


  1. 色彩空间转换(Color Space Conversion"),将RGB转换为YUV色彩空间,YUV的数据更好处理
  2. 色度缩减采样(Chromenance Downsampling),将蓝红色度层的“分辨率”变小,因为人眼对颜色不敏感
  3. 离散余弦变换(Discrete Cosine Transform),找出人眼不敏感的高频信息
  4. 量化(Quantization),删除人眼不敏感的高频信息
  5. 游程编码与霍夫曼编码(Run-length Encoding & Huffman Encoding),通用数据压缩


  1. 前往源代码管理网站下载安装

  2. 解压安装

    • 配置+编译+安装

    • ./configure

      ./configure --prefix=home/hemy/workspace/libjpeg_dir/libjpeg --host=arm-linux



    • make

      命令行输入 make ,执行脚本文件

    • make install

      编译通过后,输入 make install 执行安装

      make install


  3. 安装完成后拷贝libjpegd的头文件和库文件

    1. include文件夹和lib文件夹与自己的工程文件放入同一个路径,方便工程维护


阅读README 阅读install.txt libjpeg.txt example.c



  1. 创建解码对象,并且对解码对象进行初始化,另外需要创建错误处理对象,并和解码对象进行关联。


  2. 打开待解码的jpg图片,使用fopen的时候需要添加选项”b”,以二进制方式打开文件!


  3. 读取待解码图片的文件头,并把图像信息和解码对象进行关联,通过解码对象对jpg图片进行解码


  4. 可以选择设置解码参数,如果打算以默认参数对jpg图片进行解码,则可以省略该步骤!


  5. 开始对jpg图片进行解码,调用函数之后开始解码,可以得到图像宽、图像高等信息!


  6. 开始设计一个循环,在循环中每次读取1行的图像数据,并写入到LCD中,注意:转换算法需要用户自己设计。


  7. 在所有的图像数据都已经解码完成后,则调用函数完成解码即可,然后释放相关资源!


  8. 释放解码对象



  1. 分配和初始化JPEG压缩对象

    • 使用jpeg_compress_struct结构体保存JPEG压缩所需的信息。
    • 初始化一个jpeg_error_mgr结构体,用于处理错误信息。
    • 调用jpeg_create_compress函数创建并初始化压缩对象。
  2. 指定压缩后数据的输出目标

    • 打开目标文件,并将文件流赋值给jpeg_stdio_dest函数,以便将压缩后的数据写入文件。
  3. 设置压缩参数

    • 设置图像的宽度、高度、颜色通道数和颜色空间等参数。
    • 使用jpeg_set_defaults函数设置默认压缩参数。
    • 使用jpeg_set_quality函数设置压缩质量。
  4. 开始压缩

    • 调用jpeg_start_compress函数开始压缩过程。
  5. 逐行写入图像数据

    • 使用jpeg_write_scanlines函数逐行写入图像数据。
  6. 完成压缩

    • 在写入所有图像数据后,调用jpeg_finish_compress函数完成压缩过程。
  7. 释放资源

    • 调用jpeg_destroy_compress函数释放JPEG压缩对象及其相关资源。



  • 解码JPEG文件并在LCD屏幕的指定位置显示
*   @名称   : read_JPEG_file
*   @描述   : 解码JPEG文件并在LCD屏幕的指定位置显示。
*   @参数   : 
*             - filename: 指向JPEG文件路径的字符串指针。
*             - start_x: 图像开始显示的LCD屏幕上的x坐标。
*             - start_y: 图像开始显示的LCD屏幕上的y坐标。
*   @返回值 : 如果图像成功显示,则返回1;如果发生错误,则返回0。
*   @日期   : 2024/05/17
*   @作者   :
*   @版本   : 
*             1. 2024/05/18 - 优化接口,添加了额外的参数,以更好地控制图像定位。
*   @注意   : 此函数设计用于在LCD屏幕上显示分辨率为800x480以内的JPEG图像。
*             如果JPEG图像恰好是800x480,必须将'start_x'和'start_y'设置为0,以避免段错误。
*             函数假设LCD屏幕缓冲区'lcd_mp'已正确初始化并可访问。
int read_JPEG_file (int *lcd_mp,char * filename,int start_x,int start_y)
	if(NULL == lcd_mp)
		printf("lcd mp is invaild\n");
		return 0;
  /* This struct contains the JPEG decompression parameters and pointers to
   * working space (which is allocated as needed by the JPEG library).
  struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
  /* We use our private extension JPEG error handler.
   * Note that this struct must live as long as the main JPEG parameter
   * struct, to avoid dangling-pointer problems.
  struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
  /* More stuff */
  FILE * infile;			/* source file */
  unsigned char * buffer;		/* Output row buffer */
  int row_stride;			/* physical row width in output buffer */

  /* In this example we want to open the input file before doing anything else,
   * so that the setjmp() error recovery below can assume the file is open.
   * VERY IMPORTANT: use "b" option to fopen() if you are on a machine that
   * requires it in order to read binary files.

  if ((infile = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", filename);
    return 0;

  /* Step 1: allocate and initialize JPEG decompression object */

  /* We set up the normal JPEG error routines, then override error_exit. */
  cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);

  /* Now we can initialize the JPEG decompression object. */

  /* Step 2: specify data source (eg, a file) */

  jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile);

  /* Step 3: read file parameters with jpeg_read_header() */

  (void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
  /* We can ignore the return value from jpeg_read_header since
   *   (a) suspension is not possible with the stdio data source, and
   *   (b) we passed TRUE to reject a tables-only JPEG file as an error.
   * See libjpeg.txt for more info.

