
#define OA_MSGFILE L"Message.txt"
#define MDLTREE_MENU "ActionMenu"

Function: UserPopupmenusSetup
Purpose : Setup popup menus for selected examples
int UserPopupmenusSetup()
	ProError status;
	uiCmdCmdId cmd_id;

Create commands for Object/Action wrappers around old-style         examples that aren't setup for Object/Action
	status = ProCmdActionAdd ("UGAsmcompConstrsHighlight",
		PRO_B_FALSE, PRO_B_FALSE, &cmd_id);
//ERROR_CHECK ("UserPopupmenusSetup", "ProCmdActionAdd()", status);

	Add Object/Action commands to the model tree popup menu
	status = ProMenubarmenuPushbuttonAdd (MDLTREE_MENU,
		cmd_id, OA_MSGFILE);
	//ERROR_CHECK ("UserPopupmenusSetup", //"ProMenubarmenuPushbuttonAdd()", status);

	Add the popup menu notification to the session
	status = ProNotificationSet (PRO_POPUPMENU_CREATE_POST,
//ERROR_CHECK ("UserPopupmenusSetup", "ProNotificationSet()", status);


Function: UserPopupmenuNotification
Purpose: Add buttons to popup menus when they are created.
ProError UserPopupmenuNotification (ProMenuName name)
	ProPopupMenuId menu_id;
	uiCmdCmdId cmd_id;
	ProError status;
	ProLine label;
	ProLine help;

	Check if the menu being created matches the menu name we want.
	ProPopupmenuIdGet (name, &menu_id);

	if (strcmp (name, "Sel Obj Menu") == 0)
status = ProCmdCmdIdFind ("UGAsmcompConstrsHighlight", &cmd_id);

	Extract the button label and helptext from a message file.
		status = ProMessageToBuffer (label, OA_MSGFILE,
		status = ProMessageToBuffer (help, OA_MSGFILE,

	Add the button to the end of the popup menu.
	status = ProPopupmenuButtonAdd (menu_id, PRO_VALUE_UNUSED,
			label, help,
//ERROR_CHECK ("UserPopupmenuNotification","ProPopupmenuButtonAdd()", //status);


	return PRO_TK_NO_ERROR;

#define OA 1  /* Standard OA in the menu system, typically grays out 
the button when not usable */
#define PM 2 /* OA in a popup menu, typically remove the button when 
not usable */

FUNCTION: UserAsmcompConstraintsHighlight_TestMdlTree
PURPOSE:  Test function for access for constraint highlighting from model tree RMB popup menu.
uiCmdAccessState UserAsmcompConstraintsHighlight_TestMdlTree(uiCmdAccessMode mode)
	return UserAsmcompConstraintsHighlight_TestLow (NULL, PM);

FUNCTION: UserAsmcompConstraintsHighlight_TestPM
PURPOSE: Test function for access for constraint highlighting from
graphics window RMB popup menu.
uiCmdAccessState UserAsmcompConstraintsHighlight_TestPM(uiCmdCmdId id,
														ProAppData data,
														ProSelection* sels)
	return UserAsmcompConstraintsHighlight_TestLow (sels, PM);

FUNCTION: UserAsmcompConstraintsHighlight_TestLow
PURPOSE: Test function for access for constraint highlighting
uiCmdAccessState UserAsmcompConstraintsHighlight_TestLow (ProSelection* sels,
														  int mode)
	uiCmdAccessState access_result;
	ProBoolean should_free = PRO_B_FALSE;
	ProError status;
	int size;

	Set the default return if the button is unusable.
	if (mode == OA)
		access_result = ACCESS_UNAVAILABLE;
		access_result = ACCESS_REMOVE;

If called without selections, extract the current selections from
the buffer.
	if (sels == NULL)
		status = ProSelbufferSelectionsGet (&sels);

		if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
			return access_result;

		if (sels == NULL)
			return access_result;

		should_free = PRO_B_TRUE;

	This command allows only one selection.
	status = ProArraySizeGet (sels, &size);

	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
		return access_result;

	if (size == 1)
		ProAsmcomp asmcomp;

		status = ProSelectionModelitemGet (sels [0], &asmcomp);

If the selected type is feature,its feature type must be component.
		if (asmcomp.type == PRO_FEATURE)
			ProFeattype ftype;

			status = ProFeatureTypeGet (&asmcomp, &ftype);

			if (ftype == PRO_FEAT_COMPONENT)
				access_result = ACCESS_AVAILABLE;

	If the selected type is part or assembly,it must have a parent
	assembly to use to construct the component feature handle.
	if (asmcomp.type == PRO_PART || asmcomp.type == PRO_ASSEMBLY)
			ProAsmcomppath path;

		status = ProSelectionAsmcomppathGet (sels [0], &path);

			if (path.table_num > 0)
				access_result = ACCESS_AVAILABLE;

	if (should_free)
		ProSelectionarrayFree (sels);

	return access_result;
FUNCTION: ShowDialoglg
PURPOSE:  增加的菜單動作函數
void ShowDialoglg()
posted @ 2010-04-16 21:40  samyangvs05  阅读(841)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报