/*该脚本是用来获取数据库中每个 schema 下是否是 AO 表,如果有 AO 表,将会存储于临时表
*tab_aotable中,如果是非 AO 表,那么将会存储于临时表 tab_naotable 中,由于存储非AO
*/ drop table if exists tab_aotable; drop table if exists tab_naotable; create temporary table tab_aotable(table_oid oid,table_name text,aotable text,cond char(1)) distributed by (table_oid); create temporary table tab_naotable(table_oid oid,table_name text,naotable text,cond char(1)) distributed by (table_oid); create or replace function f_get_aotable() returns void as $$ declare v_list_toid oid; v_list_tname text; v_sql text; v_is_ao_tablename text; v_table_oid oid; v_table_name text; v_is_ao_table text; cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT a.oid, c.nspname ||'.' || b.tablename FROM pg_class a, pg_tables b, pg_namespace c WHERE a.relname = b.tablename AND c.oid = a.relnamespace AND a.relname !~ '^pg|^gp|^_|^sql'; begin open cur1; loop fetch cur1 into v_list_toid,v_list_tname; exit when not found; v_sql = 'SELECT relid, t1.nspname||''.''||t1.tablename, t1.reloptions FROM pg_appendonly t, (SELECT a.oid, a.reloptions, b.tablename, c.nspname FROM pg_class a, pg_tables b, pg_namespace c WHERE a.relname = b.tablename AND c.oid = a.relnamespace AND a.relname !~ ''^pg|^gp|^_|^SQL'') t1 WHERE t.relid = t1.oid AND t1.oid = ' ||v_list_toid ; execute v_sql into v_table_oid,v_table_name,v_is_ao_table; if v_table_oid is not null then insert into tab_aotable values(v_table_oid,v_table_name,v_is_ao_table,'1'); else insert into tab_naotable values(v_list_toid,v_list_tname,'no ao table','0'); end if; end loop; raise notice 'PLPGSQL Exec Successfully'; close cur1; end; $$ language plpgsql;
ostgres=# drop table if exists tab_aotable; NOTICE: table "tab_aotable" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE postgres=# drop table if exists tab_naotable; NOTICE: table "tab_naotable" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE postgres=# postgres=# create temporary table tab_aotable(table_oid oid,table_name text,aotable text,cond char(1)) distributed by (table_oid); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# create temporary table tab_naotable(table_oid oid,table_name text,naotable text,cond char(1)) distributed by (table_oid); CREATE TABLE
postgres=# \df f_get_aotable(); List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type --------+---------------+------------------+---------------------+-------- public | f_get_aotable | void | | normal (1 row)
postgres=# select * from f_get_aotable(); NOTICE: PLPGSQL exec successfully f_get_aotable --------------- (1 row)
postgres=# SELECT * FROM tab_aotable ; table_oid | table_name | aotable | cond -----------+--------------------------------+-------------------+------ 33337 | public.tab_sales_1_prt_returns | {appendonly=true} | 1 33324 | public.tab_sales_1_prt_sales | {appendonly=true} | 1 33227 | public.tab_t2 | {appendonly=true} | 1 33314 | public.tab_sales | {appendonly=true} | 1 (4 rows)
postgres=# select * from tab_naotable ; table_oid | table_name | naotable | cond -----------+------------------------+-------------+------ 32783 | s2.tab_product_57 | no ao table | 0 32799 | s2.tab_product_60 | no ao table | 0 32815 | s2.tab_product_64 | no ao table | 0 32831 | s2.tab_product_68 | no ao table | 0 */