  /* Step 4: set parameters for decompression */

  /* In this example, we don't need to change any of the defaults set by
   * jpeg_read_header(), so we do nothing here.

  /* Step 5: Start decompressor */

  (void) jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);
  /* We can ignore the return value since suspension is not possible
   * with the stdio data source.

  /* We may need to do some setup of our own at this point before reading
   * the data.  After jpeg_start_decompress() we have the correct scaled
   * output image dimensions available, as well as the output colormap
   * if we asked for color quantization.
   * In this example, we need to make an output work buffer of the right size.
  /* JSAMPLEs per row in output buffer */
  row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;  //计算一行的大小

  /* Make a one-row-high sample array that will go away when done with image */
  buffer = calloc(1,row_stride);

  /* Step 6: while (scan lines remain to be read) */
  /*           jpeg_read_scanlines(...); */

  /* Here we use the library's state variable cinfo.output_scanline as the
   * loop counter, so that we don't have to keep track ourselves.
  int data = 0;

	if(cinfo.output_width > 800 || cinfo.output_height > 480)
	printf("[%s] width or height is too long\n", filename);
	return 0;

  while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) 
    /* jpeg_read_scanlines expects an array of pointers to scanlines.
     * Here the array is only one element long, but you could ask for
     * more than one scanline at a time if that's more convenient.
    (void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &buffer, 1); //从上到下,从左到右  RGB RGB RGB RGB 
  	for (int i = 0; i < cinfo.output_width; ++i)  //012 345
  		data |= buffer[3*i]<<16;	//R
		  data |= buffer[3*i+1]<<8;	//G
		  data |= buffer[3*i+2];  	//B 

		lcd_mp[800*start_y + start_x + 800*(cinfo.output_scanline-1) + i] = data;

		data = 0;

  /* Step 7: Finish decompression */

  (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);
  /* We can ignore the return value since suspension is not possible
   * with the stdio data source.

  /* Step 8: Release JPEG decompression object */

  /* This is an important step since it will release a good deal of memory. */

  /* After finish_decompress, we can close the input file.
   * Here we postpone it until after no more JPEG errors are possible,
   * so as to simplify the setjmp error logic above.  (Actually, I don't
   * think that jpeg_destroy can do an error exit, but why assume anything...)

  /* At this point you may want to check to see whether any corrupt-data
   * warnings occurred (test whether is nonzero).

  /* And we're done! */
  return 1;

  • 将BMP图像文件转换为JPEG格式并保存到指定文件。
*   @名称   : write_JPEG_file
*   @描述   : 将BMP图像文件转换为JPEG格式并保存到指定文件。
*   @参数   : 
*             - filename: 指向将要保存JPEG文件路径的字符串指针。
*             - quality: 整数,指定JPEG图像的质量,范围从0(最差质量,最大压缩)到100(最佳质量,最小压缩)。
*   @返回值 : 如果转换成功并且文件被成功写入,则返回1;如果发生错误,则返回0。
*   @日期   : 2024/05/22
*   @作者   :
*   @版本   : 
*             1. 2024/05/22 - 初始版本,实现了从BMP到JPEG的基本转换功能。
*   @注意   : 此函数使用libjpeg库进行JPEG压缩。确保在调用此函数之前已经安装并配置了libjpeg。
*             函数不会对输入的BMP图像进行缩放或裁剪,所以输入图像的尺寸应该与最终JPEG图像的尺寸相匹配。
*             质量参数会影响输出文件的大小和图像质量。
int write_JPEG_file (char * filename, int quality)
//unsigned char  * image_buffer;	/* Points to large array of R,G,B-order data */
 int image_height;	/* Number of rows in image */
 int image_width;		/* Number of columns in image */

//1.打开待显示的BMP图像  fopen
  FILE * bmp_fp = fopen("10.bmp","rb"); //转换10.bmp
  if (NULL == bmp_fp)
    return -1;

	BITMAPFILEHEADER *fileinfo = malloc(14);
	BITMAPINFOHEADER *headerinfo = malloc (40);
  fread(fileinfo,14,1,bmp_fp); //读取14字节
  fread(headerinfo,40,1,bmp_fp); //读取40字节
  printf("bmp bfSize = %d\n",fileinfo->bfSize);
  printf("bmp width = %d,height = %d\n",headerinfo->biWidth,headerinfo->biHeight);
	int width=headerinfo->biWidth;
	int height=headerinfo->biHeight;
  int width_th=(width*24/8)+((4-(width*24/8)%4)%4);  //字节补齐


