
 46     freeHeader = 0;
 47     usedHeader = -1;
 48     list = new Node<T>[maxSize];
 49     for (int i=0; i<maxSize-1;i++)
 50         list[i].next = i+1;
 51     list[maxSize-1].next = -1;
 52 }
 54 template<class T>
 55 int SimPointerList<T>::getFreeNode()
 56 {
 57     if (freeHeader == -1)
 58         throw FullMemory();
 59     int i = freeHeader;
 60     freeHeader = list[i].next;
 61     list[i].next=-1;
 62     return i;
 63 }
 65 template<class T>
 66 void SimPointerList<T>::recycleFreeNode(int i)
 67 {
 68     if (i<0 || i>=maxSize)
 69         throw OutOfBounds();
 70     list[i].next = freeHeader;
 71     freeHeader = i;
 72 }
 74 template<class T>
 75 bool SimPointerList<T>::isEmpty() const
 76 {
 77     return usedHeader == -1;
 78 }
 80 template<class T>
 81 int SimPointerList<T>::getLength() const
 82 {
 83     int len = 0;
 84     if (usedHeader != -1)
 85         for (int begin=usedHeader; begin!=-1; begin=list[begin].next)
 86             len++;
 87     return len;
 88 }
 90 template<class T>
 91 SimPointerList<T>& SimPointerList<T>::deleteElement(int k, T& x)
 92 {
 93     if (k<=0 || k>getLength())
 94         throw OutOfBounds();
 95     int index = 0;
 96     if (k == 1)
 97     {
 98         index = usedHeader;
 99         usedHeader = list[usedHeader].next;
100     }
101     else if (getLength()==2 && k == 2)
102     {
103         index = list[usedHeader].next;
104         list[usedHeader].next = -1;
105     }
106     else
107     {
108         int prior = usedHeader;
109         for (int i=1; i<k-1; i++)
110             prior = list[prior].next;
111         index = list[prior].next;
112         list[prior].next = list[list[prior].next].next;
113     }
114     x = list[index].data;
115     list[index].next = -1;
116     recycleFreeNode(index);
117     return *this;
118 }
120 template<class T>
121 SimPointerList<T>& SimPointerList<T>::insertElement(int k, const T& x)
122 {
123     int len = getLength();
124     if (k<1 || k>len+1)
125         throw OutOfBounds();
126     if (len == maxSize)
127         throw FullMemory();
128     int index = getFreeNode();//.next field has been setted by -1
129     list[index].data = x;
130     if (usedHeader == -1 || k == 1)
131     {
132         list[index].next = usedHeader;
133         usedHeader = index;
134         return *this;
135     }
137     int begin = usedHeader;
138     for (int i=1; i<k-1; i++)
139         begin = list[begin].next;
140     list[index].next = list[begin].next;
141     list[begin].next = index;
142     return *this;
143 }
145 template<class T>
146 int SimPointerList<T>::getFreeCapacity() const
147 {
148     return maxSize - getLength();
149 }
151 template<class T>
152 void SimPointerList<T>::findElement(int k, T& x) const
153 {
154     if (k<=0 || k>getLength())
155         throw OutOfBounds();
156     int index = usedHeader;
157     for (int i=1; i<k; i++)
158         index = list[index].next;
159     x = list[index].data;
160 }
162 template<class T>
163 int SimPointerList<T>::searchElement(const T& x) const
164 {
165     int index = usedHeader;
166     int len = 0;
167     while (index != -1)
168     {
169         if (list[index].data == x)
170             break;
171         index = list[index].next;
172         len++;
173     }
174     return len;
175 }
177 template<class T>
178 void SimPointerList<T>::output(ostream& out) const
179 {
180     int len = usedHeader;
181     while (len != -1)
182     {
183         out<<list[len].data<<" ";
184         len = list[len].next;
185     }
186 }
188 template<class T>
189 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const SimPointerList<T>& x)
190 {
191     x.output(out);
192     return out;
193 }
194 #endif
 1 //excp.h
 2 #ifndef _EXCP_
 3 #define _EXCP_
 4 #include <new>
 5 using namespace std;
 7 class OutOfBounds {
 8 public:
 9     OutOfBounds(){}
10 };
12 class FullMemory {
13 public:
14     FullMemory(){}
15 };
17 void my_new_handler()
18 {
19     throw FullMemory();
20 }
22 new_handler old_handler = set_new_handler(my_new_handler);
23 #endif
 1 //simulatedPointer.cpp
 2 #include <iostream>
 3 #include "excp.h"
 4 #include "simulatedPointer.h"
 5 using namespace std;
 7 int main()
 8 {
 9     try{
10         SimPointerList<int> L(10);
11         cout<<"length : "<<L.getLength()<<endl;
12         L.insertElement(1, 2).insertElement(2, 6).insertElement(2, 4).insertElement(1, 5);
13         cout<<"length : "<<L.getLength()<<endl;
14         int x;
15         cout<<L<<endl;
16         L.findElement(2, x);
17         cout<<"The second element is : "<<x<<endl;
18         L.deleteElement(2, x);
19         cout<<"delete : "<<x<<endl;
20         cout<<"After delete : "<<L<<endl;
21         cout<<"new length is : "<<L.getLength()<<endl;
22         L.insertElement(2, 3).insertElement(1, 10);
23         cout<<"Least : "<<L<<endl;
24         cout<<"Now the length is : "<<L.getLength()<<endl;
25     }
26     catch(OutOfBounds e)
27     {
28         cout<<"out of bounds error occured"<<endl;
29     }
30     catch(FullMemory e)
31     {
32         cout<<"full memory error occured"<<endl;
33     }
34     return 0;
35 }





posted @ 2014-02-27 21:39  sangoly  阅读(1368)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报