Thank-you for your interest in Document Library Explorer.
This email provides you with your trial license key and installation instructions
for installing the webpart.
Download Details
Document Library Explorer (v1.0) - For SPS 2003 and WSS v2
Document Library Explorer 2007 (v1.1) - For MOSS 2007 and WSS v3
Your trial license key is
WebPart Installation
1. Unzip the downloaded .zip file to a temporary location
2. Open a console window
Change to the directory where the Sharepoint Administration tool, stsadm.exe is located.
eg For SPS 2003 and WSS v2, type
cd "\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\60\bin"
or, for MOSS 2007 and WSS v3, type
cd "\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\bin"
3. Use stsadm.exe to install the cab file to your virtual servers. Include the -globalinstall
switch to install the assembly to the global assembly cache.
stsadm -o addwppack -filename [pathtocabfile] -globalinstall
You will receive notification on whether installation was successful
License Installation
In order to install your trial license, you will need to edit the web.config in the root
directory of your IIS Website on which SharePoint is running.
1. Open the web.config at the root of your Sharepoint site
2. Locate the configuration/configSections node in the xml
3. Insert the following text to create a new configuration section for Document Library Explorer
4. Insert the following code into the web.config node to install your trial license
Note: this should be placed after the configSections node
5. Save and close the web.config
然后在网站上,添加webpart,在杂项里就能够看到 DocumentLibraryExplorer2007部件