// 为 image_buffer 分配内存
unsigned char *image_buffer = malloc(width * height * 3);
unsigned char *rgb_buffer = malloc(width_th * height * 3);


//bmp是小端存储 自下往上
//jpeg是大端存储 自上往下
//FILE * jpeg = fopen("jpegrgb","wb"); 
char temp;
// for(int i = height-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
// {
//     for(int j = 0 ; j < width ; j++)
//     {
//       temp = image_buffer[width_th * i * 3 + j * 3];
//       image_buffer[width_th* i * 3 + j * 3] =image_buffer[width_th * i * 3 + j * 3 + 2];
//       image_buffer[width_th* i * 3 + j * 3 + 2] = temp;
//     }
//     printf("----------------------%d\n",i);
// }
for(int i = height-1,k=0; i >= 0 ; i--,k++)
    for(int j = 0 ; j < width ; j++)
      image_buffer[width * k * 3+ j * 3] = rgb_buffer[width_th * i+ j * 3+2];
      image_buffer[width * k * 3+ j * 3+1] = rgb_buffer[width_th * i+ j * 3+1];
      image_buffer[width * k * 3+ j * 3+2] = rgb_buffer[width_th * i+ j * 3];

  /* This struct contains the JPEG compression parameters and pointers to
   * working space (which is allocated as needed by the JPEG library).
   * It is possible to have several such structures, representing multiple
   * compression/decompression processes, in existence at once.  We refer
   * to any one struct (and its associated working data) as a "JPEG object".
  struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
  /* This struct represents a JPEG error handler.  It is declared separately
   * because applications often want to supply a specialized error handler
   * (see the second half of this file for an example).  But here we just
   * take the easy way out and use the standard error handler, which will
   * print a message on stderr and call exit() if compression fails.
   * Note that this struct must live as long as the main JPEG parameter
   * struct, to avoid dangling-pointer problems.
  struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
  /* More stuff */
  FILE * outfile =fopen(filename, "wb");		/* target file */
  JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];	/* pointer to JSAMPLE row[s] */
  int row_stride;		/* physical row width in image buffer */

  /* Step 1: allocate and initialize JPEG compression object */

  /* We have to set up the error handler first, in case the initialization
   * step fails.  (Unlikely, but it could happen if you are out of memory.)
   * This routine fills in the contents of struct jerr, and returns jerr's
   * address which we place into the link field in cinfo.
  cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
  /* Now we can initialize the JPEG compression object. */

  /* Step 2: specify data destination (eg, a file) */
  /* Note: steps 2 and 3 can be done in either order. */

  /* Here we use the library-supplied code to send compressed data to a
   * stdio stream.  You can also write your own code to do something else.
   * VERY IMPORTANT: use "b" option to fopen() if you are on a machine that
   * requires it in order to write binary files.
  if ((outfile) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", filename);
    return 0;

  jpeg_stdio_dest(&cinfo, outfile);
  printf("jpeg stdio\n");

  /* Step 3: set parameters for compression */

  /* First we supply a description of the input image.
   * Four fields of the cinfo struct must be filled in:
  cinfo.image_width = image_width; 	/* image width and height, in pixels */
  cinfo.image_height = image_height;
  cinfo.input_components = 3;		/* # of color components per pixel */
  cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; 	/* colorspace of input image */
  /* Now use the library's routine to set default compression parameters.
   * (You must set at least cinfo.in_color_space before calling this,
   * since the defaults depend on the source color space.)
  /* Now you can set any non-default parameters you wish to.
   * Here we just illustrate the use of quality (quantization table) scaling:
  jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, TRUE /* limit to baseline-JPEG values */);

  /* Step 4: Start compressor */

  /* TRUE ensures that we will write a complete interchange-JPEG file.
   * Pass TRUE unless you are very sure of what you're doing.
  jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);

  /* Step 5: while (scan lines remain to be written) */
  /*           jpeg_write_scanlines(...); */

  /* Here we use the library's state variable cinfo.next_scanline as the
   * loop counter, so that we don't have to keep track ourselves.
   * To keep things simple, we pass one scanline per call; you can pass
   * more if you wish, though.
  row_stride = image_width * 3;	/* JSAMPLEs per row in image_buffer */

  while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
    /* jpeg_write_scanlines expects an array of pointers to scanlines.
     * Here the array is only one element long, but you could pass
     * more than one scanline at a time if that's more convenient.
    row_pointer[0] = & image_buffer[cinfo.next_scanline * row_stride];
    (void) jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);

  /* Step 6: Finish compression */

  /* After finish_compress, we can close the output file. */

  /* Step 7: release JPEG compression object */

  /* This is an important step since it will release a good deal of memory. */

  /* And we're done! */
  return 1;



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